What do you think of this kino, Sup Forums?
What do you think of this kino, Sup Forums?
It's been a couple of years but i remember liking it. I especially remember the scene when they're in a house with the cannibals. Or is that Book of Eli?
Wait wtf. This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums.
too cheerful and optimistic for me
Too bad they cut out the baby eating scene.
Book is better
I cry at the end.
That guy's life is better than mine. Could you imagine how wonderful it would be to have a son?
That was The Road. horrifying scene
I still question whether them leaving that chill out bunker was the right move.
I did to cause Guy Pierce is going to eat that kid.
No he isn't. He's a good guy.
That was a great scene, surprisingly it happened exactly how I imagined it happening in the book which gave it an extra-creepiness factor.
I think that was the first time i can remember being really emotional drained after a movie. It came out around the same time as Fallout 3 which i was really into, so i was going in expecting some kind of post apocalyptic action movie, boy was i wrong.
>potential Nobel laureate's book is better than film adaptation
Wow who'd have thought
Mcarthy who wrote the book that film is based on, wrote it for his son, I dont think guy pearce eats the boy, They take him in because they don’t want him to be subjected to the horrors and what’s out on “the road”, It’s about hope in even a disastrous future, righteousness is passed on from father to son, and from parent to children, examplified by Pearce’s family. if they were going to eat him, they would of killed him and viggo long before the beach.
apparently it was filmed. at least I heard it was.
He has two kids and a wife to feed. You think he tracked him just wanted to pick up another mouth to feed? If he didn't spill the location of that can food stash quick, hes dinner.
i watched that stuff a week after my father died
fuck me.
He tracked him because his own son needed a friend. If he only wanted meat he could have killed them earlier.
it's pretty much always the case, film is the worst medium
Too Real for me.
Brutal fucking movie.
No tuff talkin heros
No bad ass sheriff delivering headshots with video game accuracy.
A dude I used to be friends with who though he was super avant-guarde in everything brought a bunch of girls he was trying to impress to see this film in the cinema and they were all horrified and thought it was terrible
The book is not as good
Child of God however...
Is it weird that they didn't have more guns and associates with them? Even with the scant resources a group of four to eight that could watch each other's backs and cover every night shift would be closer to ideal.
>it didn't make my feefees feel nice so it's terrible!
God i hate modern women.
Its M rating is really deceptive, really should have been R it was brutal
Guy Pierce character's wife tell the boy and God and shit, they're good guys you atheist cunt
suprised to see a thread here on Sup Forums
ill sum it up in a few words
> This is the only film to give a hardened man like Alex Jones recurring Nighmares.
and mee too :/
I hate all women.
>too cheerful and optimistic for me
Pretty much this.
My only complaint is the piano music at the end felt out of place.
At first I couldn't tell if the boy was actually a boy or not.
Starts off great, then falls flat at the end.
After Viggo dies and the kid joins Guy Pearce even though all the people that he met before with his dad were either cannibals or thieves and for all we know, he could be some cannibal or child molester.
No Blade of Grass is way bleaker than The Road. Your protagonists start off as a normal family, but by the end they're basically the cannibals from The Road. The movies have pretty much opposite messages.
The old blind guy was one of the good guys. But that's part of the story, everyone is a possible enemy and the good guys are few and far between.
I hated the book at first, it bothered the shit out of me, but it stuck with me and I grew to appreciate it. The film complements the book.