Why is the third installment of superhero franchises always bad?
Why is the third installment of superhero franchises always bad?
Ragnarok was better than the other Thor movies though
Thor Ragnarok is one of the best superhero movies dip shit. Overall though, yes the third installment is usually poor. You are still a fucking moron though.
>posts pic of Iron Man 2
The Dark Knight Rises, Spider-Man 3 and Iron Man 3 were ok.
Thor: Ragnarok was good.
So ironically three of the films on your picture are actually bad.
>Spiderman 2
Because the first movie sets the tone, and they're able to learn from their mistakes and move forward. The second movie is usually the best because they've set the tone, you know the characters, and they still haven't run out of content to fill out a movie. The third movie is usually shit because it's a cash grab that throws in unnecessary 'stars' or 'new characters' to spice it up, failing at all levels except maybe financially because they have little content to work with and think they can slap a household name on it and get away with anything. Which is usually the case.
>ever good
Go back to r/movies mouthbreather
dUde are you some sorta genuis ?
>TDKR is bad
It's an absurdist masterpiece
Literally every capeshit is a cash grab you fucking retard.
Well if you want to be literal just about every single movie to ever exist is a cash grab. But they still try with the 1st and 2nd installment of a series, and by the 3rd they don't give a shit about plot, writing, consistency, etc and instead just try to 'force a movie out there' to get money.
Are you blind it’s Spiderman 3
>iron man T _ W _ O is the third instalment
>Well if you want to be literal just about every single movie to ever exist is a cash grab.
Lol. Do you literally only see Hollywood trash?
Logan was good
Sure but by the third film the filmmakers have really already shot their load.
>make movie
>put it in theaters
>but we're not trying to get money! we spent millions of dollars and countless years for art!
If you want to take the definition literal then every movie is a cash grab. Unless they never released it, or released it for free somehow it's a cash grab. To varying degrees of course which is my point.
Directors who are in it for the art don't give a shit if their movie doesn't make money. In fact some of the best movies ever made were commercial flops. Also, you don't need several years and millions to shoot a movie, nor is every movie put on theaters. Retard.
By your own standard, Thor Ragnarok is Marvel 17