The message just repeats...

Regret, Regret, Regret.

all I read is


He made it into one. Anyway, it was a terrible movie that will forever taint the Ghostbusters franchise.

>"Dear Humanity... We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"

He only regrets it because it failed


Well, it's not like he didn't fuel the fire.
Those darn trolls.


>advanced praise

>leads with Winston



>Scenic is the ugliest bitch there.

>fans of the 84 original waged a massive trolling campaign online to cast an unshakable pall over the film that hung around after it was released in 2016
Yes it was all those nasty trolls fault that your movie failed. This somehow caused a massive wave of normies to not watch the movie

>the whole publicity campaign centered around that
really makes you think

I... I am a monument to all your sins...

Why did this movie bomb? So many women worked on it!

I honestly don't understand the hate, I thought the female ghostbusters was kino.

>everyone does the numale face

Time to break out halo again

>“I think it kind of hampered us a little bit because the movie became so much of a cause. I think for some of our audience, they were like, ‘What the fuck? We don’t wanna go to a cause. We just wanna watch a fuckin’ movie,’” the director says. And he still has mixed emotions about how it all panned out.

He's not taking blame for what happened, he's suggesting it was the audience that considered the movie a 'cause'.

So even after all was said and done he doesn't realize what he might have done wrong.

Join your voice with mine and sing victory everlasting.

>only the good looking girls look somewhat funny
that's weird, usually only ugly women can be funny but it looks kind of the opposite in this cover


hatefull men stayed away from this movie intentionally out of spite for female empowerement.

>Sir, permission to leave the kinoplex.
>For what purpose, user?
>To give Hollywood back their bomb.
>Permission granted.

>it's not my fault I made a shit movie
but it is

>never intended to create
>went on a twatter campaign to defend diversity and womyn in his film

ghostbusters would have made a great porno


finally watched it lile a week ago
wasnt even that bad
just mediocre or better than expected
they mustve not known how to do the presale tix marketing trick and wasted a shit ton paying off useless article writers

I would go everyway into Wiig's cracks

This. What he is saying is that he regrets being a failure.

yes goy it's all your fault

>wasnt even that bad
Enough of this meme. It's fucking awful. It's barely even a movie. It's like a serious of SNL skits haphazardly strung together, but not even good SNL skits, the post Weekend Update skits. It was unfunny, terribly shot and edited, and barely coherent.

>make your movie a social cause to incentivise ticket sales
>market your movie as a social cause to incentivise ticket sales
>blame the audience for making the movie a cause
I hate this man

>emphasis on the boo
I think that was the problem

Not Sup Forums's fault that the entertainment industry went onto political overdrive.

Now back to redit with you.

What he's really saying is he made a horrible unfunny movie and is pushing the blame onto misogynists and hardcore feminists to save face and what little remains of his career.

>be 8
>terminal brain cancer
>make a wish ask me what my dream is
>I want to meet my favourite ghostbuster
>big day comes
>can’t wait to meet Bill Murray
>"We managed to get all four of them to come user, isn’t that great?"
>4? But Harold Ramis is dead.
>The door opens and I hear shrill laughter and mumbled ebonics
>Four women shamble in to the room wearing cheap cosplay outfits.
>The largest, a barely human looking sheboon swaggers over to me looking like she thinks she’s made my day
>"Who ya gun call lil guy?"
>The rest of them roar with laughter
>I hear a voice screaming “Ay gurls, lemme holla at ya”
>A strange negro runs in to my room and starts whooping.
>The 4 women begin to whoop along with him and chant “PHOTO OP, PHOTO OP”
>A camera flashes as I drift in to the abyss


first time i saw this image i thought it was just some make a wish thing but they couldn't get a hold on the original actors so they hired some cosplayers instead
i had no idea they were making a ghostbusters remake

Same here, i don't recognize any of the actors in the movie.

She looks like a fucking orc

Dear Humanity,

We regret being alien bastards.
We regret coming to Eatth.
And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!

At least try lad.

That ugly beast on the right is terrifying

Yeah. It's the trolls' fault your badly written "comedy" movie flopped.

El abominacion

He himself made it into a cause fuck off dumbass

Imagine the embarrassment he feels with everything he said and did during that time frame being constantly mocked and derided. Everything he said was cringeworthy and probably damaged his career. Sony was hiring for a full Ghost Corps studio to make like 8 of these films in one universe, that all fell apart because of this man.

>Imagine the embarrassment he feels with everything he said and did during that time frame being constantly mocked and derided on Sup Forums

I'd say he got by, user.

And he pretty much got black listed by sony for his troubles.
Press s to spit

The main problem with the movie was the lazyness of it all. Improv comedy works only when the people involved work well together.

Dancing for no reason and poor adlib killed any momentum the movie tried to build up. Also, why Fieg decided to turn it into an action flick with 40 minutes left is beyond me.

Most people just want to watch a good movie and not join a movement.

The success of Jumanji proofs Paul Feig wrong

>trying to look up their skirts

smart man

First time i saw i this was right after i saw the screenshot of those 3 cunts and the gorilla in front of the ghostbuters car, i fuckingblaughed my ass off for minutes, tears down my cheek, i was in a good mood that day

This is the image that killed the movie for Sup Forums

Sony is just using Fieg as a scape goat. Sony are very much to blame for the entire failure. Yes the movie sucked, but only part of that is fiegs fault. Amy is at least as guilty as he is.

I fucking hate thisugly dyke cunt bitch whore and her shitty fucking glasses. Goddess! She makes me so mad!

Exactly. They had the chance to do a regular GB3, with the original actors and stuff to please old time fans, and having a new team where you could have a couple of famous white guys, a minority dude and a woman. Literally everybody would have been happy.

But no, they had to hop on the damn feminist train.

And the worst part is I kind of liked Feig's previous work.

Goddamn those are some butterfaces.

aykroyd made nothing but trouble, who is he to criticise anyone?

Feig was a bad choice for Ghostbusters from the start. Feig is not suited for dry humor.

Even Aykroyd is pissing on this. This must've really went to shit.


They regret attacking their core fanbase because they are too stupid to make a movie?

>this movie fell short of box-office expectations, not because of its poor quality, but because of internet trolls
How many times will they use this?

Maybe he should regret having made a terrible fucking movie.


He has legit aspergers, go easy on him because he clearly has no filter.

I do agree. It was most likely Sony that came up with the idea of using the controversy as a marketing device and fanning the whole "men babies hate women" backfired badly.

I think they thought they would be able to fool people to see the movie as some sort of an empowerment thing, but in the end, it wasn't the kind of empowerment most women are interested of.


Literally the 56% face


Fucking spawn campers.

Haha what a feigot

what he said before that was that sony recommended that he do specific scenes/shots before editing, he said they didn't need them, but then when they were in editing he had to go back and do reshoots which costed tons of money.

I like how they make the sheboon ride in the back.

Do you remember after the election when she opened SNL by playing a piano dressed as Hillary? Truly stunning and brave!

he's the truest of cucks. Of course he did

"those fans waged a massive trolling campain"

- Seriously why do the keep blaming the "internet" or a group of fans for this shit - where is the proof?

Deliberately swapping genders is a political cause for fuck sake - what did they expect?


The word you're actually looking for is Turd.

>turn his film into a vehicle to push his agenda
>backfires on him, film flops
>sent to “movie jail”
>I regret everything
Well no shit. Next time try to market your movie a little differently than “see my movie or you’re a sexist racist bigot”

The left no longer believes in accountability. Failures are never their fault, always caused by some out group boogieman. See anyone blaming Sup Forums if they don't tow the progressive line.

You need to go back.

>supposed “director”
>can’t reel his “actresses” from doing long drawn out and unfunny improv scenes and tell them to stick to the script
Improv is NEVER funny. Sure you may have fun doing it but it’s like watching a bunch of people tell inside jokes. It’s not as funny as you think it is

>those fans waged a massive trolling campain
They weren't fans, they WOULD have been fans if the movie that was made wasn't politicized garbage. The people who did like it don't exist in the numbers they had hoped - I guess America isn't full of enough fat uneducated white sjw feminists yet.

it was referring to the fans of the old movies

>again implying the problem was they were female

It's the fucking reboot. If the original characters had been around to pass the torch in any way, old fans would have felt included. It was a reboot that went out of it's way to claim it was better, even in it's script.

Why would there be an entirely new fanbase for a movie that is a sequel to a cult classic from over 30 years ago?

but, but, she was supposed to be the breakout character.

>his Ghostbusters unintentionally turned into a "cause" he never intended to create
>even though the marketing strategy for the film was to chastise the original franchise's "manbaby" audience, promote the new film's high quota of women in the cast and crew and pay off reviewers and journalists to present the dislike for the film as some kind of malicious political statement

what a world we live in

wtf are you smoking.


yea I was supposed to be the princess of animeland.

>you now remember that mobile ghostbusters game where they unironically use the word “herstory” instead of history

Huh. You must just be soft in the head, because this is the one day I have to stay sober.

Women are funny. Get over it.