what's with the whole "BR 2049 sucks" meme? everyone here loved this movie when it came out, now all of a sudden it's reddit, and psuedcore, and "dishonest" (whatever the fuck that even means) and soyboy and this and that outta fucking nowhere
What's with the whole "BR 2049 sucks" meme? everyone here loved this movie when it came out...
You're on Sup Forums
because they get a reaction out of it aka this thread.
Whats with all the new users since this movie came out?
This sort of garbage happens for almost every movie yet these people crying about it for BR2049 don't know it for some reason?
what reddit likes Sup Forums must hate
dont you read the fucking scripture ?
It's just banter m8
We've run out of memes lad, get over yourself.
There's no need to seek validation by randoms on a Greek ouzo distillation techniques forum.
Redditors try to hard to fit in, they always do. Blade Runner 2049 was Sup Forums's MOTY, that's all you need to know
>people dislike the biggest bomb of 2017
makes sense doesnt it mate
Everyone didn't love it when it came out, it's just that a handful of very autistic people posted an inordinate amount about it every day after it came out. I saw it in theaters, thought it was meh, then stopped posting about it.
But this thread is about BR2049, not Valerian?
To accept Villeneuve as a quality director is to garb yourself in a coat of hot pockets and video games and then writhe around on the ground in a supermarket while screeching and slapping yourself on the sides of your head.
He is cheeto dust. Nothing more.
Nothing more than a hack, a useful tool for studios to trot out to say "Hey, we're making art house!" I cannot wrap my head around the adulation he receives, let alone the wide praise this has got. The film trudges from set piece to set piece, leaves us no real questions or anything to think about really.
The same bullet that kills a capeshit fan will also kill the Villeneuve and Paul Thomas Anderson fan. They come from the same root, from the same doritos stained console. They are frauds, and as a warrior of cinema it's my duty to expose the fakes and the inauthentic when I see them. I will fight with crawls and teeth until the last imposter is fallen to the ground
I have about as much respect for denis villeneuve as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hot pocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.
Imagine sitting next to an Villeneuve fan. The smell as he rubs the cheeto dust into his body in preparation for viewing his "based" movie. The flutter of his fedora as he tips ecstatically as Deakins pans shots in great numbers like one of his video game cutscenes. The sound of him vibrating at the hot pocket resonance every time "based" meme actor is on screen.
It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
It is coca-cola puberty. it is axe body spray. it is a white stain on boxer shorts. it is arri alexa hot dog caffeine on disney channel.
>"dishonest" (whatever the fuck that even means)
Ignore them all. The idiots that post that meme only complain about surface level details, they have no actual comprehension of storytelling or aesthetics. They simply go for the easy "All style, no substance" route which ironically is far more shallow than anything.
You know what tells me that you're an intelligent and cultured film viewer? You try to engage with a film and talk about what it presents.
That's TLJ, Blade Runner's brand is less valuable and still intact after the movie
Women literally couldn’t understand it.
>You know what tells me that you're an intelligent and cultured film viewer?
Liking IMDb sensibility movies?
Because it's Reddit: the Movie. Standard shitty scifi flick that imitates arthouse aesthetics. It's the $20 Patek Phillipe imitation, the Chrysler 300 with Bentley badge, Ready Player One wrapped in Ulysses dust cover. A film by fedora for fedoras. It's the quintessential pseud movie. A pedestrian easily accessible scifi story covered in several coats of artistic cinematography and featuring just enough quasi-philosophical meandering to turn away both the ones looking for a fun flick and those looking for serious kino - it has become the Holy Grail of pseuds. Quite obviously more mentally stimulating than capeshit, yet never as much as to take the viewer out of the comfort zone of the usual evergreen scifi questions and babby's first existential crisis - it's the perfect cultural artifact to attach to for someone desperately longing for the image of "thinking man" or "cinephile", while not actually being interested in challenging their own thoughts or developing authentic taste. It's a movie for smart-but-lazy dropouts, for young adults who sincerely use the word "normie", for men with "So it goes" tattoos rereading Hitchhiker's Guide for the third time, for community college freshmen that write posts starting with "as an engineer", for "I love Nietzsche! Nihilism, fuck yeah!" people, for those that have buried themselves so deep in irony so they can't even be honest with themselves anymore. The sort who will make fun of ham-fisted Black Mirror VR episodes in one thread and expunge upon "deep" connotations of holographic waifu in 8000 character multiposts in another, the sort who get off on reddit gold received for their standard issue incoherent teenage "philosophizing" dreck spiced with 'human condition' and 'Hegelian dialectic', the enlightened-by-their-own-intelligence crowd. The painful kind of self-aware capeshit swine that constantly whines about the death of cinema while watching nothing but Hollywood and dismissing everything else as "pretentious".
Word to the wise redditor: stop with the buzzwords, that's how we spot you people
>what's with the whole "BR 2049 sucks" meme?
Because that's the evolution of anything Sup Forums initially likes. Eventually Sup Forums turns on anything good.
It's always been that way.
>2000 word strawman
You're pathetic.
>why does the most contrarian board in the internet suddenly hates the best movie of 2017?
You tell me
Meme? It's a dishonest flick genetically engineered to appeal to juvenile imdbspawn redditors with no sense of sophistication who laud pseudo visuals, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier "subversion entertainment" sensibilities and a wannabe classic aesthetic.
Yep. People interested in the film or film in general see it in theaters, the fanboys overhype it, plebs that watch dvdrips see it 5 months later and only react to the hype, probably only watching it to see if it holds up in the first place. Those are the ones that spend all day here complaining about things and set the tone for all future discussions.
The label 'Reddit' is thrown around here pretty casually but never has the hat fit as snugly as it does on Villeneuve's bloated head. The man is a living, breathing representation of everything wrong with the film* industry.
Everything he touches seems intent on making stupid people feel smart. Every shot, cut and line of dialogue feels like a not-so-subtle nudge to make the intellectually stunted feel like they're in on some intricate evolution in the art of plot.
The sad truth is that he's indeed a genius. Not a filmmaking genius, but a genius at pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid, ignorant and uncultured swine that currently shovel money into the pigsties of Hollywood. Christ have mercy on cinema's legacy if this man is to be inducted within its great halls.
*I shudder to use the word 'film' in the same paragraph as the name 'Villeneuve' but it is unavoidable in this case.
Stay calm OP, Sup Forums don't like this movie because it's "pretentious", but they're just fine with fucking Marvel shit movies. It's not a day to not be there a very popular thread about a shit Marvel movie. Remeber, BR2049 is shit, Marvel movies are ok. This is the level here.
go back you fucking tourist
When will you shitposters get new pastas?
Usually people are creative enough to write more than 2 or 3, but I guess today everyone is so braindead that even the most stale overused last year buzzword pastas are spammed till eternity no matter if it's effective or not
>new movie comes out
>plebs come to Sup Forums to talk about it and spew their optimistic and positive opinions about it
>the patrician regular posters either wait for for the rip or are in the minority
>the plebs leave because they have other boards to shitpost on
>all that's left are the regular Sup Forums posters
>they usually hate it since movies today tend to be shit
>cycle repeats when the YIFY torrent comes out but forces are more evenly matched this time
And thus the circle completes itself. It's just demographics.
This is a perfect example of your typical Blade Runner 2 fan. I can only advise you to not engage with the fanbase at all. The absolute majority of it are reddit scum as perfectly demonstrated by this thread. All you will get is /ourmovie/ and "contrarian" - all these herd-mentality replies indicative of election cycle poltards and post-2014 upboating crowd at large. Trying to discuss the flaws will lead you nowhere: "no u", "brainlet", "you just dun understand the genius of Billadolan" and the cherry on top "post films you like so I can 'insult' you back". Just don't bother. Come play in the patrician thread instead. You know the one.
>Remeber, BR2049 is shit, Marvel movies are ok
These people are more like DC/Snyder fanboys tbf.
Inarritu is bad because he is supposedly nothing but flair, yet they praise Gasper Noe in the same shitpost when you could apply the same shitty criticisms with both filmmakers.
because everyone -knows- BR2049 is possibly the best movie to come out in the last 5 years. Its even more bladerunner than the original, with a thick glaze of Drive on top.
nobody is going to disagree with you if you say that something like Interstellar sucks. You wont get many replies if you make a thread about that. But BR2049 touches a nerve and will get many replies, because it is top tier autism KINO.
Nah. And I have to side with the women on this film. Beautifully shot, some decent scenes but mostly cringe shit
If this movie wasn't popular it have been kino for Sup Forums. That's the logic here.
Here's the actual corrected cycle
>new movie comes out
>regular patricians and tourist crossposters come to Sup Forums to talk about it and discuss their opinions about the film
>as the opening week is passing by only the regular patrician posters are left discussing the film
>then the regular literally autistic posters who are afraid to leave their house wait for the first whatever atrocious torrent encode of the film and watch it on their 13 inch Toshiba laptop
>they watch 15 minutes of it, make a thread how it's "boring" or "nothing happens", "reddit" and all the other usual meaningless defensive buzzwords
>the regular autistic posters are joined by autistic tourist posters from other boards that are the most absolute casuals and make even more retarded overly simplistic points about the film that don't mean anything
>go back you fucking tourist
triggered by the truth
>Remeber, BR2049 is shit, Marvel movies are ok.
Yet people here pretend to fight for Sup Forums as an art board while shitting on Blade Runner 2049. Retarded meme all around
my sides
I was waiting for this one to get posted
No. We shit on you people because capeshit fans know what they are doing, they just have fun and know that their genre is shit. It's "i'm a movie buff" guys like you that think you are intelligent because u dont watch capeshit but have shit taste in movies anyways.
>nothing in the archive
If you're not mocking, you're a fucking retard. There is no complex formal analysis in any of your banal shitposts. You, the memefag, only gleam superficialities from the targets you criticize. You are not consciously intelligent, you're an aesthete of middlebrow entertainment like Gibson and Noe, ultimately a poor and shallow rhetorician and baitposter.
I miss baneposting
>why do """stupid contrarian shills""" call me Reddit when I point out they should stop disliking """/ourkino/""" and other things that """we""" like
Gee, I wonder.
>i hatee dishonest filmmakers so much my faves? tarkovsky, fellini, bergman, murnau, the list goes on!!!
Half of this entire thread is just pasta
The story is fucking bad
Good aesthetics but that's all
all the jaded, depressed losers who only ever watch movies when they can pirate them finally caught up to it, and they only have negative things to say about everything
although that's not to say it can't be criticised, it looks nice and everything, the characters are well done, but some of the plotting is pretty ridiculous
>because everyone -knows- BR2049 is possibly the best movie to come out in the last 5 years
List of movies that apes like this have said the same thing about
>Manchester by the Sea
>Mad Max Fury Road
>The Revenant
>The Grand Budapest Hotel
>Gone Girl
And countless others from the same years. Literally children whose revolves around how many pleb street creds that can collect on social media sites
Because people realised It was sexist
>"Literally children whose revolves around how many pleb street creds that can collect on social media sites"
>shitposting everywhere about how much smarter you are than everyone else is different though
Nice try capeshitter but we can see through you, I'm sorry you're too pleb for a Villeneuve movie, maybe something EVEN MORE entry level like Nolan or Tarantino would be more suitable
Nothing more pathetic than a board that has 0 discussion of genuine art cinema questioning the sincerity of middlebrow directors like Villeneuve. It's like someone who reads Game of Thrones talking about how Murakami isn't real literature. It's just sad.
Why are blade runner 2049 fans so insecure? No one has been this embarrassing here since Nolan and INCEPTION
Manchester by the Sea is an extremely good film and I have no idea how did you connect it to any of those flicks in any way
some twitter nobody """"reviewer""""" called Review Screw thried very hard to shill his chanel here for the past few weeks. his main trick was shitting up Blade Runner threads with a contrarian pseudointellectual word salad that since became a pasta, this one and now accusing Blade Runner of "dishonesty" and pretending to be Review Screw by writing pseudointellectual gibberish became a meme.
>implying he didn't just randomly pick a bunch of movies from Top 10 lists and pretend it represents a phenomenon of any significance
You're hitting autism levels that shouldn't even be possible. By logic, how the fuck you know what my tastes are? Logic != Sup Forums
Why are 2049's detractors so insistent on crashing every thread about the movie? Does the attention make you feel important?
Excellent bait.
Manchester by the Sea, Fury Road and Birdman are great though, only contrarian fedoras hate these movies
shit, just like the first one
>it's an another thread where no one is talking about the film in any tangible way at all but just posting endless stale pastas and screeching reddit at each other
Never change Sup Forums
>Nothing more pathetic
Being a tripfag on an anonymous forum.
none of those are as well crafted, emotional charged, and poignant as BR. Not even Manchester.
the fact that it is a sequel that manages to exceed its predecessor is even more impressive.
Love It.
>because everyone -knows- BR2049 is possibly the best movie to come out in the last 5 years
The list is based on this. It doesn't include meme shit like horror movies that are "considered the best in 10/20 years" like It Follows and other a24 releases
What does "dishonesty" mean in this context?
It's boring. Shit drags on for way to long. The entire story could have been told within 100 minutes and it would've been a way better film.
The plot is not that deep either.
>brainlet with a ADHD attention span
>only dislike
>It's boring. Shit drags on for way to long. The entire story could have been told within 100 minutes and it would've been a way better film.
>The plot is not that deep either.
>everybody here loved this movie
This was my impression so I watched it, and I think it's pure garbage. Almost 3 hours of my life wasted.
just fuck off
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
Get better arguments
no need to bring up staah woz in a thread about kinos mate
Because Can you answer the question now?
we've talked this movie through and through, discussed every theme and line of dialogue, even had a Blade Runner general for some time. it's not my fault that you missed all genuine discussion because you were to cheap to see the fucking movie in cinema, enjoy shitty ironic memes and pastas
>It's boring.
Thank you for being honest, pleb. Your redditor friends are still pretending to be patricians and Sup Forums regulars but you said what we all knew
It's really the cheapest way to get attention
Right so you can't answer the question?
>he doesn't know how to discern between autism and shitposting
fuck off, OP you faggot. Take your newfaggotry somewhere else
Because the movie is great and it was voted the best movie of the year by Sup Forums, so we as a board don't like Reddit tourists coming in and saying the movie was reddit. It's offensive
Discounting poor arguments isn't the same as being insecure
>a movie about what it means to be human is boring
you're the kind of birdbrain who throws away classical philosophy literature because "the words are too small"
>""as a board""
Jesus fuck.
Sup Forums is a constant troll. If Sup Forums approves it you know it’s going to be garbage pseudo intellectual shit or was effectively marketed as such.
>and the cherry on top "post films you like so I can 'insult' you back". Just don't bother
This is the best one because if they don't recognize it then it's either pretentious shit or you haven't seen it. The same "arguments" used by Sup Forums back when Avengers and TDKR came out and everyone told them to fuck off
Because the story is shit. Brainlets think it's a deep movie so they praise it as if it was a masterpiece but the story isn't better than any capeshit flick.
If you actually read any literature you'd agree with me.
My well-articulated arguments in favor of the film are similarly dismissed as "reddit" by people who can only manage to post the cheeto dust pasta someone else wrote.
So then why did the Drive posters never get insecure?
So then why did the OGF posters never get insecure?
So then why did the Spring Breakers posters never get insecure?
So then why did the Under the Skin posters never get insecure?
So then why did the The Master posters never get insecure?
And the biggest one that wasn't even considered best of the year? The Grand Budapest Hotel
None of these got upset in the same way 2049 fans do. You know who did though? Guardians of the Galaxy) and The Martian fans
>someone find this movie shallow and boring which it is
You guys are the reason for 80% of pastas. The Sup Forums equivalent of 16 year old /r/books dwellers that think Vonnegut's and Orwell's works are greatest philosophical treatises only accessible to your enlightened mind.
>the closest thing we had to an argument against this movie is that it was "boring"
Really interlinks your cells
No actually the filn is pretty straightforward and simple, that's why it's even more embarassing for that user
dude it was dishonest. GIVE. IT. UP.