Want to appeal to the Chinese audience

>want to appeal to the Chinese audience
>cast this bloated subhuman


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>want to appeal to the Chinese audience

because they don't really care about the Chinese audience, just want their money

casting Rose to appeal to china is like casting a mexican cleaning lady to appeal to white america

the 2 countries hate each other. Chinks see viets as subhuman, and viets hate the chinese because they were a vassal state of china for hundreds of years

chinks have no interest in seeing their own inferiority's they want the heavenly angelic and reassuring presence of the aryan male

not having it kiss a nigger would've been a good start

if chinese want to see chinese, we have 4561251 domestic films here

people go watch a hollywood movie to see the likes of tom cruise, brad pitt etc

t. ching chong

>kill good looking sister so ugly fat shit will play forced romance

The writers in this shit series are either women or retarded liberals, probably both

She's veitnamese.

Chinese HATE south east asain, they think they're monkeys.

>and have her get BLACKED
What were they thinking?


Are you fucking retarded?

I love that they can't hide their disappointment and confusion.

We're far too well trained and obedient in the west.

Most Asains are ugly by the law of averages.

f they wanted to appeal to the Chinese audience they should have just casted Scarlett Johansson.

If you thinkof it, is not a dumb question. The pg of rose is not china pandering, but china pandering in the eyes of an (american)westner.
As everyone saw, the real chinese don't care for things like that, they don't want a 6/10 because they otherwise will fill threatened by a beautiful woman; they don't care about interracial agenda or progressive agenda; or lesbians, trans and so on.
They want a fun experience to relax. For this reason transformer and Warcraft selles like mad

>teleports behind you
>"nothin personell kid, but thats not how we win"

Then why not cast the pretty ones? It's a movie, not your average day at the mall. Pretty sure they don't want their white caucasian womyn threatened ed by a pretty asian female.

They tried to appeal to Chinese and fat acceptance simultaneously.
Corner cutting never ends well.

I can't tell my friends that I thought she was the most useless "character" in that shit. The more I get away from TLJ the more I hate it.

I thought Sup Forums hated tropes. Why do you need your entire cast to be prim and proper beautiful looking gods?

I hate the virtue signalling implementation of minority characters as much as the next moron here, but having average looking people makes it more believable.

pretty women are sexist

>Engineer of the cruiser is now able to pilot some outdated ships perfectly


Why are Chinks so superior to us cumskin losers?

The funny thing was that even Vietnam hate TLJ. Their imax slot only lasted a week before being pulled.

She's not average, that's the problem. She exists for China despite her not being Chinese. The entire casino plot was stupid and unnecessary and without it, she wouldn't even have need to say more than a line or two.

If you're planning on pandering to asians, you have to understand and heed some very basic gook mentality
>we like conventionally beautiful / handsome people. We are by nature superficial as fuck, especially S. Koreans
>we don't like black people
>we secretly want to look Eurasian
>interracial romance between a black dude and a female gook triggers us on a primal level
>we hate the living guts of other asian nationalities; i.e. Japs hates Chinks and vice versa
>we are hypocrites
>we only go to the cinemas to watch mind-numbingly dumb blockbusters and comedies

t. SEAnigger


>2 subhuman countries hate each other

Why should anyone care if insectoid countries think they're better than one other? At the end of the day they're still dirty fucking chinks

She's not even Chinese

I’ve probably seen a relative of yours die in the street whilst being totally ignored by the dozens of people walking by. Your people are fucking crazy apathetic

>Those reactions

They want to appeal to Asian Americans, not China. Huge difference.

White women have an innate jealous of pretty asains

The Communist government punishes good Samaritans as a way to keep people divided and weak. If you save someone's life you're responsible for their medical bills and caring for them if they end up disabled. That behavior is a natural response to the current law.

when did archer and cyril fly a jet?

>Want to appeal to China
>Cast somebody from Vietnam, who they despise
I thought Jews were meant to be smart.



white hollywood will always go out of there way to cast unattractive asians especially if they're male

the white male producers get butthurt and threatened giving realistic depictions of Asians

Nobody wants to appeal to Californiasians, they're normies, not a distinct demographic.

They literally are

She really does look like a monkey lol

>Cast an Asian qt in the biggest movie ever.
>Plain her up for no real reason.
>Fuck up her story arc and never give her an actual character.
Jesus fucking Christ, Rian. What have you done?!

She’s not a qt she’s a southeast Asian jungle mongrel

Pic disagrees with you, muthafucka!

She even has a nigger nose

it was more about being appealing to the fat woman demographic than the chinese

She literally has a block for a head. You are deluded


>Want to appeal to Chinamen and Jap market
>Cast an ugly Vietnamese dog who lacked discipline

i hate the snubby nignog nose

She looks like that one woman who tried to become transracial.

Dat THICC nose.


>>we hate the living guts of other asian nationalities; i.e. Japs hates Chinks and vice versa
this is the only one I can vouch for
where the fuck are you from, you insecure little shit

diversity quota

pig disgusting

>"I was very hungry to create female characters who felt real"

She must be fucking starving by this point.

I went to Beijing last year and our tour guide candidly said to us “we hate the Japanese. They are very smart and hard workers but we hate them”

>Disney wanted to intentionally isolate the second biggest market in the world
Nah, actually it's a really stupid question if you think about it

>Feminist creates character.
>She falls in love with a guy for no reason.
>To make matters worse, she has no defining traits of her own.
>She also plays with stereotypes that Asians are bad at driving.

Best sister coming through!

they misspelled "ruin"

Rose is the key to all of this


They had to kill this pure and innocent English rose too.

Thank God for the good Samaritan act over in burger land

she is actually cute

It's funny how Michael Bay gets Chinese film audiences way better than Hollywood virtue signalers.

Why did she have to be the sister that dies?

Hey at least Bobby Lee can play her in a parody skit

>Sensei, I thought Sweden was the beautiful blond jewel of Europe, what are these Mudslime shitskins doing there?

Because Michael Bay was given free reign to his movies as long he could make decent money out of them.

*subverts expectations*


who's the last girl? looks half-something

Chinks are based sometimes
Did you know they have a special word for pathetic white SJWs? Baizuo.

I don't get it.

I'm glad she died, or do you want her to end up with Finn?

Yes, and she's uglier than most Asians her age.

And fat too. They really went out on their way to cast the ugliest thing they could find.


This is true as a publicly accepted status quo, but I'm not convinced it's genuinely held except by the dumbest.
For one asians can't tell each other apart by their features except if they have obvious stereotypical faces.

how do they want to appeal chinese audience with a fat ugly viet kissing a nigger?

I don't really care tbqh, TLJ was utter shit anyway. At least she wouldn't have been so painful to look at.

In asian families Rose would be the shit sister who gets browbeaten and told,
"why can't you be like your sister? Why can't you get As and be a bomber pilot? Why are you so fat, why can't you lose weight?"
Rose would have been so happy she died

Tzuyu,she is pure taiwanese

Jackie Trans

Sweetie,... woman are funny. Get over it.

a pure princess


how retarded are disney

this is like a bollywood film trying to appeal america by adding lena dunham in it

only uggos and pink-haired yas queens allowed in the Resistance, sweetie. Didn't you get the memo?

They wrongly assumed that Chinese want to see a strong independent woman. But China is still 50 years behind of every western movement.

But she's incredibly beautiful.


by definition an average cant be most

>this is a 40 year old women.


What a great-looking site.

And poor Will Smith. He may be a filthy, disgusting Scientologist, but he deserves better than to be compared to John Boyega.

>The beauty of Star Wars is the diversity
How? they can never offer any explanations of how diversity is beautiful or beneficial