...I blade run

>...I blade run.

habits the soybois will never understand

Why was K such an asshole to Joi in that one scene?
>A real boy needs a real name
like what the fuck, why did he have to be a cunt about it? She was only trying to make him happy and he just snaps at her like an asshole. He treats her like shit just because he bought her. I bet he'd actually beat her if he physically could

she's inferior, that's all the reason he needs

she's not real, user

She was malfunctioning and behaving like a stupid bitch.

K had to remind her she is a woman, and not even a real one at that.

In case you didn't notice the possibility that he might be a real human bean fucked him up. He was mean to Joi because she kept reminding him of that.

>i can't control my feelings so i'm going to be a cunt to my girlfriend
yeah, real fucking alpha behavior right there

I don't know where you got the idea he was supposed to be "alpha"


from like every other poster in the thread??
fuck off assbastard

She is a hologram, user.

He was emotionally disturbed at that time user, it was only natural

Joi was literally already crying and he behaved like an asshole to her, in what world is that natural?

But he is. He's a real hero too!

real world, virgin.

Probably in the absolute fucking hellscape that is the Blade Runner world

Are you forgetting the fact that Joi is doing things just as an extension of K's wants and needs? She's saying all these things because he finally started really believing that he's a real boy, but that thought is also now deeply troubling because that means that he will be hunted for the rest of his life so he was naturally extremely conflicted about it

Smoking makes your dick smaller, retart.

>...I shitpost.

*stares in the distance while driving*

>tfw I thought she'll come back at the end but she didn't.


To accept Villeneuve as a quality director is to garb yourself in a coat of hot pockets and video games and then writhe around on the ground in a supermarket while screeching and slapping yourself on the sides of your head.

He is cheeto dust. Nothing more.
Nothing more than a hack, a useful tool for studios to trot out to say "Hey, we're making art house!" I cannot wrap my head around the adulation he receives, let alone the wide praise this has got. The film trudges from set piece to set piece, leaves us no real questions or anything to think about really.

The same bullet that kills a capeshit fan will also kill the Villeneuve and Paul Thomas Anderson fan. They come from the same root, from the same doritos stained console. They are frauds, and as a warrior of cinema it's my duty to expose the fakes and the inauthentic when I see them. I will fight with crawls and teeth until the last imposter is fallen to the ground
I have about as much respect for denis villeneuve as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hot pocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

Imagine sitting next to an Villeneuve fan. The smell as he rubs the cheeto dust into his body in preparation for viewing his "based" movie. The flutter of his fedora as he tips ecstatically as Deakins pans shots in great numbers like one of his video game cutscenes. The sound of him vibrating at the hot pocket resonance every time "based" meme actor is on screen.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
It is coca-cola puberty. it is axe body spray. it is a white stain on boxer shorts. it is arri alexa hot dog caffeine on disney channel.

you fell for the propaganda kid

She's a hologram dude

i want to run his blade if you know what i mean, no homo of course

>... I shit

she was supposed to as a voice over

why did villeneuve feel this was unnecessarily over-explaining K's feelings, but the flashbacks after the resistance and joi ad scenes weren't?

saving material for another version maybe?

it hurts, bros

the voice over would be too dramatic i think he thought, still would have been nice if everything that was cut was put back in, the 4 hour version



Spotted the soy
Smoking increases your testosterone levels and makes your voice rougher and manlier

>tfw enjoy smoking but also enjoy running

>Smoking increases your testosterone levels
Tell me you're only pretending to be retarded