Are there really soyboys who think he was a villain?

Are there really soyboys who think he was a villain?

no? theres people who think he wasnt a good person, but thats different from being the villain in a story

The very same soyboys who think Mark was in the wrong

he wasn't a "good" person, but he wasn't bad either

He's a tragic character. He starts out with genuinely good intentions, not just for himself but for other people. He's kind of a "cold fish," possibly autistic or something along those lines, he doesn't seem to be capable of forming relationships or loving people in a "normal" way, but he tries to pursue him ambitions in a way that will benefit everyone around him.

He doesn't understand people who are driven by emotions, who will act against their own best interests out of pride, stubbornness or stupidity. He expects other people to think on his level and understand what he's doing, and he's perpetually disappointed when they don't. Over time, these disappointments and petty conflicts pile up, and turn him cynical, misanthropic, and deeply angry.

The whole "drainage" speech at the end doesn't just apply to the oil under the land Eli wants to buy, but to Daniel himself. His soul gets drained out of him over the course of the movie until there's nothing left inside him, and he just wants to hide from the world and get drunk until he dies.

He's a shitty person but certainly no villain.

Daniel created a bunch of jobs, built a church, and pumped all sorts of money into that cow town.
Plus he obviously has a heart since he got that girl's father to quit hitting her.



he was a murderer

They kinda deserved it though


way to be a reasonable, rational human being

winkelvoss aryan chads were the victims of jewish nepotism and cunning plans


How? The winklevii had nepotism on their side much more than Mark did

The Weak Must Fear the Strong ;^)

He actually murdered TWO people. Neither really deserved it, they both deserved a serious ass kicking though.

In real-life terms of course they didn't deserve murder, but I didn't feel bad for either of them

The movie itself is soy material, doesn't matter what you think about him.

no? stealing a dead man's identity and trying to scam a millionaire instead of sincerely looking for him and hope for a job as a reward. The guy just found out that the last person of his blood died(with the suspicion that he was murdered) and still proving his suspicion that people are horrible.
Then being chased and provoked for 20 years by a mischievous brat making a business out of faith and profiting on stupid poor people, who always thought he owed him something(the well blessing), publicly humiliating him and who even in his lowest still thinks he has a leverage to squeeze a few thousand dollars out.
Sure, they didn't "deserve" to die in the good christian sense, but they asked for it and any man worthy of respect wouldn't let himself be abused like that.

Your brain is soy material

Interesting analysis