ITT: we post kino this board never talks about

ITT: we post kino this board never talks about

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Here's some true beanerkino, it's like American Psycho set in Pinochet-era Chile. Pablo Larrain is heavily underrated in general, everything I've seen from him is worth a watch

It was boring, tedious shit and this is coming from someone who enjoys that kind of stuff most of the time. Might be more due to the actors they chose for this film rather than the film itself.

it has a 10/10 soundtrack though

Prime Jodie Foster kino

I still don't understand why this got such a lukewarm response, it was easily the best of its year

Oh yeah, fucking amazing for nights when you want to just relax.

Enjoyable movie.

this. I walked out of the theater like 45min in.
Soundtrack was great

additional beanerkino - this is one of the best gangster films I've seen in a long time, and it's so well-done and inventive from a visual standpoint, I don't get why this director isn't doing big things yet

man i fucking loved this movie, it was just so damn cozy to me.


The definitive Aus/Western Kino


Absolute garbage soycore
>le jack white so intelligent idol lol


yeah this is a cool movie. The whole atmosphere is so filthy and menacing that it almost feels like a horror movie. also a 10/10 didgeridoo soundtrack

Good movies this board never talks about? So, like, every good movie in existance?

Yeah I found the performances underwhelming, and the characters uncharismatic and lacking substance. The love story itself was OK, but lacked anything unique beyond the fact they were both immortal. Didn't hold my attention very well at all, the dim lightning and claustrophobic cinematography gave it a tense appeal but the plot lacked any tension, so the camerawork was wasted and just gave the already sickeningly dark and boring film a constricted feeling. It was an uncomfortable, boring, uneventful flick- don't recommend at all.

Great contribution m8, I'll watch this one tonight

Troll Hunter

The Good, the Bad, and the Wierd

>Troll Hunter

Troll hunter was fun as fuck. It was cozy, adventurous, interesting. Just hate the dubbed version.

What is this

we dont have enough Sienna Miller in movies

>What if "Don't Breathe" was actually a good movie instead of tryhard twist-heavy shite, and you swapped the grizzled old veteran for prime Audrey Hepburn


Probably the last good movie Spielberg made

remember that really brief period of time where David O. Russell was actually good? this is premium comfy low-key comedykino

Lincoln was actually really good. I thought it was just Oscar-bait so I avoided it for a while, but I liked it a lot

Look, you're not going to convince me to watch it with that.

Bride of Spies was just a couple years back, and I finally saw that. Really enjoyed that one , too. Not one of his absolute best, but still really good, and had the comfy classic Spielberg feel.


Yeah I liked that one too. He's still good when he makes "old man" movies like that and Lincoln, but he's lost his touch for the fun whimsical stuff. I don't have high hopes for Ready Player One

Lincoln was too cult-of-personality and didn't have the various political ramifications of slavery that Amistad had

fuck this movie is so underrated


Aside from Mulholland Drive probably Lynch's best movie

We don't talk about it because it is shit. I watched it recently and it was a fucking standart vampire movie disguised as kino just because the director has some name and made pretentious movies before. Oh, and also because that ugly woman apears in it.



What is this

Cruising is the forgotten masterpiece from that whole era of gritty auteur-driven American movies. People avoid it because of the gay content but they're missing out. It's one of Friedkin's best films, one of Pacino's best performances, and it's not really comparable to anything else I've seen. The core of the plot is a basic (but very well-done) police procedural, but the tone of the whole thing is so dark, horrific, unhealthy and surreal that it feels like a horror film or David Lynch-ish nightmare movie.

Blackcoat's Daughter
a thot and an autistic qt3.14 are forced to spend a week long vacation in the dorm because their parents left them there
cute girl shenanigans ensue

>didn't have the various political ramifications of slavery
Did we watch the same movie? I thought it had a surprisingly balanced take on the whole issue.

I thought this board loved the cast members of this
why is it unapperciated?

Most of the "politics" in Lincoln was "Slavery is MORALLY wrong", which isn't "wrong" but it's very simplistic
Whereas in Amistad it was the moral aspect, the economic and political, with the south's economy in balance, relationships with spain and the british in the balance, even the abolitionists' ambiguity on saving the slaves or letting them serve as martyrs combined with various spiritual things that Lincoln just lacked. Amistad is a much much better movie

It is a good movie.


the movie is almost vvitch slow and shares the same approach to horror

>the moral aspect, the economic and political, with the south's economy in balance, relationships with spain and the british in the balance
All of that was pretty thoroughly covered in Lincoln, though. There were no cartoon bad-guys arguing in favor of slavery, they were addressing the real practical concerns of such a massive change to the economy & political structure just as much as the morality

Amistad was good too though, I don't fault you for favoring that one

Perhaps you've read "On the Origin of the Species By Means of Natural Selection" by Charles Darwin. Oh, don't be thrown by the title, he had some most fascinating things to say. Chilling things. Mr. Darwin spent time studying Aboriginals. He claims we are, at bottom, one in the same. He infers, Mr. Murphy, that we share a common ancestry with monkeys. Monkeys!

I haven't seen Lincoln in a while, but all I really remember was somber Lincoln morally outraged by slavery and sad it had to come to war and the political chicanery, sarcasm and name-calling comedy special going on with Tommy's character

that danish movie where the guy takes the fake pills and goes off the deep end and ruins his relationship with wife and daughter. forget the name.

yeah i'd vote this, very intense movie

That was exactly what I was expecting from the movie, so I was surprised that it was a lot more nuanced and objective than that


Strong contender for best American film of the last 10 years

Fear Me Not


This, and pretty much every film by Stephen Frears

It's good, but not as good as A Field in England or Kill List. One of Wheatley's weaker movies.

A Field in England is okay except for some really really fucking dumb scenes, like that slow motion take of the homunculus dude walking out of the tent
Dragged on way too long to the point it passes horror, comedy, into eye-rollingly bad

A weak Wheatley film is still good. No bad spots in his filmography until now.
One of these years he's the kind of guy who could come up with an actual masterpiece.

>Dragged on way too long to the point it passes horror, comedy, into eye-rollingly bad

Yeah, but wasn't that kind of the point? I think that for all the serious topics the movie touches upon, it doesn't really take itself too seriously.

Wasn't saying it was bad, just that I didn't like it as much as the other movies of his I've seen. That being said, I still have most of his filmography to catch up on. Haven't seen Free Fire or Sightseers yet.

>ear fetish pornography

that would actually be war of the worlds

Red Dragon (2002) directed by Brett Ratner

my nigga

who else has seen my favorite miike movie? i think only visitor q and izo are better

>One of these years he's the kind of guy who could come up with an actual masterpiece.
I really think High-Rise hit that level, it was great. I can see the style of the dialogue being a turn-off for some people, and there were one or two moments that hit the themes a little too hard on-the-nose (the Thatcher quote at the end really fell flat) but to me it was pretty much perfect at every level of filmmaking and storytelling. It was one of the first movies in years that I went to see a second time before it left theaters.

Pleb opinion

High Rise is shit m8 what the fuck are you talking about

How so? I really don't get it, it's like I saw a different cut of the movie than everyone else. It's fucking fantastic

Munich came out in December of 2005
WotW came out in June of 2005

GoZu all day my nigga


I'm pretty sure they left a masterpiece on the editing room floor, but the theatrical release was trash.

The pacing was awkward and I could barely follow what was happening even though I had read the book and was familiar with the story. I realise that you're supposed to be somewhat disorientated but the execution was just off.

I hope there's a 3-hour final cut at some point though because there are some fantastic scenes.

everytime i watch it gets better. it blows my mind how he managed to pack so much stuff into a 2 week shoot with ad-libbed dialogue


Underrated kino

i liked this movie a lot good stuff OP

I didn't read the book, but judging purely from the movie - A lot of people say the second act was "rushed" but I thought that was kind of the point, how quickly everyone lost their civility. They were set up in this pressure-cooker environment where the tensions were already there and it didn't take much more than a power outage to tip everyone over the edge. A lot of characters in that movie were just waiting for an excuse to start shit and act like animals. It's tough to call that "implausible" when it's pretty much playing out in real life all around us

how about this gem, which blows all three trilogies out of the water?


Literally never



>never talks about
Literally mentioned in every vampire thread.

> tfw Sup Forums still can't into French kinotequé
cretins, all of ya


Genderswapped interview with the vampire.

This was absolute shit.


Literally the trailer.
Sucked ass.

Nah. Sup Forums talks about this plenty.
Daily reminder though that Panos Cosmatos' new movie, produced by Frodo Baggins, and starring Nick Cage comes out this year.

i dun goffed. fawk.

Costner the cleaner.