Thoughts on The Hurt Locker?

Thoughts on The Hurt Locker?

it was the bomb


War propaganda

What was propaganda-ish about it? It's been a long time since I've seen it.

I liked the fact that it focused on the "war is a drug" aspect

been years since i saw it and i remember it sucked

It made me realize explosives are deadlier than I previously thought.


how the fuck do anyoen die from that? so unrealistic. he had fucking protection on.

why didnt he just turn around at the 0.1 sec before the bomb went off? fucking idiot.

War is this horrible thing, but it's worth it and better than your real life.

I barely remember any of it but from what i recall it had a really good first half but then went to crap

T. Brainlet

Damn shame that wasn't the message, fag.

I just remember the parts with the haji kid deeply annoying me

Why he didn't just 360 and walk away from the bomb?

literal oscarbait shit film

i watched it once, found it underwhelming, and i cant even remember it now

That bitch ex-wife of James Cameron does exclusively Pentagon propaganda. Lastest movie is a race baiting flick to incite murder and riots.

>oscarbait without casting 5 jews+streep
yea sure buddy, war movies always get oscars
fucking mongrel

Explosions emit force, force crushes your body when in large amounts. Come on dude, I barely passed my Algebra classes and I know that.

Avatar should have won

The Butthurt Locker

Shit movie.

Disjointed, episodic script. Bizzare, cringey dialogue. Unlikeable characters. Various confusing, nonsensical, baffling events. Widely criticized by Iraqi veterans (including me) as unrealistic and silly. That last part would okay if it was a good film, but it isn’t. It got an Best Picture Oscar because the director is a woman who used to fuck James Cameron.

that faggot doesn't even Mythbusters

May be a good movie, but I’ll never know. I’ve tried to watch it but the military inconsistencies were so prevelant and numerous that it took me right out of the movie.

Bigelow is a shitty hack. Cliched, stupid characters, cliched themes, boring stories. Her action scenes are fine, but I suspect that's only because she was married to James Cameron.

There are far better female directors, but she makes Oscar shit, so the Academy bites.

The thing that kills the most people is the shrapnel usually

Look up what movies get nominated and sometimes get an Oscar. You’ll see plenty of war films.

That suit mainly protects from flying shrapnel. The concussive force could still do all sorts of internal damage

I was on an oscar winner marathon and i watched this shit
today i have no fucking idea why it won, at all

and compare to how many war movies are made every year. Oscarbait is like spotlight, moonlight, that tranny film last year etc. liberal faggots virtue signalling over unusual topics coupled with pretentious feely imagery.
hurt locker deserves a lot of criticism, but being oscar bait is not one of em

>spotlight, moonlight, that tranny film last year etc. liberal faggots virtue signalling

hurtlocker was in 2007 or something. Before this SJWism

The shootout scene where they are fighting alongside British special forces is pretty kino. Rest of the movie is just Jeremy Renner acting like an asshole and almost getting his partners killed

I'd imagine the high velocity shrapnel can tear through bomb squad suits very effectively even though they're reinforced?

Did Eastwood's sniper film even get nominated?

How do you go from being an IED electric engineering typ of guy to elite sniper by simply picking up the gear? shit pissed me off in American Sniper aswell, goes from Sniping to close quarters clearing buildings just like that.


blast wave liquefies your internal organs

Most EOD were something else before. I almost went EOD when I left, I was combat engineer. So him knowing how to shoot isn't the problem. The unbelievable nonsense is EOD doing ANYTHING on their own, fast, and without an act of fucking Congress.

dont remind me

What will be the third movie in Bigelow's war on terror trilogy?

propaganda film
the chinese do it better

It's mocked in the military because of how unrealistic and insulting it was.
If you said you liked the Hurt Locker, you'd get your ass beat

I didn’t say it was Oscar bait. I said that many war films have been nominated for and sometimes receive Oscars, which is objectively true.

insulting how? all the main characters are heroic

follow the posts back up where it started u brainlet retard

It didn't deserve the oscars it won at all.

Is that Helge Schneider?

man that was tragic when that thing happend.

ruined by the last scene

Don't remember anything about it other than the Guy Pearce and Ralph Fiennes cameos.

he doesnt know about the 9000m/s detonation wave and 29psi overpressure

What the fuck is wrong with this board? This is literally first post best post and it should have been recognised as such a long time ago. No wonder this place is going down the toilet.

Pretty good but generation kill was the better iraq kino, also Avatar deserved the oscar.

It got an Oscar because it had no competition that year.

Name war movies of the last 14 years that should have been nominated but weren't.

its so much better than american sniper