Fucking Detective Fucking Pikafuckingchu

>Why would Legendary make a movie out of a bizzaro spin-off game that wasn’t even localized outside of Japan by the time the movie was announced?
>Why are they making a movie of something that only Japs can understand, and selling it to Americans?
>Why did they cast fucking Van Wilder as Pikachu?
>Why are they setting it in a world like our own except with Pokemon?
>Why are they making it an interspecies buddy cop movie for kids, a genre that guarantees more dislikes than likes on your YouTube trailer?
>Why does Bill Nighy want to be in this?
>Why did they cast an actor named Justice?
>Why does Pancham have Stepford Wife eyes?
>Why did Alex Hirsch get shut out of the final script?
>Why are they using Roger Rabbit-method CG animation for the Pokémon?
>And why will they somehow look worse than puppets in a movie made in 1984?

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grow up

It was either this or Max Landis’s shitty Pokemon movie script.

And honestly, you would have to be an idiot to trust Max Landis after his track record.

Danny Devito is a better choice than Ryan Renalds

But even if Landis wasn’t such a hack, it still doesn’t justify this movie’s existence.

do you know how much money this movie will make?

Less then it’s budget once everyone finds out it’s an interspecies buddy cop movie for kids.

Everyone knows that the Pokemon spin-off games are the best of the franchise.
See Mystery Dungeon.

This is an american movie?

Which is why it’s stupid.

I mean every time I read a headline about this making more progress I still doubt it's even real. It's so damn out there that I feel that it might actually be decent?

>Why did they cast fucking Van Wilder
I wanted Kiefer Sutherland REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Id watch it just to see how they handle the live action pokemon

pikachu is like the cutest thing ever and a movie about him solving mysteries could easily make a ton of money

pika pika huh?

they could get it right just look at the live action akira adaption

Why thought
why not just take the anime or games and turn that into a movie
why is hollywood so shit at adapting video games and anime

There's a live action Akira adaptation?


Pokémon was due the Dragon Ball Evolution treatment.

fucking jews


>They're shooting pokeballs at us!

It's all an elaborate ruse to get Nintendo to localize the 3DS game. The movie's real, though.

>Kiefer likes his booze so much he dresses up as it


Why didn’t Nintendo localize the game in the first place? Why did they need to have a movie? Why didn’t they just make a regular ass live-action Pokémon movie?

They should've just adapted the I Choose You movie.

This movie is going to tank critical and probably be middling for audiences. You'll have the retards that will pay and "enjoy" anything Pokémon then you have everyone else: rational people.

>yfw you realize there are four people in this photo

It’ll be one of the highest grossing movies of 2019

Screencap this

Even as a massive Pokefag I refuse to accept it exists until I see a trailer.

Pikachu sucks, Raichu is better and Raichu's UM dex entry can suck my dick.

>dex entry

what's it say?

Because so many Trainers like the way Pikachu looks, you don't see this Pokémon very often.

keep denying, that trailer's probably gonna be bad, too.

Because everybody knows Pikachu and everybody gets what's the movie about when they hear the title


Pokémon go is a popular thing. We can make money out of it.

So what? Audiences don't look for novelty, but for things they already familiar with

I bet we can all describe the 3 acts of the movie just with hearing the title
That's not a bug, it's a feature