>fucked up the ass
>turns liberal
Fucked up the ass
Other urls found in this thread:
boy I sure do hate niggers
What was the better option?
>fucked up the ass
>stays totes bros with the very guys who fucked him up the ass
The guys that fugged him were traitors though. Why would that change his opinion on race?
>meet a black guy in the prison
>"woah I was wrong all along!
Having a good character was the better option
He doesnt "turns" liberal you dumbfuck. He resents living his life hating, the whole point of the movie is that violence and hate lead to violence and hate.
>be nazi
>fuck man up the ass
the whole point of the movie is that niggers are gonna nig
>no true Scotsman
And then his little brother gets killed by a nigger.
So you should give up your ideological because you were raped? I guess that would explain the current state of Europe.
>When dad tells you "get out of the shower"
is being fucked in the ass that bad? I have shit out so big turds and it kinda feels good.
>And then his little brother gets killed by a nigger.
Yes. That was exactly what i was saying.
What is some prison rape kino?
Best prison rape arc is Shibetta in Oz desu
>be EU
>get raped
>turn Muslim
How has Edward Norton looked 37 for the past 20 years.
he fucked vampire salma hayek, gaining immortality in the process.
He didn't turn liberal.
He didn't even change his beliefs in white nationalism. Just realised that the skin heads don't actually give a shit about political causes and or nationalism, they just wanted to fuck about.
hold on nigga
so you are saying we can end black criminality in America by just raping them out of it?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with rape as long as it's wh*te """ people""" on the receiving end
>posts screenshot without sauce and without info about the survey
Is this the power of the burger?
>Why would that change his opinion on race?
Because people he thought were the true paragons of his race turned out to be a bunch of pooper-scoopers, which led him to realizing that being snow-white and ripped and covered in swastikas doesn't make you awesome, thus the American Nazi subculture is crap.
Guten tag!
some yurops kiss on the cheek as greetings. That's rape in mexico
>murder in a sadistic way a couple of guys
>being released from prison before the guy who stole a TV
Do americans really do this?
>turns liberal.
he didnt,he was brave enough to recover and try to help his family.
those things are impossible for what you americans call "liberals".
The guys he killed were committing armed robbery. I'm sure he was given a light sentence.
Plus it's sort of implied that the black teacher pulled some strings to help get him out early.
yes, but don't try to tell this to Sup Forumstards
it's black or white for brainlets like OP
>over 25% of the EU consists of Muslim men now
How progressive.
You'd think things like this would be obvious, but you have to spell it out for all the pretend Nazi's on 4chin.
>yes, but don't try to tell this to Sup Forumstards
>it's black or white for brainlets like OP
He met one nice black guy and changed his stance one everything. I’ve met a bunch of nice black guys and I sti don’t like niggers....I’ve never been fucked up the ass though
>He met one nice black guy and changed his stance one everything
That's not what happens.
TV guy kept him safe without telling him anything, and his former teacher, a person he admired at some point still cares about him even after knowing he was a nazi and killed some nigs. It's not even implied that he isnt racist anymore, he probably is, he just doesnt want his family to pay for his crimes and doesnt want to focus his energy into hating niggers, he fucked his own life more than any nigger. He still knows jews are bad and niggers in general are violent, he just doesnt hate individuals (or likes individuals) due their race anymore and doesnt want to engage in violence.
His brother was in the same path and ended up being killed by a nig, that nig will end up in jail or dead. The movie isnt anti-racism, is anti-violence and anti-hatred.
he didn't become liberal, he stopped being racist.
We don't know that.
>I want tribe protection without doing my sexual duty.
Absolutely female logic.
that's not the whole truth, he also saw how the nazis buy drugs buy drugs from the black inmates and sell them to the whites which shows they're full of shit
The aryan brotherhood isnt nazi
>get fucked in the ass
>faggots on Sup Forums call you brave
>uses nazi symbolism
>tattood nazi symbolism
>uses nazi terminology like aryan
Metaphorically, yes.
How your ass feel, Trump-voter?
justified homicide is not murder
>not handling 10 inch Aryan superman penis doesn't make you brave
Yeah, he became a race realist instead, one of us.
>the whole point of the movie is that violence and hate lead to violence and hate.
His brother got killed because he blew smoke into a little nigglet's face. All because he was protecting another kid from said little nigglet. How does that make sense in your mind?
>>uses nazi terminology like aryan
Are you retarded? How bad is american education? Aryan isnt "nazy terminology"
As for the rest, no they are not nazis, just as the "knight templars" are not some warrior muslim hating gang. The AB are just a white gang that uses nazi symbols, nothing more. You can't be a nazi and believe in fucking usury.
How liberal could he be if he wanted to stay with his naziboo gf?
He just realized Cameron was full of shit just like the guys in prison and none of them had his best interests at heart, they used him.
>dress like a white man
>work like a white man
>use anglo terminologies
>people still call me black
What gives?
Try m8, you have this, just think a little harder.
God this movie's first half was nice to see
anything can be justified "under certain circumstances"
The leader wasn't a traitor. He did what he had to do to maintain power and security and that involves not being an idealistic fuckhead
Are you a fucking moron? How is protecting a kid from being bullied "violence"?
Prison skinheads have nothing to do with NatSoc ideology. If a man like Derek couldn't understand that ismple fact, then he deserved everything he got. You can't expect any loyalty from degenerate prisoners.
>attacks his own ideology
>"its not a traitor he is a realist"
lmao you stupid fuck
How dumb are you? Read the fucking thread someone already posted about that, the nig kid is the one trapped in violence just like Derek. you are so stupid that you can't put any character action into perspective if he isnt a protagonist.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Derek is dead you mong, for protecting people from violence.
I'm german and the word is most famously used by nazis as part of their propaganda, and of course they aren't part of the ns political party, which is why they're called neonazis
anglo isn't an ideology, plus you can be black anglo if you're brit/american etc
>Get smoke blown in your face for being a bully
>"white cracka get shot we wuz trapped in violence and sheit"
Not comparable in any way to the situation Derek was caught in. The niggers were in the wrong
Justified homicide is shooting a guy as he's coming at you in a threatening manner. Norton's character not only killed his victim AFTER he surrendered, but he took the time to kill him in a notoriously cruel manner.
>no true scotsman
He explicitly states why they're traitors and degenerates in the film.
the point of that film are that niggers gonna nig and no amount of tolerance or cukery is going to fix that.
Because he participated in a robbery that ended up in Derek losing a really valuable car from his father?
He wanted payback from losing his fucking car, if the nigger was still alive he would've came back for revenge anyways so he was not only justified, but it was the best option for his survival and his family's
I agree. He was naive and thought his skin tone gave him license to act like a shithead, and turns out he was wrong.
Then your mistake is not knowing shit about the aryan brotherhood. It's a gang that happens to hate niggers, but they are not nazis or neonazis.
>The niggers were in the wrong
And that is irrelevant.
>Derek is dead you mong,
You don't even know the names of the characters.
>and that is irrelevant
How in the FUCK is it irrelevant??
>plus you can be black anglo if you're brit/american etc
Hahahaha no you can't
I'm Nigerian heart and soul, like my parents before me. You cannot replace my origins whitey.
>You don't even know the names of the characters.
You must be the king of debates at your elementary school with these arguments.
The black guys had guns. He was justified in shooting the one on the porch but not the second.
But there were no witnesses except Danny and he refused to testify against his brother so he got off easy
You stupid fuck, shooting someone during a robbery is not the same as a execution
>I'm german and the word is most famously used by nazis as part of their propaganda
You are cucked as fuck, Aryan just means indoeuropean.
>Muslim men
muslim women support rape as well
You just confused Derek with Danny you dumbfuck.
Yeah, that's how you win debates at your school right, by ignoring the arguments.
>dinner scene
>Derek makes good points
>writers shit the bed and make him "crazy nazi guy"
Why couldn't it have been good?
The execution was well deserved, and it was the most logical option, the nigger would've ended up free to continue his life of crime and possibly even try to get back at Derek
>german and the word is most famously used by Nazis
that doesn't mean anything
>awww shit nigga he wuz a good boi it ain his falt man, ids da system dat was keeping him down! he was fittin to go to college nigga. white boi oppresssed him.
t.anthony joshua
No you dumbass, the logical option was to fill his chest with bullets the minute he stepped out of the house.
t. retard
The retard lost all of his bullets to he had to improvise. The curb was a good option to finish him off
yes that means something, the swastika is indian symbol for whatever but people will always asociate it with nazis
Daily reminder that this movie was made by an orthodox Jew as propaganda to make white nationalism appear ridiculous and self defeating.
Also remember that this same Jew supports a Jewish ethnostate that has a legal apartheid against the non-Jew population.
No one is saying that.
And he failed, horribly, so much that he hates the final product
yeah and? it doesn't matter, it only matters to you because you have been indoctrinated since young to associate it with it.
The rest of us haven't
Jews often do that shit in their movies and even through they try their hardest to condemn them and make them look bad, Nazis often come out looking sympathetic in the eyes of the audience. I for one welcome Jewish stupidty.
>And he failed, horribly, so much that he hates the final product
Because idiots failed to understand the movie.
>white nationalism
Go back to Sup Forums you stupid mutt. White nationalism is a joke.
It's because Edward did a fantastic job, the shit he says while they are eating, the immigration speech. It made way too much sense
called the cops on you for posting stupid shit no one has said, enjoy your 3 day vacation
>called the cops
Fuck off racist, stop oppressing the little nigger.
If Jews deserve and ethnostate then why don't whites?
reminder that these are the people you're arguing with
Check out how Jews treat blacks. Then keep in mind that at the same time they're making movies shaming whites for their treatment of blacks.
Take the redpill on Jews.
>Australian poster
>retard user takes it at face value
Look at this dude!