Some cunt pulled the WP card on Norm. Now watch her getting demolished

Some cunt pulled the WP card on Norm. Now watch her getting demolished.

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>ywn see video of prime norm in his youth smashing comedy club pussy while riffing

the internet came too late


Literally who, reddit?

Good fuckin God norm is exceptional.

god damn he mad

Norm is the comedian's comedian's comedian

Have Millennials finally broke him? Punished Norm.

I imagine if he really did grow up in poverty and had to start working at 14, nothing will tick you off more than some rich millennial calling you a yammering, privileged white man.

>unleashed Norm

>rich millennial
she's the creator of the sabrina the teenage witch show from the 90s. she's a hillaryite boomer

he's telling a story right now

post angry norms

This isn't funny. I don't get it, what's the joke?

one of the whitest TV shows I could think of.

It's a Sup Forumseddit thread, user

We haven't seen him joke yet. He's just setting up the fact he's about to go nuclear on some verified nobody.

Especially when your professional life has been a consistent failure. Fired from the Weekend Update, shows that never seemed to take hold, movies that were critical and commercial failures, etc...

Don't get me wrong. I love Norm. He has been my favorite comedian ever since I saw him on Weekend Update as a lad of 13. But his career has always made him out to always be the bridesmaid and never the bride.

So I can imagine that he'd be a bit upset about the fact that he has continuously busted his ass for 40 years only to be told that his limited successes were solely due to him being a white male.

>This isn't funny. I don't get it, what's the joke?
This is what you should ask after ever Norm Macdonald skit.

fuck off kikes

He must of got cut pretty deep, let loose norm.

Is this bait? He's had multiple successful shows and ventures and is widely regarded as one of the best living comedians in the world.

wtf when did roseanne get fuckable?

lol his brother said that Norm's father was a vice-principle of their school, he wasn't dirt poor

>having a tantrum on social media
>best anything

first one of you jerks that apologizes gets to stay on my timeline...

His entertainment shows/movies were hits and he only jokes that they failed

>I just let any old cunt and faggot insult my hard work in public and sit there like a ball of shit and just take it.

Must be nice

Is this bait? He's widely regarded as the best comedian in the world today.

That wasn’t until Norm was older.

Norm is also a victim of repeated sexual abuse. Abuse survivors can be extremely sensitive to accusations of things like “privilege”.

>Norm is also a victim of repeated sexual abuse.
Who abused him?

>I've just read an incredible article where "The Handmaid's Tale", a sub-par piece of science-fi trash, is defended by its author. The author, who rightly should be apologizing for her execrable prose, not only defends it but calls it "timely". The book has been made in to some sort of cable mini-series. I'm Canadian, so had to suffer through this book as a young person.
>It's one of those cheap, dystopian tracts. The difference with this one is it has a deeply paranoid feminist look into the future. The story is as impossible as most of these " frightening looks into the future". But to call it timely, when the possibility of this fiction ever becoming fact even more of a joke, is just a cynical cash-grab.

>One might not like the premise, the meandering non-plot, the ugly themes, the subliterate dialogue and the dull fillibustering.
>I would say "unpublishable" would describe her style.
>I don’t hate Margaret Atwood. I hate bad writing. It isn’t her fault and I’d never have anything but pity for the talentless. But the Canadian school system makes you read her.

>It is nauseating to consider that through shameless self-promotion someone like Margaret Atwood could dare consider herself Munro’s peer. Unlike Munro, Margaret Atwood is incapable of writing a novel, yet churns out chum at an alarming rate. Munro is the greatest writer Canada has ever produced but feels herself incapable of writing a novel. On the flip side sits Margaret Atwood.
>What do I care if it's well-regarded. I have eyes to read. Everyone but me is welcome to love it. But I am right.


why do you think his name was rodney dangerfield?

No, it was Norm's early life. His book states that he was very poor, his mother died when he was young, and he worked blue collar jobs to get by. Those are all lies he tells as part of his myth.

He's probably annoyed not just because she's being a cunt but because he has lost all of his money gambling 3 times and has earned every cent he got back.

A friend of the family.

Oh fuck is he about to reveal the (obvious) secret that the "Battle of the Sexes" women are so proud of was actually rigged, and that Riggs threw the match for a fat wad of retirement cash?

Shows where he was the main star:
A Minute with Stan Hooper. 13 episodes

Norm. 54 episodes. Cancelled in the 3rd season. Shows that do well enough to have a consistent audience and are relatively cheap to produce, but aren't really hits tend to get this treatment. Most actors sign a 3-year non-negotiable contract before they ever audition for a role, so producers will milk the show for everything they can and then cancel it before season 4 in order to avoid negotiating pay raises for the cast. Think Arrested Development for a prime example.

Sports Show with Norm MacDonald. 9 episodes

Yeah, those are some iconic successes that he produced and starred in. He had some moderate success with The Norm Show, but that was shut down after the initial experiment was finished, and if Norm hadn't been one of the producers, it would have probably been cancelled after a full first season.

He's getting some popularity and star status now, thanks to the internet, but his career hasn't been some unbroken string of success.

That goddamn squirrel

Much of the so called rise of pepe nationalism is merely white men reasserting their right to equality in their home

He was arguably the main star of SNL for most of the time period where he was hosting Weekend Update. A lot of people watched the show just for Update during those years.

>Everyone but me is welcome to love it. But I am right.

>let's prove her "sexism" wrong by calling her a cunt!

good job, Sup Forums - you completely convinced me that we need another talk show hosted by an aging male comedian. awesome!

There's no joke.

when was Sup Forums in charge of convincing you jack or shit dumbass?

hes going all out boys!

>their home
It's technically not "theirs", as their parents own the home.


Insult me will ya?
Call me a yammerer will ya?


Whos that giant blonde bitch

Ol' jack, they called him


Shut up you old cunt

Most people tune in for update. The ratings tank after update.

Get a load of this cunt.

check out the balls on this cunt, Marone

>not using hyperbole

choose but one

>(((monied friends)))


I would suck Norm's dick.

How dare he defend himself and sling some shit back at her, doesn't he realise that's exactly what they want? Just roll over for the strong woman please.

>trying to use their marxist invented words against them
lol good luck, the entire point of them is to be anti white male

this story he's telling on twitter right now, if this shit ends with "I mean this guy's a real jerk!" I'll just cut my dick off

>Those are all lies he tells as part of his myth.
what are you related to norm mcdonald or were in his class or some shit? did you live on his street? or were his neighbor?

>i will read your book and review it


He tends to not tell jokes on twitter. He's off work so to speak. Remember that story about that indian guy?


man, she's A REAL J E R K !

he seems genuinely upset.

boy I hate to say it but she seems like a real jerk.

Is Norm even capable of being "off"?

Yeah. He's actually really careful to make sure his "edgy" humor is just that. He doesn't hold any predudice against anyone really. He just likes to get a rise out of people, and thinks it's funny.

what story?

The guy was real jerk.

>I have decided to purchase and read your book
Oh she is fucked, Norm's book reviews are savage

How do you manage to BTFO SJWS and POL in one tweet?


don't you mansplain to me!

This story is fucking endless.

Salem was black

Don't fuck with Norm

Norm just finished his story. Feminism BTFO

It's Norm, so it's all in the delivery.

>I watched it on youtube. Larry's story was the true one. Hollywood's story was a lie."

>Print the Legend.

I got to remind you, most people aren't feminists.

Twitter is filled with subhumans so you always see this stuff.

>he doesn't know that Norm has written for pretty much every famous comedian in the past 30 years
>he doesn't know Roseanne begged him to write the new episodes

how fucking old are you?

This. Virtually every comedian has good things to say about Norm and stories to tell concerning him. That is high praise.

Billie Jean King BTFO

>I notice @BretEastonEllis describes himself as a writer in his twitter account. More of his brilliant satire.

Something Da Becky I think

Because Jacob Cohen was too Jewish so he changed it.

Weren't his parents teachers? I mean they're surely not rich, but "dead-poverty"?
Besides that having teacher parents is in general a surefire way to be ahead your working class peers, whose dumbfuck parents couldn't help with homework if their lives depended on it or nurture interest in intellectual pursuits because all they do is watch tv

I love Norm but what's up with the tangent about the tennis match? Is he losing it?

You're not supposed to post graphic violence here user

sweet jesus in a smoking birch-bark canoe

You're a faggot and that;s OK

The man from uncle

He just thought it was funny.

>I will read your book and I will review it.
she's gonna get destroyed in ways she couldn't imagine