Name a better female protagonist
Name a better female protagonist
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Gal is a real qt. Maybe it's that she's Israeli, but she seems more grounded and not as obnoxious as a lot of other actresses.
I just watched the end of this on cinemax one of my favorites
just once i want to slam his boipucci
kys jidf, gtfo with that ratface talentless nepotist
user pls, she's perfect
fuck off Gal, Chris Pine should get an Oscar for his performance pretending that you're not a ratfaced oven dodger
>unlikable slut that's not even the protagonist
>tfw no Jewess waifu
>being so badly LYNCHED that you don’t even know who the protagonist is
you have to go back
Though Marge is definitely up there
Fag here, who is this cute boi?
luc besson is a sick fuck desu
she was 13 for fucks sake
she's a literal who
Quality isn't bootstrapped to obscurity
Carmela Soprano version?
She has a constant cunt face and cunt demeanor about her.
oh YAA?
Oh you betcha yaa