What are the best action movies ever?
What are the best action movies ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
Predator and Tango and Cash
>tfw you'll never cruise w/ your good buddy until the wheels come off.
My top 2 (in order):
>Terminator 2
>Die Hard
>Escape From New York
>Terminator 2
>The Terminator
>Captain America Winter Soldier
>The Dark Knight
>Bond movies
>Star Wars
But OP asked for action movies, not Christmas movies!
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Terminator 2, Matrix, Mad Max: Fury Road, Predator, The Bourne Identity, Aliens, The Fugitive, Robocop
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
>The Dark Knight
But the actions the worst part.
I'll stand by this forever
This movie just... they don't make shit like this anymore. Is this Action Flick Kino?
Isn't what he does at the end basically just home invasion and murder?
How would he get away with that?
This movie is like redneck blaxploitation. The action is decent, and the bizarre genre has garnered it a cult following, but I don't think it's truly great.
Trips say your right but my heart says no
One of the few "if you dislike this movie, I don't know what to think of you"-tier movies for me.
Terminator 1 and 2
True Lies
Escape from New York
Die Hard 1 and 3
First Blood
48 Hours
The Matrix
John Wick
Fury Road
i don't wanna sound like a hipster douche, but john woo's hong-kong movies are the best ever. the only hollywood stuff that comes close is die hard and first blood
Max Max: Fury Road
unironically this one
Clean up your act, user
first blood is defiantly up there. Commando isnt a good movie, but Ive seen it about 50 times since its so entertaining and fun g
t. reddit
>Commando isnt a good movie
Yes it is. Its schlock but it knows what it is and accomplishes its goals. As soon as I saw this scene I understood what it was and it did not disappoint.
I will stand by this - way fucking underrated.
Here's the full movie if anyone hasn't seen it:
The Matrix
The Raid
I kinda want to say Gladiator
Easily one of the best Brian Bosworth/Lance Henriksen movies ever made.
Yeah and the best motorbike/helicopter shootout ever set in the US capitol building
saw it last year for the first time, its excellent kino
Commando deserves a top spot
or 1, whatever
>I used to fuck guys like you in prison
Jet Li's - Hero is one of my top 5, no question. It was a Kung Fu flick that translated absurdly well for a Western audience.
its commie propaganda. Red Dawn is anti-commie kino
>Con Air
>Face off
>The Rock
> Drive Angry
All pure kino and he is a real actor too.
Pure Cagekino
all those movies suck ass. late 90's action is terrible and drive angry is a joke that gets old after 15 minutes
> ctrl f
>no martial arts kino
Half of Jackie Chan's films blow this thread out of the water. The only acceptable picks in this thread so far are and you actual normies.
Hard Boiled then,
Is Tango and Cash really that good ive never watched it but its always been one of those movies ive been meaning to DL but never got around to it
How the fuck is First Blood an action movie?
I hate to risk derailing the thread by going down this rabbit hole again, but Terminator 2 is NOT a Xmas movie. It just isn't.
most of those arent. no action outside of shane black is christmas related really
its not very good at all. mildly entertaining at best
Jown Wick
Ong Bak
Who am I?
Legend of the Drunken Master
The Raid
Chocolate(the stupid thai movie)
I saw the devil
Hard Boiled
The Killer
A better tomorrow
Starship Troopers(kinda)
I liked The Expendables. i should get around to watching II and III. They were very successful, I'll bet they're working on IIII now
Commando is Arnolds best action movie
no, no to all of this
But it is. He kisses Alyssa Milano, has one liners, a gearing-up sequence, and 1v1's the main antagonist
Terminator 1&2
Edge of Tomorrow
>Pain don't hurt
What is an action movie? Does Seven Samurai count?
If we're talking classic 80s-style action movies, I say:
The Road Warrior
First Blood
The Terminator
Die Hard
Total Recall
Terminator 2
(in no particular order)
Oh yeah, also throw in Aliens and Die Hard with a Vengeance.
I'm sure there are also some great Kurt Russell and Sly movies that I haven't seen but which should qualify.
I'm tempted to also add Raiders of the Lost Arc, but that isn't really a "classic 80s-style action movie".
>What is an action movie? Does Seven Samurai count?
no, it doesn't
The Road Warrior
Fury Road has nothing on it
I honestly think Predator is the best action movie of all time.
>great manly lines
>about man's survival through martial prowess
>high stakes
>high body count on the side of the good guys
>only one woman and she isn't pushed into it as a lame romantic subplot which detracts from the movie
>great weapon scenes
>best antagonist for the genre
It's also brothers kino.
>56 posts
>the raid mentioned a measly two times
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Anything with Van Dammage
besides the village scene not that much action though
This or Die Hard
You're all peasants
>anything shane black
well done
Since nobody mentioned, I will.
All the mentioned classics are great but people seriously need to apreciate more this outrageous modern kino in all its Sup Forums and reddit glory.
no just no
How many layers of irony are you on? I can't even tell if you're serious or not at this point, jesus christ man
movie has exactly ONE good scene
Since when does “Cringe” equal “Action”?
since last thursday
>including plebshit like Star Wars and Transformers
>missing Dredd, The Raid and John Wick
Since John Wick got popular.
>some people actually dont like John Wick
>Transformers, John Wick and Batman got mentioned, Police Story didn't
Great board.
Diet capeshit.
his poster was for JW2
>Im a gook