How significant is the release of Black Panther?

How significant is the release of Black Panther?

Compare its significance to another historical event. Is it comparable to the delivery of the Jews from bondage in Egypt? Invention of the Polio vaccine? Hindenburg disaster?

It is more important than all those things combined.

The fact that you even asked show what a racist monster you are and how much must be shot into the sun immediately.

How dare you question the the importance of another capeshit film disguised as a social cause

it's obama getting elected x100

This is the first time we see a black person without chains on screen. What do you think? I'm worried how much of an effect this will cause, I mean, is there anywhere else to go after that?

you know I took two shits today, I think it's about as significant as that

The Emancipation Proclamation... The civil rights movement... and now... Black Panther. In theaters February 16. Reserve your tickets now.


Remember when god did that thing where he made people or whatever? that but times 5 or 6

reminder that there is no historical evidence that the Jews were ever in Egypt

obama election

Fuck that jive ass turkey!
When tha fuck is Black Dynamite 2 coming out?

depends how victimized Sup Forums and Sup Forums wastemen need to feel at any given time

Amerimutts went insane after election and have to politicize every single piece of media now. It just can't be a movie about dudes fighting other dudes, it's some kind of message or part of movement.


Post the fight scene webm

There are LITERALLY illuminati pyramids built all across Egypt.


Please tell me there is a mashup trailer of these two.

I don't listen to hip hop.

>operation human S.H.I.E.L.D.

>How significant is the release of Black Panther?

This will be about as significant as 9/11 x10. I don't even know if I'll be able to go into work that week.

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums mock shitty by liberal faggots hyped KANGS N CAPESHEET
Yes, Sup Forumstards have totally a chip on their collective shoulder.

It's so significant that 10% of all gross will be donated to poor African American communities. Oh wait no it won't because nobody gives a fuck about poor African American communities especially the people who live in them. -T grew up in numerous ghettos