Then why is Anakin wearing them? Looks like Lucaschads win again.

Anakin was from Tatooine.

Was Uncle Owen also a jedi?

who is the old guy in place of Anakin?

Who claims this?


Is that supposed to be anakin if he never suffered the burns or he was originally supposed to stay as a normal human for far longer than the seguels did?

autists that never got over the prequels

Jedi don't seek wealth, so they wear rags



I was totally surprised when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were wearing the white farm robes in TPM. Throughout my entire childhood, Jedi clothes were supposed to be those black clothes that Luke wears in ROTJ; that outfit was always described as him being in a Jedi uniform. It's kind of cool seeing something similar with destroyer droids.

Both. he was originally supposed to be older before he turned, and the scene was originally meant to be a better representation of his redemption (his physical appearing being a restoration of who he was beneath the suit).

Own wasn't a Skywalker. So why was he pissed off?

wasnt rotj when lucas pretty much officially started to lose his mind and split ways with his writing partner that tried to keep him grounded like halfway through the movie -- hence how rotj is half interesting shit and half ewoks?

WTF when did Obi-Wan kill Anakin?

This. OP BTFO.

Anakin wears that in Revenge of the Sith

So whats the significance of the black leather outfit canon wise?

Vader was naked under his suit and it was ruined when he died so obi wan must have let him borrow his extra tramp cloak.

He was edging close to the dark side, so he started wearing black

he was laxist, and insisted on carrying on the training of Qui-Gon, even after being warned by Yoda. Vader is a product of his own arrogance, and Obi-Wan knew that.

OT movies > Prequel movies
Prequel world and designs and characters > OT worlds and designs and characters

Why did Owen Lars care so much about raising his father's wifes' son's son?

If only Star Wars were ever this aesthetic

Becuase he’s a good guy

I thought Anakin and Owen were half brothers?

Honestly those don't look like rags, you can clearly see the folds with Obi-wan but he looks like he's wearing a suit like Luke's black outfit.

>be a fag
>shop out Hayden Christianson
>get yous

>subsistence farming
>can't afford droids
>only motivation to take Luke in is for essentially slave labor
>won't let Luke leave for the academy/emotionally manipulates him to keep working on the farm long after his friends have left
Was Owen a baddie?


Owen's father buys Shmi from Watto sometime after and then marries her.

Owen's father buys Shmi from Watto sometime after TPM and then marries her, but Owen was already an adult and engaged to Beru at this time.

That makes Luke's origin really fucking weird. Owen is a creep

honestly I'm just tryna spread Beru Whitesun Lars' cheeks like Moses, knowmsayn

damn, wrong pic. here's the right one

she's cute but what's up with the square jaw white women? Is Rey cousins with Luke?

>When the first post is the best post

No the first one was the right one.

Jedis were supposed to be literal knights in armour.
Obiwan was wearing these clothes because he was trying to hide from the Empire.
The prequels completely stuffed this up.

When he sliced him in half and left him in a magma river to die

Is this before Anthony Hopkins started balding?

>ywn have a sportsman's double with old and young Beru

There is nothing in the OT that references this

Even if this was the reason, Yoda is also wearing robes. Was he from Tatooine too?

Why does Anakin look as old as Obi-Wan, despite the fact Obi-Wan was his master?

seeAll the jedi are in hiding so they dress and act like exiled Hermits.
OT Darty Vader is what a Jedi would have looked like before the prequels changed this.

>he doesn't know

so in 20 years, these two age to fucking 70? Why was George Lucas so fucking retarded? Like he literally fucked up ever. single.aspect. of the PT.

>bbbut the ST sucks tooooo

Yeah I don't care. Everything outside of 4,5, and R1 sucks ass.

He was delivered as a baby to what is essentially his uncle

Nothing that weird about it

thats more like 60

Because he died when he was old you fucking mongoloid

that's a snazzy jacket she got

Aren't the deaths of obi wan and anakin like 4 years apart?

that's from a comic book adaptation of the original Lucas draft

that looks fucking cool.

That's what constantly being outside on a planet with two suns do to your skin.

Who the fuck was Uncle Ben? Did Anakin have a brother?

Why couldn't a master and apprentice be the same age? Nothing in the OT suggests the trained from birth thing that they show in the prequels.

It was his mother's husband's son you mong. Watch the goddamn movies instead.

>There is nothing in the OT that references this
"Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade, like your father did." It's also pretty clear that Owen and Beru knew Anakin, when they talk about how Luke is like him. He was clearly supposed to be from Tatooine originally, and left because of Obi-Wan.

And Obi-Wan wasn't.

Is this the argument that RLMfags have now? "When you become a force ghost, you wear whatever clothes people wear on the planet you were born on"?

Anakin was presumed dead by basically everyone until Obi-Wan saw a hologram of Vader at the cantina like five or ten years later and recognized the name. In the galaxy's eyes, Anakin is dead, and pretty much only Obi-Wan, the Emperor, Yoda, and maybe Tarkin know who he was before he put on the mask.

Ben was Anakin's stepbrother. Anakin's mother married Ben's father.

>Hey man, remember that slave that your dad was fucking way back in the day? Turns out she had a kid named Anakin. No, she didn't have him with your father, and you have never met. Anyway, Anakin just had a kid himself, but Anakin is dead now. Can you please raise the son of the son of some slave that your dad hooked up with?

Fucking makes no sense, why would Ben give a shit

obiwan and yoda appeared in the clothes they died in. anakin did not because from a narrative standpoint, it would look dumb if he was still wearing vader gear as a ghost, so they defaulted to his home planet clothes.

now bleach your insides you retarded fucking frog poster.

mike stoklasa for one
and he's right

that's 50 years of hard life

OP just proved him wrong sorry

Yoda's clothes are clearly different, he's wearing some kind of bath robe.


OP remove yourself

Same with Luke.

Why didn’t anakin wear the darker robes he actually was known for?

>when you become a force ghost you get the designated force ghost robes despite whatever you habitually wore in life

thats weird. when im edging all i fell like is cumming

her outfit cracks my shit up every time

it's like not even a costume, just some regular 70s clothes she showed up to the set in.


>the hand on the right
what the fuck

man aunt beru was the most out of place character there, but she was so sweet I cant help but feel she did a good job anyways