Why don't any men watch morning talk shows?

Why don't any men watch morning talk shows?

These shows are max comfy where they only talk about happy things and yet every time they pan over the audience it's nothing but women.

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I want to fuck the left one in the ass just so I can hear her snort

Men are out working, smoking crack, fucking hookers. Not drinking mimosas and sitting on a fucking couch.

they actually work faggot

Then why are you here right now.

>what is mobile shitposting
You can tell this post was made by a woman because only roasties punctuate questions with a period

>works some braindead job that allows him to phonepost
>complains about women

Why don't you watch morning talk shows on your phone, then?

Morning shows are sexist

>every single time one of these shows is on in the break room at work
>try watching
>"oh man these puppies are adorable"
>"My sister Mary is having her second child"
>"By the way you should really vote for this thing"
>"This lotion is a godsend for women on their periods"

I did when i worked overnights lol

Because men work while women sit at home watching morning talk shows.

Compared to a roastie who sits on her duff not even attempting to pretend to work
>confirmed for woman who never had to work with other women before

I'd rather watch charts and make money.

>TODAY we have the PERFECT recipe for menopause food
>THIS is the ultimate guide to shopping for a bridal shower
>JUST LISTEN to the heartwrenching story by one woman as she tells us how she was FAT SHAMED by twitter

>I hate women so much! I HATE WOMEN SO MUCH!

Where did I say that? You need some wine to take the edge off your period or something, roastie? It's not even 5pm yet.

>I'd rather watch charts and make money.
Oh hahaha it's a bitcoiner. How precious. Enjoying that drop? Hahahaha.

I never invested one single cent in BTC. Stay poor, crab-bucket. :^)

>Why don't any men watch morning talk shows?
Men typically have less comfortable, less desirable jobs than women. A large population of men start work at before 6AM, and work dirty jobs that pay just enough to justify it. Women are far more likely to work in an office with business hours starting after 9AM. There's a reason day-time TV appeals to women and evening/late night programing is more interested in appealing to men.

haha wow

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

The best part of tina feys new show is their parody of hoda and kathy lee called "morning windup" (pronounced morning wined up)


On my way to fuck a hooker right now.

>I'd rather watch charts and make money.
>watch charts
This one I presume?

No, this one

I only endure listen to a woman talking when I want to get laid and you want me to listen for free?

>*blocks your path*

Considering that you want women to be men, I think it’s you that hates women.

>one female in our workplace
>she sat by the one big tv in the place and always turned these harpies on (also Dr. Oz and other bullshit)
>she left and no more of that shit show
>everyone is happier

>he hasn't done his own research
>he doesn't read whitepapers
Are you illiterate, ESL, or just a poorfag trying to FUD?

men are usually at work

If hell was real, this is what would get played in the background.

>merely having to listen to a woman talk is hell
What the fuck is wrong with the incels on this board?

It's not just talk. It's extreme vapidity.

After that chick left, we left it on CNBC all the time. Plenty of women on that channel, but they aren't constantly spouting drivel.

Speak for yourself faggot. I’m drinking vodka, watching anime, and shitposting in bed all day.

For what purpose would one desire to sell ones own labor instead of getting neetbux from the government?

>you'll never skip school because you're sick and watch morning shows with your mommy again

booze hags, worn roasties, system robots, teleprompter drones.

If you need this for comfort, sort your shit out.

Where does this “sort yourself out” meme originate from?

Financial freedom.

Now I'll never work again AND I can buy whatever I want.


I'm really curious as to why you have a webm of this.

Like most memes that Sup Forums regurgitates, it originated on tumblr.

Anyone who actually watches this tripe should be shot on sight.

lurk moar.

>can't even spell
Wow nice job bro. White power.

because im not a retard who needs to watch hags in garish makeup gossip to feel "comfy"

t. Unstable alt right sociopath on a watchlist

These shows were the original friend simulators attempting to replace the sewing and gossip circles for modern women. Most dudes don't watch because these aren't the people they want to be friends with.

>can't even spell

Ellen Degeneres is the best talk show host out there. Fact. She is an absolute bundle of joy.

What friend simulators do men watch?


>These shows are max comfy
Yep, goes together with SOY lattes

It wasn't always like this but it seems like a lot of sports networks are trying to fill the niche now. A lot of goofy day time talk show shit seems way more common now than it was a few years ago. If you're a more dorky type there's probably some youtube outfit like RLM that does the job.

No but I was watching Kathie Lee and Hoda this morning and they mentioned today was hot chocolate day so I thought "good idea" and made one. Someone brought in some hot chocolates for them and they were the sorriest looking things I have ever seen.

Fox News in the older bracket I reckon

altho i do get a light chuckle out of some of their 2am programming

Moe anime, podcasts, sports talk shows, RLM, political YouTube shows, etc etc.

They literally call one of their shows "Fox and Friends." You may be on to something.

see, i work a shitty job overnight at a hotel while finishing school so i've taken in about 8 hours of Fox News each working day for like 4 years

very interesting sometimes, both in terms of their social engineering sort of hooks, their linguistics+propaganda, etc