Would a character like her have been a better villain than Snoke?
Darth Talon
sure, already kinda looks like trans adam driver
I think it's some Russian egirl/cosplay thot
depends on how many peoples faces she sits on
Yeah, she'd be interesting.
a fucking 80 yo female librarian would make a better villain at this point. i fail to see a contest here.
>this version of the ST has Rey meeting Kylo's master with not!Talon sitting on Kylo's face in the throneroom
Can't be worse than what we got
Is this a cosplayer?
it ur mum
No, it's a fucking Twi'lek Sith. There are lots of them in Eastern Europe, I heard.
post the image
they might've let a female villain win at least one fight
but will she have
It definitely would have been a better movie if Ben Solo started the movie befriending and training Rey before being seduced to the dark side but I guess Disney Wars already has too much in common with Naruto.
>implying disney Talon would look anything like that
Would look more like this, without the cleavage. Sexy females characters are demeaning to women, according to rabid feminazis, and if there's any group Disney caters to it's SJWs.
>I like this design more
Ok retard
She's showing about as much skin as a nun
trying too hard to redo darth maul, but she would have been better than snoke and emo solo
Yes. Ben Solo is a young ugly autist who wants to be something powerful. It would make perfect sense for Darth Redtits to SEDUCE him to the darkside and groom him. He could be in love with her and it could be a twisted romance. Maybe then later if he kills her for reasons he could groom his own twilek apprentice played by Isabela Moner.
Who is Snoke?
Who the fuck thought "Snoke" is a good name for a villain?
She'd sell a lot more merchandise than Snoke on account of the fact that she's very fuckable.
Disney would never do it because Twi'lek's are 10/10 breeding material and they hate this
>he thinks sexyness is directly proportional to how much skin is showing
are you 12?
Nothing about her costume is sexy, it's even a stretch to say she plays her character sexily.
KK wouldn't allow a bad female to be front and center. They included female imperials for the sake of inclusion but they barely have any lines.
so you ARE 12?
He takes his SJW He-Man movie very seriously leave him alone
The porn was amazing
Honestly some of the best stuff DP have done in recent memory
damn shame
Good god im glad this shit is non-canon now
I've got bad news for you buddy
This is Disney
guys are visual, roastie
the fuck did he mean by this?
Only on the virtue of Snoke having been an absolute nothing of a character from the very beginning who was little more than a clone of Palpatine with none of the screen presence.
Sure, get, like, Kate Beckinsale or Charlize Theron insted, have her vamp it up as evil alien queen and chances are you end up with a more compelling villain than Snoke. I like Kylo just fine though, now that he's the main antagonist the First Order might actually become interesting.
We're talking about Star Wars, not Feige's kingdom of Marvel. He does whatever the fuck he wants.
That's the original Lucas pitch btw. Talon was supposed to be a seductress that kills Jedis.
>get, like, Kate Beckinsale
(if for some reason you really *hate* Talon)
It means show me them tiddies or stop wasting my time.
you ARE 12
I'm not even the same poster. You do still have to show me them tiddies though.
Why'd they go with the sith scrotum that is Snoke?
evil white man who likes gold things is more relatable to the real struggles of today
>I'm not even the same poster.
neither am I
Another sith would have been fucking boring and undermined the death of Palpatine.
Isn't that exactly what happened in the case of the ST?
I mean, you can make a case that Luke's victory was undermined emotionally, but if one thing came from Episode 6, it's the fact that the sith no longer exist. I'd much rather take a nobody Snoke antagonist with Kylo being torn between the light and the dark than a simple "the sith are back" plot.
It's Disney, user
>tfw no alien qt to cruise around the galaxy with
Kreia was goat tho
Mouseketeer definitely BTFO
>female Maul
>butt for a head
>butt for a head
I beg your pardon ?
Force user finds a dark side planet -> starts learning from the dead sith -> ????
>without the cleavage.
that design still has cleavage
does it hurt being this retarded?
Not him but that's boring.
And stupid.