
Is he right?

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go shill this channel elsewhere

I don't listen to fat people.

The balls on this arrogant prick

>tfw he dies of a massive heart attack before Episode IX

They pretty much encapsulate everything thats wrong with the shallow, nu-fans who think that dressing up like these characters and buying merch and crying over trailers makes them more legitimate fans to the series.

They don't know or care about anything outside of
>muhh Rebels 2.0 vs Empire 2.0
All they need is a gay speech about how the force is cumming inside you to feel like the film is DEEP and WOKE. I am truly apalled and disgusted that a franchise that used to be so fun to talk about with Kotor and other media providing a darker, more interesting variant of the story to the more family friendly movies is now infested with the Soyboy abominations and Star Wars T-shirt wearing roasties.


The movie made a billion. Who fucking cares?
It's not like the director even tried to make a good movie

>listening to an obese nazi

It's a love letter in same sense that a Mona Lisa poster is a love letter to the original work.

I'm new, whats a Mona Lisa poster?

An imitation.

do you guys think moviebob lactates? he looks like he does. i bet that fucker can churn out gallons of man milk daily; imagine the profits bros. i say we seize the means of production for ourselves and live out our days in leisure; hell, we can stick him in a hotel room between milkings and charge a small fee to let crazed niggers fuck every hole in his body. moviebob's tougher than he looks, he could probably take three guys at a time.

you're full of shit user; this "man" has no balls.

i honestly thought this guy had killed himself or something. what a shame.

edit a dick in his mouth

Given his weight, it looks like he’s playing the suicide long game


He basically took this video, which actually provides reasons as of why, turned it upside-down and validated with "it's good because it's new, who cares if it's shit".

The Last Jedi is a love letter to Star Wars fans in the same way a note from your wife telling you she loves you but she's leaving you for another man is a love letter to a husband.

>TLJ is absolute dogshit and why it's good


I bet he watched it with a black dildo up his ass

>that one faggot who mass-replies for no reason

Bob Chipman is metaphysically incapable of being right.
If he claimed the sky was blue then it would rewrite history to change the definition of the word "Blue"
He's a mean, idiotic, pathetic little crypto-fascist, easily the most contemptible e-celeb currently active.

Yeah. His tweets most certainly lead me to believe that he would be an ice cold brutal tyrant if he were given power over others. Someone who would go down in history books as a truly loathsome human being.

How is he a fascist? I'm just curious, I've checked a few of his videos and he sometimes rambles on about feminism and shit like that like some desperate white-knighting ultra-nerd

>How is he a fascist?
He tweeted about something supporting eugenics one time, and most of his tweets have been mostly been about expressing his utopia of "useful people" only by gassing all the Chads and problematic gamers.

He only really airs his pro-eugenics arguments and rants about "Subhumans" on Twitter, not in his videos.

this. for all his pseudo-intellectual rambling and "right on" beliefs, bob chipman is essentially the mirror of shit like alex jones and fox news.

Alex Jones speaks the truth though.

He's worse than Alex Jones.
Jones may be a fucking nutcase, but even he wouldn't couch this talk about removing the "un-evolved" from society.

Where does shitty overweight movie critics fit in Bob's "useful people only" society?

Bob always comes across like there's a massive amount of resentment and bitterness hiding just beneath the surface. I know he was bullied relentlessly in his youth and I feel a bit sorry for him but sometimes he's just uncomfortable to listen to.

this bob?
the psychotic manlet?

He's the Nietzsche or the Aristotle of the modern age user, intellectuals are the most prized members of society.

In Bob's delusional dreamworld the "Creative intelligentsia" (Which he considers himself part of) are the highest, most worthy class of human in existence
Blob also believes that full mechanization of manual labor is a few years away and not, like, many decades.

Realistically there aren't enough raw materials to mechanise all manual labour, the raw materials are more valuable for luxury items. Humans will be cheaper for most manual labour than high tech machinery, even before you take into account the cost of additional maintenance. Automated labour is only worthwhile for large scale concepts.

>"As a man of vision and intelligence it is my duty to steer this country away from the abyss! The people be damned!"

Did you guys watch this most anticipated list of 2018?

Literally puts black panther and that shitty Oprah winfury movie "because it's the future"

He likes any movie that supports his world views.
Star Wars is not a franchise about plot points, logic, or actions; it’s a franchise about ideas and feelings. And the point of this sequence is the idea of oppression and inequality, and the feeling of righteous indignation about it, and giving Rose the opportunity to vocalize those points and establish herself as the voice for that in this new trilogy. Because, again, it’s been a missed opportunity for a long time that Star Wars has been preoccupied with the experiences of royals, elites, religious orders, and other upscale characters at the expense of everybody else. It’s a really cool step to have this character, who’s essentially a one woman get-over-your-bullshit machine, come to this glamorous place and point out that the villainy isn’t just the space Nazis, it’s the upper class that lets the Nazis get away with stuff because they stand to benefit. You see, it’s the non-mystical, on the ground component that allows the film to get away from the narrowly classist vision of the Force going on in the Rey-Luke stuff

assist me in a flight of fancy anons; would anything of value be lost if someone were to hound chipman to suicide? serious question.


Then why did I, my dad and all my friends, who are all star wars fans, feel disgusted by this film?

Fuck off MovieBlob

Because you're all rural and suburban retard nazis who should obey your upper class superiors. Also capitalism is bad because it uses class to oppress minorities.


Nice projection muttboy

I still can't believe his argument years ago about the Halo games and how fighting the Covenant was a bad thing because they're more diverse as they're made up of different species. Also how the spartans are evil because they're a bi-product of the military.

>perverted american flag
>fat neckbeard 56%er angrily screaming at you on the geek cred of a shitty capeshit movie
yup, this is contemporary culture

he was bullied a little too hard in school


I remember that one video where he started raging about the American Pie movies because they reminded him of his bullies. The guy has issues

I'd say he wasn't bullied hard enough.

No, Bob. You're never right.

We know you’re here shilling your channel, Blob. Throw on a trip. I want to dismantle your fat, sell-out, pseudo-intellectual ass.

Remember that Bob thinks that dubs exist because Sup Forums idolizes Patrick Bateman and not because, you know, it's a funny picture of a man making a face while pointing at the corner of the image.

Is Bob the epitome of The Anointed?

Why are these people so smug? I think most people hate their smugness more than their actual political views.

The day of the rope, mass repliers will hang last, with blood and phlegm in the rope as they spasm their finger looking for a mouse to click.

Fucking piece of shit, go chew some glass and mass reply the pic.

How do this idiots get me so fy king mad jesuschristo

>worthless pseudo intellectual retard uses mental gymnastics to propose a reality where they're the elite class
>literally all of their political views are based on the idea they're superior and they have to be moral decision making surrogates for the masses

David Stewart is based, why did you have to use his video for your mass reply cancer

>I think most people hate their smugness more than their actual political views.
A sperg is a sperg, whether they lean left or right. Everyone else cannot care less whether you voted for the same candidate or not.

The smugness is an integral part of the bigger picture: without it, they might stop and think about what they're saying every once in a while.

Good lord he's even more of an insufferable cringy neckbeard than I thought.

Liberal Ladies. Guys like this are your "protectors".
They'll defend you honor until death and maybe, just maybe, slip a finger in when you have too much to drink that one time.


He's so cucked

The only reason I know about this video is because some Liberal bitch I follow on twitter was saying how right this video was