Wow, very poignant.
Wow, very poignant
Other urls found in this thread:
Butthurt drumftards incoming
Lets alienate the 60 million people who voted for him. That'll work wonders
The Purge films have always been an insult to intelligence, political messages notwithstanding. I'm not seeing the big deal here.
Implying all the larping nazis don't think this is funny.
They're satire, you retard.
wow. subtle, yet powerful!
Canadian here. So...what are they purging?
They're also bad films.
Or do you think simply saying "But it's satire!" is a valid defense?
Reminder that sarcasm is the defense mechanism of brainlets.
Drumpf killz minorities!
le minorities probably
Yes, but the viral marketing attemtping they made for the first one on Sup Forums was admirable.
How brave. Impeachment when?
If they're bad why are they so successful?
Enforcing laws is racist according to the people who made those laws. So minorities I assume. Unless it's just murder porn where they kill all the idiot commies.
You faggots will cry about this all year huh
Well it triggered someone on Sup Forums and now I know that a new Purge movie is coming out. It's done exactly what it was intended to do
tak tsk I thought you were better than that user
America is only 56% white.
What if the movie is about purging Trump supporters?
Reminder that you're still white. No matter how hard you #resist Drumpf, the sin of whiteness can't be washed off you.
>it triggered someone on Sup Forums
okay Esteban
You cannot be this dumb. You think bad movies can't have mass appeal? You think a good film can't be a commercial failure?
What fucking reality do you inhabit?
I'm not even American you dumb faggot
two simultaneous threads about this shit at all times for the last 24 hours. Someone's mad.
I don't see anyone claiming to be triggered in those posts?
Do you think you might have meant another word...or...?
One could argue that a financially successful film is by definition a good film. It's all a matter of perspective and what you define as "good".
You know white people live outside of America, right?
I'm aware of that yes. I'm white myself
you dont actually believe this right?
>feelings can not be expressed unless explicitly stated
Are you unironically autistic?
People of color won't have any mercy for you.
Being triggered literally requires you making the statement "I am triggered".
That's the entire point you halfwit moron.
What do you think a "trigger warning" is?
Are you unironically a brainlet?
This tbqh.
That it's a viable opinion or that it's my personal opinion? Yes to the former and no to the latter.
>two thread about a controversial thing pertaining to film.
WOW user!
>Being triggered literally requires you making the statement "I am triggered".
>Being sad literally requires you making the statement "I am sad".
>Being angry literally requires you making the statement "I am angry".
The fuck?
>Losing at least half of their fan base and thus half of the money they could earn just to make a political message
>two threads
Six big threads last nights plus all the ones mods and jannies had to delet because of spam.
You like Trump?
reee two movie threads.
this isn't star wars reeeeee
mods mods halp.
It's not a movie. IT'S A MOVEMENT
There's no need to be upset.
I dislike fascists on principle so no, I dislike Trump.
I fucking hate niggers so much.
I fucking hate niggers so much.
star wars
these people are turning me into a legit nazi
What a bizarre comment.
What's bizzare about it? No matter how progressive you're act, you're still a white shitstain on this planet.
you have shit convictions then
You might have autism friend.
You'll never stop being white.
when wanting basic border enforcement and not outsourcing all your basic jobs to the third world has people go apeshit in your face with anti white male rhetoric 24/7 dont be surprised when you eventually create the monster you cry about
Lets see.
>violence of oppressors
>rage of the marginalized
>spread across the nation
It’s like the picked every political buzzword they could find and threw them at the poster to see what would stick lmao. This movie is gonna be fun.
>people go apeshit in your face with anti white male rhetoric 24/7
Maybe don't spend 24/7 on the internet retard
>it's about leftists killing all trump supporters
woah, america really has lost it
>what do you define as good
>all a matter of perspective
Fuck off
you clearly havent been on a college campus within the last five years
>Maybe don't spend 24/7 on the internet retard
Do you live under a rock?
I work in a hospital, during my orientation we were hammered repeatedly with "diversity is our strength", I'd say 1/8th of the workforce is white, half is black, and the rest are Hispanic and Asian. I'm surprised I even was hired. White people have no idea how bad it will finally get when they're powerless and the "minorities" are carving out their own areas.
so is this supposed to be about killing trump supporters, or trump supporters killing everyone else? ive never seen one of these shitheap movies
Maybe don't live on a fucking campus
If you're turning into a "legit Nazi" then you should hate jewish-puppet Donald "Israel First" Drumpf who in one year has done more to lick israel's balls than all past presidents combined.
>hurr durr jump through several hoops so that you can ignore reality like i do!
>several hoops
Living in the real world is hard I know
>Maybe don't live on a fucking campus
Kinda like if people don't like being discriminated against they should just move, right?
It's just braindead entertainment. They're good at maerketing, that's all.
Everyone at my job started demanding women would be hired as programmers to "even the balance"
You're not clever for parroting the idea that everything is "all a matter of perspective"
No one is impressed and you're just playing word games like a wannabe post-modernist. If I filmed myself taking a shit all over your face and that film made 2 billion dollars, would you call that a good film?
Exactly, retard.
Trump is the lesser of two evils compared to Clinton but you'd have to be a complete retard to not realise how much of a fucking scum puppet he is to the zionist agenda.
Anyhow politics aside, can someone tell me if the Purge kinos are worth watching? I saw the first one starring Manuel Ferrara and thought it was pretty good. Are the sequels enjoyable?
Drumpkins temp legalize mob rule for clearing out minorities and get btfo is the likely outcome.
No. Its always rich bad poor good bs
>You're not clever for parroting the idea that everything is "all a matter of perspective"
Parroting the idea? I'm stating a fact, little babby. What is and is not "good" is inherently subjective due to "good" being an abstract value. Neither post-modernism nor word games have anything to do with this, though I'm not surprised a retard like you is REEEEEE'ing for all it's worth.
>If I filmed myself taking a shit all over your face and that film made 2 billion dollars, would you call that a good film?
No, why would I? I never claimed it to be my own opinion. The opposite, actually, as mentioned here.
The purge episode of Rick and Morty was pretty funny
I thought they already did the Trump thing with the last movie? Something about making america great or something
>he unironically believe morale relativism is nothing but a part of post-modernism
so this is the power of drumpf.
That must be so hard
Didn’t anyone see the movie’s summary above? They governtment tries to test out the purge in a few border cities, the pissed off minorities (Mexicans) fight back and show Drumpfy that the power of tacos can overcome all.
>Lets alienate the 60 million people who voted for him.
For the potential to lure in the 65 million that voted against him, with possiblity of whatever number from the 240 million remaining Americans leftover.
ayy lmao
Pretty pathetic considering the fact that the shitstain of a president you support grovels at the feet of the israeli state like the cuck he is
>Exactly, retard.
Then you need to go back.
Wow, porn must be really good.
Him recognizing Jerusalem is nothing but a negative for Israel. Now they can't get grief bucks or justify the rest of their war with Palestine, it was all they fought for.
>those playboy pics of her