Why do we keep objectifying women body so much?

Why do we keep objectifying women body so much?

those are men retard

This but unironically

Why don't actors have to take blood tests? Shouldn't acting be regulated for PEDs?

>ywn look like this

Apathy is all I feel

it's fine, women like a bit of extra fluff

honestly, peds, some diet, and a decent jaw surgery (and hair transplant) will probably make you a hot dude.

He would probably need skin grafts too.

only when they want to settle down with someone to raise their children

you don't say you fucking retard

>these bodies will never be attainable natty

Some girls want that right away. They’re still out there, you just have to look

its so hard being a woman, you have to not be fat, ya know?

>dude just do steroids and pay thousands of dollars for cosmetic surgery
>it's so e-z to be a hot male lol

>clickbait for the femanons and fags on Sup Forums

>to not be

>you have to not be fat, ya know?
Bullshit, women get away with being chubby or skinny fat.

>no attractive face
I think I might have a chance here lads

This pic is so out of touch with the reality

It's quite easy for most men to reach this physique, you guys are just lazy fatfucks lol

*tips divacup*
Yaaas queeen slay on 'em

show yourself then you fatfuck.


this but unironically

true. i'm all of those things and i still don't have a gf

>tfw curly black hair like Based Henry
Holy shit if I lift I'll look like a GOD

Do you want one?

Underrated Kek

Then you either aren’t trying hard enough or have some serious psychological problem

Performance Enhancing Drugs. He's saying you need to run cycles of steroids and get cosmetic surgery before women would find the average male even remotely attractive.

>having a gf
>she gets pregnant
>I'm 30 years old, no degree, dead end job
>only have 110k saved
What's the quickest and less painful way to commit suicide?

>Then you either aren’t trying hard enough or have some serious psychological problem
Not him but women have seriously unrealistic standards nowadays. It wouldn't surprise me if a guy with "lots of money" and a "hot body" can't find a gf. Every girl he's dating/asking out is probably thinking "can I do better"

>only have 110k saved
What did you mean by this

That is a pathetic amount of money

I know right, I'm telling jokes all day and no one's getting them, or at least acknowledging my subtle humor.

is it?

110k is a decent amount provided a few things.

1) You're not buying a house.
2) She doesn't want a wedding.
3)She doesn't want long distance vacations.
4) she doesn't want luxury goods.

Raising a kid doesn't cost alot. It depends on the superfluous stuff you get it like toys and clothing. Most of the childhood items you can get for free.

The money comes in the Teens and college years.

He's humblebragging.
>guys I ONLY have $110,000 saved up in the bank to take care of my roastie gf and my child-born-out-of-wedlock
Because having a baby costs $100k/year according to soybois and millennial women; thats why they all want to wait until they're 45 to have children.

Oh shit I forgot. She already has a kid who's 3 years old and borderline autistic. How could I forget that? Silly me lol

If you want a steroid hookup just ask around at your local gym

More like 5-10k a year at most

>dates/knocks up a girl who already has a kid
>complains that he doesn't have enough money to take care of his crotchfruit and another man's loinspawn that she's been dragging around for 3 years
You should've surveyed the situation before proceeding with her. Better buy those diapers in bulk, son.

By that metric user can take care of his brood for at LEAST 5 years while looking/training for a better job, if he pinches his pennies and shops at Sams Club/Costco.

The guy who made this obviously never read any bara.

Let's just say they generally tolerate a bit of extra fluff. Although there are quite a few women who prefer their partner to look substantially worse than themselves for that confidence boost. But I assure you, that is not a good basis for a relationship.

>being a literal cuck
You bring this to yourself
I value that kind of posts and always try to reply at least with a kek, thanks for your service
To be fair that can also be the case for guys, i used to have a pretty qt 3.14 Hungarian gf and after breaking up i couldnt find mexican women atractive anymore even when im the definition of average, luckily i just found a qt big titty catholic conservative gf that wants to have all my children

>This pic is so out of touch with the reality
it is, for women you don't even have to fat, because, especially in america, what was considered fat in the 50s, is not longer considered fat. and those women who are considered fat (even though in the era of fat acceptance you can no longer say that), still can get thousands of men.

Sorry dude, but when you're like that stock picture guy you can and will do alot better than "not fat"

Enablers, roasties and landwhales will hang aside on the day of the rope

Don't think you get the point of the picture.

This death really messes with me, good actor. I really believed this could happen.

That picture confuses me. I'm not sure what point it is trying to make. It says on top "What does it take to be attractive?", then for the male it lists a long list of random shit and for the women it just says "not fat". But I know plenty of non-fat women I don't find attractive. So I wonder, attractive to whom? Attractive by what measure? Obviously not by the same measure in both cases.

>I'm not sure what point it is trying to make.
You are, you're just being obtuse on purpose.

I'm a bit chubb now, I showed my girlfriend pictures of when I had a six pack and nice strong chest and she just gave a blank look and said she liked me much more now. Last one was the same.


lol that doesn't really matter. Most only last a few seconds before saying bye bye

standards change.

I assume the point is supposed to be "Women have it so much easier", but I'm not sure how this picture in any way supports that.

That's because she'd become insecure about her own bodytype/the possibility of you leaving her for a "hotter girl" if you were to look like you used to.

>I'm not sure how this picture in any way supports that
You must either be a woman or a soyboi who's being purposefully obtuse. Are you genuinely implying that it's just as difficult for a woman to lose weight/stay "not fat" as it is for a man to
>make a fortune/become wealthy
>be blessed with good genes (nice hair, "dad material")

Like I said, it's not the aesthetics themselves they like better, it's the connotation. A bit of a flab looks like the guy won't run away from them. Looks like security and comfort. And looks like no expectations.

That's because you're a woman

No, at this point she knows I'm not going anywhere. And I repeated enough times that she's hot that her insecurities have been hammered out.
It works both ways. A nice body shows that you can commit to something and stick to it. If the other is already chubb when you start dating, you can just imagine how it's gonna be 5 years down the line if they feel secure about the relationship.

>I repeated enough times that she's hot that her insecurities have been hammered out.
You really dont know how women work, do you la? Look up the word "capricious" some time.

The point is that not being fat for a woman is simply not equal to being wealthy, good looking, healthy and whatever else is on that list. I know plenty of unattractive non-fat women, but having all the properties listed in the male column basically allows you to pick any woman you like.

that's not true though, just look at Julia Roberts, being thin can't fix your face
or look at Fran Drescher, being fit can't make your voice not sound like a cat trying to kill itself
>but they're famous
they're not really famous for their looks

I've had enough of them for long enough to have a pretty good idea

It's relatively more difficult for a man to be attractive (by women's standards) than it is for a woman to be attractive (by "societys standards").

I'd still fuck Prime The Nanny Fran Drescher in spite of her voice though

Because there's a clear difference between objectification and male power fantasy. Those buff superhero bodies are male power fantasy and has nothing to do with being objectified.

me on the left

May be true overall, but that picture simply does not manage to make that point.

In any case, who gives a shit? I never in my life felt bothered by that. It's not like finding a gf is some sort of 1:1 map that exactly assigns one single woman to you that is appropriate given your level of attractiveness or whatever. I've seen ugly dudes bullshitting their ways to way too attractive women and I see it the other way around. And you know what, maybe the people involved don't even feel like they made a shitty deal. Maybe, once you grow up, you realize that there's more to a person than their "attractiveness". Who knows man, maybe it's even difficult for everybody, in different ways and the only real distinction is that some people feel paralyzed by the challenge ahead and some people just go for it and don't spend their lives collecting stupid images to convince themselves that it's not their fault.

But what do I know, maybe relationships are supposed to work like welfare and everybody gets what they think they deserve. Or maybe not.

i think male power fantasies tend to be much more associated with behaviors than the ridiculous bodies hollywood shoves down our throat.

>yfw Snyder is more jacked than the guys hired to play fucking Superman and Batman

>the last part of your effortpost
Yeah cute. The thing is that 50% of the people on this planet are mentally children (e.g.: women) who would literally treat a man like utter garbage if he isn't attractive (e.g.: lookin like Chad Hemsworth).

Moreover, women have EXACTLY that kind of "welfare attitude" towards relationships (e.g.: I DESERVE a hot rich man who has a good job and a nice house and a nice car because [x, y, z]". That's where the content in the image your soyboi/woman brain can't understand comes from (to be attractive as a man, you must complete a laundry list of requirements; to be attractive as a woman you just have to be pretty)


true. I'm fat and guys still find me attractive

>The thing is that 50% of the people on this planet are mentally children (e.g.: women) who would literally treat a man like utter garbage if he isn't attractive (e.g.: lookin like Chad Hemsworth).
Yeah, no, simple as that. You need to talk to a few woman from time to time. There is a fair share of retarded women out there, but there is also a fair share of manchildren who are just as retarded, many of which are browsing this website.

>Moreover, women have EXACTLY that kind of "welfare attitude" towards relationships
Some of them, certainly. But so do men, as is evident from this thread. Who wins? Who cares? If you are so on top of everything, then just ignore those subhumans. There are better ones available, guaranteed.