Approx. 76% of all criticism of Admiral Holdo on Sup Forums boils down to "shes a woman", "she has pink hair"

Approx. 76% of all criticism of Admiral Holdo on Sup Forums boils down to "shes a woman", "she has pink hair".

what does that tell us about the fragility of the male ego on Sup Forums? Both of those are not actual arguments.

Other urls found in this thread:

>meanwhile in the real world

Give it a rest faggot

She was a bad commander who actively decreased the morale of her subordinates.

>Approx. 76% of all criticism of Admiral Holdo on Sup Forums boils down to "shes a woman", "she has pink hair".
1.) You pulled that % out of your fish-scented axe-wound
2.) You conveniently ignore all the people pointing out all the other valid criticisms like her method of command or her choice of tactics. Typical roastie. You really are the jews of gender.


I can do this too!
100% of your post is shit! What does that tell us about the fragility of your anus?

she was brave.

she took charge.

she finished a job that men cannot do.

her very presence makes males uncomfortable, its hilarious.

its almost like she calls them out for being immature manchildren. She does not have to respect them like men.

She is fugly there are no cuties in Nu-Wars.

Star Wars never had cuties.

>method of command
>choice of tactics.

why does she need to talk to the male loser that is Poe? he lost 80% of their forces taking down ONE ship. He should be shot.

any basic bitch would outshine the plain jane main character

The pink hair problem is that its not natural, I mean In-cannon she tainted it that color just because she felt rebelious.
Had that been her human subspecies natural color would have added to the universe and would have been seen as less pretentious.

>Star Wars never had cuties

I'm glad she killed herself instead of just getting a droid to fly into the other ships
She was an hero

>why does she need to talk to the male loser that is Poe? he lost 80% of their forces taking down ONE ship. He should be shot.
This kind of attitude is exactly what I was alluding to. Typical woman; you're all extremely capricious sociopathic hypocrites who lack even a modicum of self-awareness.

This, even that stupid tumblr hair has a stupid tumblr backstory

she is a Queen. And now she is official StarWars cannon. Look at these rabid fanbois foaming at the mouth, they are uncomfortable with an authoritative older lady in their make-believe story.

How much does Disney pay?


Things that never happen in real life.

if you did that in an actual war you would be locked up and tried in martial court for subordination. He DIRECTLY disobeyed Leia's orders to turn back.

I fucking love female admirals who don't wear military uniform and who believe in astrology in a space opera setting.

Stop being a Odloh Larimda OP.
Let it go, let it go.

>there are people in this thread who don't RESPECT WOMEN

>The pink hair problem is that its not natural

Starwars is an american story. Are americans not about self expression? you think a society which is that advanced would have issues with coloured hair?

guerilla rebels dont have a uniform. They are not an army.

and faith is a big part of StarWars. There is ZERO difference between worshipping ""the Force""and worshiping astrology, a field with ancient roots.

If you cooked up a half-baked plan to sacrifice all of your crew's lives without telling them about it, you'd be (justifiably) mutinized. Women literally do not understand the concept of responsibility; especially martial responsibility where you literally hold thousands of other people's lives in the palm of your hand.
also thanks for proving my original point that people on Sup Forums have legitimate criticisms of Admiral SJW rather than "muh purple hair" and "shes a womyn"

go and stay go

>half-baked plan to sacrifice all of your crew's lives

just like Poe.

She has no defining characteristics other than the 2 you just mentioned. In absence of that we judge her on her actions, which were all pretty fucking terrible for someone in her position of power.


>I defend bad movies on the internet all day

Its obvious Leia didnt do such because of the high steem she has for Poe.
Everybody loves Poe. If this rebel army is run on feelings then Holdo should have known better.

Truth is the whole story is badly written.

"We women are stronger than these men-boys. And now we have to fix their mess."

Prequels had plenty tbqh. Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Rose Byrne.

>she was brave
so what? everyone was shown to be brave, including the men who did it far more often as they were the ones on the front line in the hoth fight(it was hoth salt excluding)

>She took charge, no shit, she was IN CHARGE, she better fucking take charge, only a moron that is desperatly looking for positives will add things she should aready be doing as a point in her favour, but just so you know, the MEN TOOK CHARGE TOO..but you know..didnt lose the rest of their fleet to do it :)

>she finished a job that men could not do
And what job would that be? she didnt destroy snokes ship, she didnt destroy any ship, she didn't do anything other then temporarly take over a fleet to lose every capital ship she had, having a go at poe for losing 80% of their bombers seams a bit silly when she lost 100% of the fleet in her 20 minutes of command, hey remember when a man was in charge of the fleet and took out a death star? or took out a "fleet killer" dreadnaugh with only interceptors and 5 bo mbers? hey think about how far you would have got with a fleet killing dreadnought chasing your purple haired minge .

>her very presence madem ales uncomfortable

erm no, her very command made her subordinates umcomforta, men AND women, why? not becasue she was a woman, everyone was singing her praises , including poe. what made people concerned was her lack of plan for how to escape certain death. her plan that she was communicating to her crew was" we are going to go in this direction and hope they stop chasing us before we run out of fuel" . she COULD have told everyone that hey had an escape plan but due to potential risks of a information leak we cannot divuldge it, but nope. just EVERYONE DO WHAT I SAY CAUSE IM IN CHARGE.
real solid leadership skills.
obviosuly OP proping up his own argument with fake support and no actual counter points to peoples obejection.


What movie did you watch?

She literally destroyed the entire resistance.

I can't tell if you're baiting or not. Whether Poe lost the crew or not doesn't matter; EVERYONE dies if that other ship isn't taken down.

>all of Sup Forums is a single person or argument
based retard

>Are americans not about self expression?

Our military has standards.

Note the literal halo she wears above her head

She's a "martyr" who suicides herself 9/11 style

This is subliminal brainwashing to program SJWs in the audience to be OK with and even commit terrorism against the "evil white male patriarchy"... to defeat this "evil" at all costs

It's really fucked up if you think about it

Did people really get fucking mad that she called out Poe on being an impulsive asshole?
The real problem is that she's an unnecessary character and she should've been replaced with Leia. BUT INSTEAD we get a fucking perfect princess literally jesus Leia and an unnecessary character.
Fuck this movie.

This is supposed to be a military. I don't think I'd fight for someone who dyed their hair pink just because they didn't like something.

>and faith is a big part of StarWars. There is ZERO difference between worshipping ""the Force""and worshiping astrology, a field with ancient roots.
>A religion that gives one magical fucking powers to the devout
>On par with a field that literally loses meaning when on a different planet

>woman commander
>plays passive aggressive mind games with her subordinates

no sweetie, she did the hyperspace ramming and saved the remaining survivors. A martyr's death. A MAN's death.

>Our military has standards.
again, guerilla rebels are not a standardized army. The fact that an outsider like Finn can just barge in shows the lack of protocol.

Saving the last twenty people your incompetence hasn't managed to kill yet isn't a martyr's death.

No to mention what he already saved everyone earlier finishing off superweapon which was about to fire and wipe them all.

because authoritative older women remind guys of their moms/teachers, which they are afraid of. It reminds them of the many times during childhood where they were scolded/spanked by older women. It makes them feel small. Men have a tough exterior but its all an act.

t. female psych student

Poe lost 5 bombers killing the enemy dreadnought. Each one has a crew of 5. That's somehow a terrible loss compared to the 250,000 people on the dreadnought.


>its almost like she calls them out for being immature manchildren.

not it isn't she calls poe out for not following orders to leave the "fleet killer" and flee with the rest of the fleet, though the dreadnought was training guns on the fleet as it was trying to leave and likely would have blown it out of the cosmos if left alive, he was repremanded for ignoring orders though. she doesnt call out anyone else, so when you say "them" not super sure wtf you are talking about, but its pretty obviouse you dont know what your talking about either considering you then seay

>she doesnt have to respect them like men

wtf does this even mean? she treats them like children so she doesn't have to respect them like men? Thats pretty shitty leadership material.
"if i treat them like shit, i wont have to respect them" she thinks.
why? cause of their gender? great the new commander is a fucking sexist, who takes a pap with poe, and because she wants to personally teach him a lesson about following orders, treats every other person below her like him, THAT is childish.
Poe was childish too,g ranted, but men dont usually have a problem with accepting their flaws when they are true. unless they ARE children, its very mature to accept you have a poe did

heres a fun game, lets play"what did commander 'daddy didnt love me enough' fuck up'

-she lost the entire fleet on a gamble that didnt even work
-her aim was to fly in a straight line and hope they wouldnt notice a bunch of ships that the Captials from the origional trilogy were more then capable of detecting and took no steps to avoid
-she underminded her officers infront of the crew
-she killed herself in order to buy time for the escape vessels even though it wouldnt have fucking mattered.
- as its shown that the vessels that escaped to the planet salthoth can go to hyperspace in EMpire, she instead ops to having them make a perpedicular line in ull view of the first order fleet
2/3 cont

When you can throw a single vessel/person at your enemy's flagship and completely neuter it as well as destroying their immediate armada, losing 25 people for ~250k is kind of a shitty deal.

>Are americans not about self expression? you think a society which is that advanced would have issues with coloured hair?

In-universe it makes no sense. Remember those who whine the most about the hair color are huge nerds.
How come in a Galaxy far, far away, tainting your hair is seen as rebelious? In an universe where space travel is a daily thing? In an universe where thousands of different species live and coexist?

The only reason found is that the writers wanted to show young girls tainting their hair in extravagant colors is the way to show unconformitty, rebeliousness, and bravery.

The explanaition to her hair in-universe is incredibly dumb.

>which they are afraid of.
Unlike other authority figures, which no one is afraid of.

Approx 134% of your arguments are made up along with your statistic.

She was a shit character with a shit persona, a shit captain who didn't know the first thing about leading anyone, did stupid shit and got nearly the entire rebellion killed like sitting ducks, and the only thing she did right was become a fucking suicide bomber.

Well done dipshit.

The other 24% has legitimate criticisms against TLJ too, femanon. This woman get's it perfectly:

The acting was fine for a Disney action movie, it just was not a well written movie. The agenda behind it was heavy handed and it came across mostly through Admiral Holdo's scenes.

>t. female psych student
You guys are as terrible as sophomore law students.

>posts a ugly feminist dyke to help him out

>the writers wanted to show young girls tainting their hair in extravagant colors is the way to show unconformitty, rebeliousness, and bravery.
If you control the concept of rebellion you can control how the population rebels. Teens dying their hair while megacorps like Disney rob them blind and destroy democracy is preferable to having teens take to the streets and protesting the unprecedented disparity between the rich and the poor.

Holdo teaches young people to sit down, shut up, don't ask questions, do what their told, and if they don't like it, don't do anything about it, just dye their hair.

I hate her and I'm a female (male.)


-she grounded any and all other chances to escape the fleet so was assuming her plan was perfect, which it de monstrably was not. which shoes amazing arrogence and rigidnous
-as it turned out, the MANS plan was actually far more elegent and could have stopped the fleet tracking them through hyperspace if they had some decent resources behind them they may have succeeded
- unaware that if finn and his cumbox could escape of small ships, maybe everyone could? but we alrteady established she was unwilling to hear other peopels plans
-one more time for enphesis, SHE WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE ELSE WHIC MEANS SHES A FUCKING TOOL! the arrogence lead to her losing THE FULL FUCKING FLEET!!
-can we repeat she lost every ship the rebellion had left? but scolded poe for losing 4 bombers,,which would have been lost anyway with her retarded plan? at least they took out a fucking fleet killer...shes the fucking fleet killer.
-she could have made a droid or a fucking computer program do her warcrime

btw hyperspacing a fucking ship is totally a warcrime, literally anything in the way of matte rmoving at lightspeed (or near to) will oblitorate a planet, you think theresa reason everyone knew wtf she was doing? think about it, if ships stop when they are out of space, it might be a safety feature to stop massive chunks of metal randomly colliding with shit and oblitorating it. NOPE not for her! totally doesnt give a fuck. I want a capital ship flying through the galaxsy and FUCK anything in its way, however innocent.

honestly your commander fuckstain is pretty much a shitty leader. and the more you look at her actions, the more it stands out. making it about sex only draws to the fact that themale commanders have been so much more successful then her.

Did you even watch it?

>Princess Leia
>Mon Mothma

>ship with a few dozen people on it
>somehow she is second in command yet literally no one has ever seen her before

1) Those bomber ships were fucking awful, they'd die even if no one fired at them due to the way the bombs drop.
2)His plan was the best one they could possibly do. If they called off the attack, the Dreadnought would just chase them down through hyperspace and blow up their entire ship in one shot. The sacrifice of the bombers gave the Resistance the chance to escape.

He killed tens, to save hundreds.

uhmmmmmm sweetie im not reading your 5000 word essay. You men are so insecure.

reminder that women are so fragile they actually tried to ban the word bossy because their tiny brains can't handle any kind of criticism

It makes sense what you say.
Still, doesnt take away the factt that the character is incredibly dumb and nerds will whine.
An agenda is still being pushed just because they wanted to.

>Poe is an insubordinate fuck who gets half the fleet killed
>but this woman has pink hair so really isn't she just as responsible?

It's not that she is female.
It is that she is a badly written female character.

Modern feminism needs to realoze shit like this hurts the feminist steuggle for women's representation.

The original author of the Mary Sue fanfic was using it as satire to point out how sick she was of poorly written self insert characters hurting female representation.

>There are no detailed arguments that disagree with me.
>lol what? I'm not reading all those detailed arguments that disagree with me.

> 76%
Its 89% chance OP is making up numbers for false arguments

if you were secure mr larp, you would read it :)
but reading people that disagree with you is probably why you beleive the stupid crap you do, so honestly i didnt expect you to read it,
btw. not reading something because you disagree with it is pretty much the definition of insecure. scared i might have a point? :)

at least im secure enough to read your nonsense xD
maybe there would be more IRL women in managment roles if they wer emore open to critism, guess this is why the only way a woman can hae any semblence of power is in a fantasy made up universe where purple haired women with gender studies degrees can become commanders of fleets rather then the cum-buckets for the men who can actually do it with competence.

Ignoring the fact that she's a raging bitch

At least Poe's plan had a chance at working on it's own, if only Finn and Rose had backup.

Capitan "Let's sneak out the back door" Holdo was just leading them to their death. Ironically the writing is so bad she comes across as a moron and a villian.

im just glad there are more female heroes for young girls. We need more-and thats a good thing. Maybe eventually those manbabbies will learn to share their fictional world and stop whining. StarWars belong to women too.



>needing to look up to spaceshit
This is why women will always be inferior.

>needing to look up to spaceshit

just like millions of boys looked up to Luke and now wouldnt stop crying because of his realistic, non-heroic death, right?

to be fair, literally every high ranking offical was blown out of the bridge.

she was probably someones cousin. likely leia , the monarch, who has power simply becasue shes a princess and not becasue she was promoted. its obviosue her funds from being ruch is what got her high up in the rebellion office, and literally only she thinks shes competent and as shes obvisouly not...and leia could have saved everyone not just herself with magical force space sheild. maybe, just maybe, she did it to get her pinkhaired friend in charge.

I love this bait thread.

>And what job would that be? she didnt destroy snokes ship, she didnt destroy any ship, she didn't do anything other then temporarly take over a fleet to lose every capital ship she had, having a go at poe for losing 80% of their bombers seams a bit silly when she lost 100% of the fleet in her 20 minutes of command, hey remember when a man was in charge of the fleet and took out a death star?
It was kind of interesting they went with the hyperrealism of putting a woman in charge of the fleet

its weird that they could have done anything with that sort of fiction....but chose to have her lose everyfucking ship within 24 hours of command....rather then actually doing anything of substance.


It's bait retard

she was in the movie for the sake of having a heroic female character in the movie

and her final act leaves a giant plot hole in SW

I swear none of these people have even seen the original movies.

>for the sake of having a heroic female character

and whats wrong with that? having a female hero

im being serious

you word it like a negative???

this place just blows my mind

>Holdo dyes her hair because she's a nonconformist rebels
>only defense of her actions is that she's in charge and you should blindly follow her orders
Really gets my noggin joggin

>if you enjoy TLJ you MUST be a disney shill!!!!111

the state of original trilogy soywar fans

There's nothing wrong with that at all. Princess Leia is a heroic female, hell she strangled jabba to death.

It's just that Holdo's reason for being the movie is poorly written and forced.

>soyboys calling people soyboy because they can't into memes

You people are an embarrassment to the species.

Because they snuffed other established characters to do it. Leia would have been a significantly better choice given the bitch died IRL and can't return for the sequel. Hell, what about Ackbar? He was somewhat hyped as returning in VIII, while in the film he does fuckall and dies offscreen.

there are more criticisms:
>by not explaining the plan and talking down to the white male they push muh liberal agenda/white genocide (depending on craziness of poster)
>a novel says she's really into astrology
this I can get behind as astrology is tumblr-tier turboretarded

my opinion of her as someone who unironically liked TLJ is thus:
she's a divisive character: colorful, but stupid, which frankly isn't that out of place in star wars

>Approx. 76% of all criticism of Admiral Holdo on Sup Forums
And 99% of OP's are faggots.
See, I can make up stats too. (It's really 100%)

>There is ZERO difference between worshipping ""the Force""and worshiping astrology, a field with ancient roots.

the absolute state of nuwars

>the real world
>some internet PR pieces

meanwhile in the real real world people don't give a shit about her being a woman and also the whole fucking "gurl powerrrrr" shit they rub into our faces all the time.
They give a shit about the plot inconsistencies of TLJ, her whole "I won't tell the plan to nobody"-crap
It's like there's a overwhelming majority, who doesn't give a single fuck about this ideological shit people are spewing 24/7 on Sup Forums and tumblr. Who aren't effected by soy boy goyim globalist feminization strategies to make us weak, or "the patriarchy" to oppress women (or whatever these shits are thinking right now)

>guerilla rebels dont have a uniform. They are not an army.

Really? When what is pic related? Rebels in OT have high rank officer uniforms aswell.

most of the irl people I know loved it
but they're all either working in or studying film so I dunno

both are mumbo jumbo

what if holdo's belief in astrology allowed her to think on her feet and performed the HYPERSPACE RAMMING? she is literally the 1st person to do it