What movie comes to mind?

What movie comes to mind?



Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049

Any movie where a normal person who doesn't have super powers dresses up as a superhero and fights crime.

there are about a dozen or so of them and reddit always eats it up

seven samurai

Whichever one you like, and whichever one Sup Forums liked yesterday

if this is true then r*ddit is 10x better than this shithole


Quips of the galaxy volume 2
Doctor Quip
Spider-Man quipcoming
Avengers age of quips
Rogue one: A quip story
The force quips
The last quip
Avengers infinity quip war
Solo a quip story
Batman v quipman
Sucidide squip
Man of quip

Star Wars

blade runner 2049
guardians of the galaxy 1&2
it follows

Baby Driver


>Sup Forums's favorite movie is reddit

Nice projection and triple samefriending there bud

ITT: good movies

The Postman

Why are you so insecure if it isn't reddit?
People call DRIVE reddit all the time yet no crying


This, and based dubs

Are you ok?

baby driver
napoleon dynamite

Oh yeah? Well, why are you bringing up Drive and complaining about it being called reddit if I never even mentioned Drive, EH?!

A fun quirky movie that's nice