What are some kinos where the characters want to do some drugs and die?

what are some kinos where the characters want to do some drugs and die?


Leaving Las Vegas

Neither of them die, though

What are you retarded?

Oslo, 31. august

Requiem for a Dream was a generally good drug movie

Requiem for a dream. Nobody dies, but they all sure wish they were dead!

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


Are you retarded?

Le feu follet
In the novel he's actually into heroin but the film portrays the MC as more of an alcoholic.

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
not sure if there's an english translation though


it's also really aesthetic


enter the void



Chrissy Montilsanti's arc in sopranos.


Any movies where the main character starts binge-eating to cope with cabin fever

Not sure if this counts or not


Requiem For Double Anal

Requiem for BLACKED