Why jewish men have such a great taste in women?

Why jewish men have such a great taste in women?

How did he do it???

Drugged her with snozberries.

Let me talk to you guys about money, power and respect.

they're rapey shapeshifters who steal white genes through blackmail and usury

Post the leaked titty selfie

whoever heard of a snozberry?

>jewish men
Why do you think he’s Jewish?

He must be really fucking funny or have the charisma of Caesar Augustus.


Isnt he a poo in loo?

Jewish men are smart and kind.

You're fucking sharting me

Matt's the second most annoying character on M. Secretary, albeit a mile off from their impossibly written 12yo son, but how in the hell did he end up with Chesty Laroo

>implying other men wouldn't want her

Not a jew.

>His father has German and English ancestry. His mother is Pakistani.

no he is poo in your moms throat


kek pakistan = jew

lol sure why not.

Sup Forums btfo again

If you read interviews where she talks about him she mentions that she pretty much straight up fell in love when she first saw him.
The guy doesn't have the looks, or the money, or the status, so it's probably true. Good for him, I guess. Maybe there's a titcow out there waiting for all of us.

He's not jewish.

This. It gives us all hope.

that she is his wife?




>clown faced fat chick
>great taste in women


he is an abomination either way, literal mutt


I think he is very cute though. I would.

she isn't

>When you create an average character but with a luck of 10
My God luck is truly the most game breaking stat

learn english you spic

she got D.E.N.N.I.S.'d first and he is having the scraps

How big of a dick do you think you'd need to tittyfuck her successfully? How big for her to also suck on it while you tittyfuck her?

That's a pretty homosexual thing for you to say

i guess we know where did his boobs fascination came from

that they are doing it

i thought thas what married people do. unless you are white

Guys, Siri is the porn actress who most resemble Christina?

no your mom

my mom is dead

no because her red hair is shit and blonde Siri is superior

Snozzberries is fucking Titties the Red?

Confidence. Too many men overthink things.

/Ss/ appeal

Honestly the best answer. Men worry about everything and see any minisculine flaw then exaggerate it, while putting women on a pedestal, treating them as unapproachable goddesses.

How did he do it, lads?

Biggus Dickus confirmed.

This. Just start lifting and have confidence.

Pajeet my son

this, luck is the most important thing in life.

Siri is disgusting. Tits are nowhere near as good

Not a Pajeet. A German-looking Med actually. But confidence is key, as is charisma and all around presence. If you're a deformed, sub 1.60 m manlet with a 3" bonepressed dick it's not gonna help you that much, but men have been warped by today's isolation and internet culture.

This ugly bastard probably sucks on those titties every single night.

Proof that personality > looks I guess.

Friendly reminder that she cheats on him regularly and he doesn't really care about it

>Proof that personality > looks I guess.
yeah no
Money>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>penis size>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

B-but it's impossible to get women, literally the hardest thing to do is to talk to these roasties.

Yeah, I'm sure this guy has all the money in the world, and being Half-Pakistani, he packs serious heat... I know you're b8ing and trying to get under the newfags' skin, but it's too obvious.

This is true. You have to get out in the real world and talk to women.

is he so rich compared to hollywood standards?

There's no way she's not cheating on him

what's the evidence?

I remember reading an interview with her where she says the favourite thing about his body is his curly hair and she can't get enough of him, she says his favourite thing about her was her boobs so you know it's true. Just imagine being that lucky, it makes me want to go to acting school.

Then again she does sort of seem like quite a dull person in her interviews, but that might just be because she's shy.

WHut? But Sup Forums told me that if I'm not 6'5", don't have an 8" dick, eat 4 SCOOOOPS everyday like Rich and look like Brad Pitt, I might as well become a Wizard!

Yeah, I'm sure she married a literal who C-List actor for his non-existent cash, only to cuck him... How fucking long have you been here to have your mind warped like this?

Looks like an awkward early 20s nerd with his hot aunt-in-law or something

You have been mislead.

She looks like a disney princess from the 1950s.

literal fertility goddess

WH-? You mean I DON'T need to join MGTOW, get that penis pump I saw on an internet ad (did you know 7.5" was the average? fokin crazy!) and shoot up roids?! Jesus man, I had my jaw surgery scheduled for next week...

I'm sure he cares what you think while he's sleeping on a pile of money and tits

i hope you didn't fall for the "chad" meme as well

you forget about hope, anons
luck is useless without hope

Wait, you mean I didn't need to carry two gallons of water with me to Physics class?! You mean that the gal who smiled at me wasn't Mirin and thirsty for cock, but was only polite? You mean SUCKING COCKS IS GAY?! Holy fuck, how many lies have I been told by the council?!

But seriously though, anybody who takes /fit/ or /sci/ seriously, really needs to take a break from Sup Forums. It really can mess with your head, especially if you're in a bad place at the time. I know some faggot is gonna come in with his COPE b8, but newfags lurking need to hear this.

>checked those quads

About 6" I'd guess. They're fat, but their length on the y axis is smaller if you remove the clothes.

Post sauce or GTFO. Be happy that a 6/10 managed to grab a 9/10.

Why don’t you suck a butt?


did you make that up?

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


She was a hipstery teen who didn't went after jocks and chads.
This was before she bloomed into a sex goddess btw

Most probably.



Haha, you have the same definition of "fat" that insecure high school girls have when they pick on each other. Lay off the soy milk, buddy, you're starting to sound like a chick.


Is that even a thing?


don't be a pig

He DIDN'T say anything about her titties before fucking her. That's literally it

the fuk are u guys on? he is good looking asfuck

Americans are so fucking stupid they only think you're a jew if you're not, this is what a retard thinks a jew looks like.

good looking irl is different than good looking online when you can google supermodels for comparisons and make one of those autistic diagrams often posted here.

Yeah man, that's why you're failing with women, you fucking moron.

t. Anrat Shaheem

me in the front row closest to the camera when I see those tits

C-Cope. W-Women are R-Roasties m-man. MGTOW!

t.8"x7", 6'5", 9/10, Natty, 1M/year and still a virgin

t. Roastie

nice cope

This is no longer propaganda its now fact.