> “[James] Cameron was young. He had just directed Terminator. Cameron had called a meeting to discuss his “next project.” Everyone knew Cameron had written a treatment for Alien 2 that nobody would touch because Alien was not a massive financial success. Alien 2 was not on the table. We expected a professional pitch from Cameron, an outline and a treatment of what he had in mind with a cursory budget; perhaps a couple assistants to run a slide show. Instead Cameron walked in the room without so much as a piece of paper. He went to the chalk board in the room and simply wrote the word ALIEN. Then he added an ‘S’ to make ALIENS. Dramatically, he drew two vertical lines through the ‘S’, ALIEN$. He turned around and grinned. We greenlit the project that day for $18 million.” —Gordon Carroll

It went on to gross $131M at the Box Office.

Other urls found in this thread:

>It went on to gross $131M at the Box Office

LOL what a flop!!!! cameronfags on suicide watch

This is how easy it was for boomers.


not based

Looking back it seems like an obvious thing to do, that thing with the blackboard. But people don't appreciate that the dollar sign was rarely used before Cameron brought it to the mass market. Back then people used to talk in terms of haypennies, nickels and dimes.



You got to know how to play to your audience.

I would blow James. He made The Abyss, which is another masterpiece. He made Terminator based on a fever dream. He pushes film making like George Lucas, but unlike Lucas continues to work.

>financial success
Everything you need to know about Hackmeron. He is not artist.

>what is inflation
Fucking millennials.

avatar 2 in some days

How come Alien wasn't seen as a success? 11 million budget, managed to make 104 million WW. If there was no success in that, then someone got scammed.

>making movies to test new technologies that can bring more money to producers
How can you love this dishonest dog?

after a quick wikipedia read, apparently the film made only $4 million in profit after all other costs were deducted. $4m was still a lot of money at the time, but maybe not as much as Fox wanted.

It sounds like someone got scammed then.

It's a matter of what is more profitable as an investment.

If you only made back 1.2x of your money from a project then that still is a nice profit, but when there are competing movies that may make 2x-4x as much then it makes it seem like you might have put your money into a bad idea.


> Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight! [slaps Lindsey]. Virgil 'Bud' Brigman: Fight! [slaps Lindsey again]. Virgil 'Bud' Brigman: Fight! Right now! Do it! Fight goddammit! Fight! Fight! Fiiiiight!

Profit at Box Office is meaningless due to hollywood accounting. Gross revenues and cost to make (and market it) are the only things that count.

>He made Terminator based on a fever dream

Hello newfag

flawless meme re-use, good job.

>tfw abatap comes back on avatar 2 release date

1052 to be exact

How can one man be so based?

Also, if you havent be sure to watch his Howard Stern intreview from way back in 1997. Real good stuff.

t. reddit

>Everyone knew Cameron had written a treatment for Alien 2 that nobody would touch because Alien was not a massive financial success. Alien 2 was not on the table.

The fuck?

The DVD commentary for Aliens said that the execs were considering Alien 2 and that piqued Cameron's interest, and they waited for Cameron to become available to direct it.

Why do so many of these stories contradict themselves?

You shilling for stern? Dudes a sadfag. Has a fuck tonne of personality issues cause his daddy listened to radio instead of him. So he got on radio so his daddy would love him


damn, he really knows the jews


Where is based countdown poster, did he get banned?

No he committed suicide.

Because it basically created a genre. Audiences weren't ready for it.

Jim truly is the creator.

I laughed

This Canadian cuck has ripped off SO MANY JAPANESE ANIMATION SCENES with reckless abandon it isn't even funny. HACK!

uhm.. go on

>Cameron behaves as if he were the embattled protagonist of one of his own films—an ordinary Joe beaten on the anvil of extraordinary trials. “The words ‘No’ and ‘That’s impossible’ and phrases like ‘That can’t be done’—that’s the stuff that gives him an erection,” the actor Bill Paxton, who has worked with Cameron since the early eighties, says. Cameron reserves a special quotient of his anger for suits who get in his way. “Tell your friend he’s getting fucked in the ass, and if he would stop squirming it wouldn’t hurt so much” was the message he once told a Fox producer to deliver to an executive at the studio. He sees himself as essentially outside and other and alone; he bites the hand that feeds. “Even though he knew I was on his side, nobody’s ever on his side,” Bill Mechanic, who ran Fox Studios during the making of “Titanic,” said. “It’s like you’re in the trenches and your infantry-mate is shooting at you, even if you’re the only one there who can save his life.”

>I'm not saying I didn't like the movie but, to me, it's a step backwards. Sarah Connor was not a beauty icon. She was strong, she was troubled, she was a terrible mother, and she earned the respect of the audience through pure grit. -Cameron on Wonder Woman

I didn't care for Wonder Woman, but Cameron does realize Wonder Woman is a goddess, right?

nobody gives a shit, tell those nippon assholes to get a proper budget and make real tangible movies not cartoons.


based jim
>1,052 days until Avatar

Hasn't made a decent movie in decades

You're right, they are all utter kino.


Alita when?

Really wish we would see something new since the trailer. Rumours said there would be more footage between now and the next 2 weeks so we'll have to hope.

Ok cool


how violent is the manga? is it really gut spill flying everywhere?

That 4 million figure will be hollywood accounting. It made a lot more profit than that

This story is literally fake news. Alien was a smash hit. And Cameron wrote "Alien II" while waiting on Schwarzenegger to finish the Conan sequel so he could kick Terminator into production. In the downtime he took a swing at writing a sequel to Alien and it was initially rejected and shelved by the suits at Fox for "lacking character development" and for being "wall-to-wall horror." A few months and replacement executives later, someone rediscovered Cameron's script and requested that it be used. That someone was so impressed he promised to let Cameron direct the movie if Terminator were successful and the rest is history.

he lost it
he completely butchered the new t2 release

fuck that fucking hack.

>how can one canadian be so based

I mean it has some gruesome scenes but nothing excessive. While I'd like an R rated movie, I don't get the anger about it if it's gonna be PG-13 especially since Based Jim said they'll push the boundary and use blood that isn't red since they're all cyborgs.

The manga is pretty violent, but I wouldn't say it's that important.

12A is so they can reach a bigger audience then the manga ever could.


Most boomers were able to just walk into Hollywood and get $10-20 million dollars without any prior experience, and then spend that money on cars and vacations and not even have to pay it back. No wonder millennials are mad, boomers had it so easy.