>Return Of The Jedi almost had a completely different ending. George Lucas toyed with the idea that after Luke witnesses Yoda's death, he puts his blanket on, proclaims “Now I am Yoda” and morphs into him.
Fucking seriously, Lucas?
>Return Of The Jedi almost had a completely different ending. George Lucas toyed with the idea that after Luke witnesses Yoda's death, he puts his blanket on, proclaims “Now I am Yoda” and morphs into him.
Fucking seriously, Lucas?
The joke is if Lucas made all the films how he intended them to be with all the digital extras and what not you'd all be still praising this shit.
Hardly. They'd be remembered like Krull is remembered.
This would have been quite the twist
Would you have said it subverted your expectations?
better than what we got
sounds familiar
Remember when 20th Century Fox had the good sense to keep George under close supervision to prevent any shit ideas from making the final cut? If only Disney followed suit.
Holy shit, George is an actual moron.
>still pretending that TLJ is bad
At least I would have laughed and cringed instead of just cringing for once.
That's why we don't apologise to lucas
i fucking love Krull
>lucas wanted to call sheev unironically Rich R'dee M'Nixon
Sounds like kino desu, shame he didn't have full creative control back then.
There is an alternate timeline where they did this and and the cape-getting-caught-in-door scene became the most parodied scene in movie history.
this sounds like fake news to be honest
The first part with Luke putting on the mask is obviously a joke but the rest of it... geez George.
>They'd be remembered like Krull is remembered.
So they'd be remembered as kino?
>This is a fairy tale.
Somebody tweet this to Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy.
Do you have the rest of the magazine article, user?
That's what Lynch would do.
>This is for kids.
Someone tweet this to soy boys and RLM
Why do people like these movies again? The creator is an actual child
Holy shit, it's like everyone's a literal retard and they can't read or understand context. It's George discussing, what Kasdan, the writer he was working with on Return of the Jedi, wanted to happen, and George saying that idea was dumb, because Kasdan only wanted to do it to be edgy.
>Kasdan: That's what I think should happen.
>Lucas: No, no, no. Come on, this is for kids.
>Kasdan: I think you should kill Luke and have Leia take over.
>Lucas: You don't want to kill Luke.
>Kasdan: Okay, then kill Yoda.
>Lucas: I don't want to kill Yoda. You don't have to kill people. You're a producer of the 1980s. You don't go around killing people. It's not nice.
>Kasdan: No, I'm not. I'm trying to give the story some kind of an edge to it.
>Lucas: I know, you're trying to make it more realistic, which is what I tried to do when I killed Ben -- but I managed to take the edge off of it -- and when I froze Han. But this is the end of the trilogy and we've already established that there are real dangers. I don't think we have to kill anyone to prove it.
>Kasdan: No-one has been hurt.
>Lucas: Ben and Han, they've both... Luke got his hand cut off.
>Kasdan: Ben and Han are fine. Luge got a new hand two cuts later.
>Lucas: By killing sombebody, I think you alienate the audience.
Kasdan's response though is that George likes to undo any edgy shit, by making Ben a force ghost, and having Han get frozen then unfrozen, or having Luke get a new hand a few minutes later.
But ya'll fags forgot that Kasdan penned Force Awakens and Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Explains TFA desu
I like how you left out the glaringly retarded first paragraph of the conversation...
Get fucked, retard.
Fucking A too bad they didnt do it
>Kasdan wanted to fucking kill Luke unironically
fuck off you goddamned jew, this is a space fairy tale
not being able to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism my friend.
This honestly 2bqhwyfaf
>When Snoke dies, Kylo was almost going to grab his Gucci bathrobe and say "Now I am Snoke" and morph into him
Really subverts those expectations...
Yes, I'm sure you were just "pretending" to be retarded.
Lucas is a shitty writer, but he's right.
>If movies were real life: Isn't it weird guys, every time something big & amazing happens in our lives worth remembering, one of our friends gets killed.
Holy shit, is this user seriously this retarded?
Yeah, OP! I'm sure glad that fucking white ma-I mean George Lucas isn't in charge anymore!
Be sure to watch REAL STAR WARS aka The Last Jedi in theaters!
Redlettermedia says Star Wars is for kids several time in plinkett reviews and in star wars reviews
Kasdan is perfectly right, though.
>I think the movie has more emotional weight if someone you love is lost
it worked perfectly with Yoda's death and eventually Lukes but Han's felt a bit forced, like he was being meta-killed so that the new cast could be centerpiece to the story.
Also, if the series really did have the balls to end permanently in ROTJ Luke dying and Leia becoming top dog of the new Republic would have been a good ending. Imagine if Luke and Vader both died to defeat the Emperor, fighting and dying side by side in the good. Would have been sweet tbqh.
Did you like, not read what you yourself wrote or something? Do you need to be reminded of your post?
>Luke dying and Leia becoming top dog of the new Republic would have been a good ending
Can't waste time on you after revealing yourself to be so retarded user. Sorry.
It must be me...at least I don't defend Vader's cape getting stuck in a fucking door.
maybe finish reading my post.
but to add to it, in ESB when Yoda pronounces "there is another" the lack of development of Leia in ROTJ is incredibly disappointing. If her potential is the same as Luke's then how come she goes nowhere in the end? If Luke sacrifices himself alongside Vader and ROTJ ends with Leia taking up the mantle to keep the force alive that would have been the fulfillment of Yoda's statement. Instead we had to wait 30 years to see her Superman through space.
>maybe finish reading my post.
>would have been sweet
Not a reason, friend.
>If her potential is the same as Luke's then how come she goes nowhere in the end
She takes down the shield. Did you not watch the movie?
>her potential is the same as Luke's
>She takes down the shield
yeah she was on the same level as the Ewoks. Really some great development for her there.
I miss george lucas I'm not even joking. He was a gigantic faggot with the whole original trilogy thing and the prequels have an almost endless supply of shit to complain about but compared to disney kikes he was a fucking saint.
She's the one who recruited the ewoks. Again, did you even watch the movie?
This is the man who also proposed that
>Luke Skywalker is a dwarf
>Indiana Jones 2 takes place in a haunted house
>Starkiller is given the Sith title "Darth Icky" or "Darth Insanius"
Luke doesn't figure out she has potential in the force until ROTJ and at that point he has no time to train her. Remember, this is old star wars where you actually have to train to use the force and can't just mind trick people two days after you figure out you can use the force.
In the old EU Luke does train her, her progression is slowed by the fact that she's in a leadership role in the rebellion and has more pressing matters, but she gets serious after having kids so she can be momma bear and raise little force brats better.
>Darth Insanius
This one's fine but it should be Darth Sanius since Vader and Sidious were derived from invader and insidious.
Darth Icky is hopefully just him shitposting. Hopefully.
The first and second things were early draft shit, in the 'throw out ideas, see if they stick' phase, he didn't strongly defend them, he moved on from them when they didn't stick.
The last one is Lucas trolling, he basically denied them the use of the Darth title they wanted because he didn't want Starkiller to have a Darth title.
>he has no time to train her
this isn't what I'm complaining about. I'm saying that the movie should have ended with some hinting towards her training/beginning of her training. Luke dying with Vader at the end would have been a good way for this to happen.
After Luke's car accident, they wanted to kill of Mark Hamill, as he was just too ugly to play a leading role, this is why Yoda claims, 'there is another', in reply to Kenobi mentioned that Luke is their last hope.
Luke was also based upon Lucas, Luke was originally a pudgy short fat character who overcomes expectations by becoming a hero, Luke was always a Beta male character. Star Wars itself was a platform for the career of Harrison Ford, who Lucas used again in the Indiana Jones series. Han Solo character is based upon Lucas also, Solo is actually a representation of the origins of NASCAR drivers, who were originally smugglers who tuned their cars to go faster than what the law could use.
Han's character is a continuation of Lucas' previous film, 'American Grafitti' which also stars Harrison Ford as a street racer from the 50s. Han Solo is a smuggler/racer who's always fine tuning his vehicle/spaceship.
Star Wars itself was really just a one off film that morphed into a franchise, it's sole role was to undercut Frank Herbert's Dune, Star Wars is largely adapted from Herbert's Dune, but also Star Wars copies from other sources too.
Christ Sup Forums sure is autistic today isn’t it.
You live in a world where darth icky is less cringeworthy than the disney star wars movies.
darth poopybadman
this is what prequel apologists actually believe
who's going to train Leia if the last person who knows about the Jedi is dead
>Luke was also based upon Lucas, Luke was originally a pudgy short fat character
But Lucas wasn't fat when they made the first Star Wars.
uhh... any one of the 5 extremely powerful force ghosts
the ghosts never appear for long periods of time, just pop in and offer friendly advice then fuck off. Luke received no training from force ghosts, only directions to where he can find someone who can train him.
I know, but that was what Luke was meant to be like.
Look, the prequels have a lot of problems but at least they have a passion and a vision dictated by a single person.
The sequels are a fucking mess. A misshapen, muted, tire fire that nobody likes but pretends to like because they're star wars fans.
Like it or not. the prequels came from the same mind that spawned the OT, not disney executives. deal with it.
Doesn't mean they can't. You have literally no reason to believe that Ben/Yoda/Luke/Vader training Leia as ghosts wouldn't work.
I agree with Lucas. Star Wars is a story about good defeating evil, not an edgy grim story. It tries to bring hope telling the tale of a few guys that after a lot of struggles become heroes at the end of ROTJ.I thing certain edginess worked in Empire Strikes Back because it was about the training of Luke and the confrontation of certain hard truths, among other things, but ultimately, the heroes had to win in ROTJ.Yoda's death was fine because of his age, but as a kid, I'd hated if they killed one of the hores at the end.
Also Luke struggles a lot: he's an orphan who gets his uncles killed, had to get away from his homeland with a few stranges, get involved in the rebellion battles, discover his father is a villian, almost dies in Hoth, has to train with Yoda in that awful planet and almost gets killed by the Emperor in ROTJ (where his father die to save him) That's pretty heavy stuff.
t. prequel apologists
talking about them positively, in any fashion, is tantamount to announcing that you are a retard. The only thing you're allowed to praise is the podracing since it is action filmmaking at its finest.
you guys are all fucking morons, lucas was explaing a bad example, not what he wanted to do
You're the retard. The crimes of the prequels are nothing compared to what disney has done.
RLM shat on RotS for being too dark tho
so this is where the meme of "I'm ripley now" came from
No need to defend yourself, George, everyone makes mistakes.
the crimes of the prequels are infinite, innumerable, and indefensible.
If you think that of the sequels by all means say so, but do not pretend that the prequels do not fit this description.
It could, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Why would you kill off the main hero in a movie for kids? What kind of message does that send?
Lucas wasn't trying to appeal to art snobs, he wanted to make movies for kids and remembered that he hated it when good guys died in his pulpy action shows as a kid. Kasdan doesn't get it and still doesn't get it and never will get it. The scripts he wrote without George include TFA and the Solo movie. Tell me those are better products than the ones where George ultimately had creative control.
>Why would you kill off the main hero in a movie for kids? What kind of message does that send?
Uhh, sacrificing yourself not just to save your friends but also your enemies? It's the best message imaginable. It's Jesus on the cross, it would carry that same power. Luke escaping the death star at the end is a cop out for the lucas disney channel ewok party ending
That's an awesome screenshot.
What was this supposed to be from?
At least the crimes of the prequels come from a single creative mind. His failings are free of hatred or malice.
Disney on the other hand, have outright stated that they don't want you. Star wars isn't about star wars fans anymore.. They don't' need you and they don't' want you.
To support the franchise as it stands you need to cut your balls off. Maybe you've done that already I don't know
you guys are confirmed retarded with no reading comprehension.
>tfw set photos of the cast dealing with the desert are better than the actual costume design of ROTJ.
Lucas should have gone full DUNE, what a copout to pretend he wasn't copying it
the crimes of the prequels are infinite, innumerable, and indefensible.
If you think that of the sequels by all means say so, but do not pretend that the prequels do not fit this description.
user, lucas is obviously just summarizing what kasdan wanted or perhaps a group associated with kasdan had told lucas prior, it's obvious with the next line from lucas saying how stupid that was.
how fucking retarded you are is amazing, I really want to meet you in real life to see the look on your face when you realize you've completely misunderstood that article
Fuck I forgot about this kek
You probably thought this post was clever but it really isn't.
We live in world where the new star wars movies are so bad that the prequels are good by comparison.
When the sequels threw objectivity and logic out the window suddenly the prequels became much better movies.
>We live in world where the new star wars movies are so bad that the prequels are good by comparison.
the crimes of the prequels are infinite, innumerable, and indefensible.
If you think that of the sequels by all means say so, but do not pretend that the prequels do not fit this description.
The crimes of the sequels are also infinite. But at least the crimes of the prequels were made by someone who cared about star wars and not a disgusting corporation.
>But at least the crimes of the prequels were made by someone who cared about star wars and not a disgusting corporation.
the crimes of the prequels are infinite, innumerable, and indefensible.
Kasdan is such a prick
Wow you're really bad at this
I use B. J. Dart as a pseudonym.
George is right though, it's a space adventure film for all ages. it doesn't need to be edgy "just cuz", I'm glad everyone lived happily ever after, that was until the sequals
>the crimes of the prequels are infinite,
wrong, the prequels did not shit on on luke skywalker's character, therefore there are limits to their crimes, therefore they are not infinite.
Except that star wars is only allotted one nigger a trilogy.
also fuck you mcdonalds, Billy would have made an awesome Two-Face too.
One nigger is more than enough. White men made star wars what it is..
Sheev looking like a total chad
Krull is fucking great. Great effects, utterly sincere, good characters, good premise.
>good premise
>Retarded spinning knife thing that in reality would inflict just as much damage on the user as the victim.