S-she's not a virgin? ;_;

S-she's not a virgin? ;_;


Why do women love telling people when they lost their virginity? Is it some kind of sick badge?

I live in Sacramento. Who wants to watch o some kino.

Why would she feel the need to share this shit, no one asked you, barren unmarried SJW woman

Women are, historically, the most degenerate and shallow gender. Remember:
>men = obsessed with things (autistic/logical creatures)
>women = obsessed with people (catty/social creatures)

let's go down to the pocket in south sac and fuck some black tranny hookers, friend

Is Ladybird roastiecore?

>black trannies
How can people have such shit taste I swear

>Jessica Chastain
>not chaste

Jessica Chastain was 19 when Crash came out.

What a nerd.


You sound like a cookie cutter. Black trannies are the patrician fetish. Nothing better than a tanned 10 with a 10.

Aha yeah imagine being a v-virgin at 19

mirite g-guys? hahaha

As if men aren't even more obsessed with making it known that they are not virgins.

t. asspained roastie

Let's fuck a roastie(female)(girl) prostitute from backpage and then not pay her after

slim pickins in sac. it's a hellhole.

it's also 65% non-white but for some reason they don't show that in Lady Bird

There's a difference between making it known and disclosing the how why and when

Brown, yellow, and white trannies are just cuter. Call me cookie cutter, but it's what gets my dick up

But you'd think there's Asian trannies if its california

they doxx you afterwards if you do that. i don't want to get DSP'd.

Neither is your mom

>But you'd think there's Asian trannies if its california

yeah but like, gross broad-nosed, negrito, jungle gook ones

fuck i hate sacramento

Does anyone know Granite bay
I live there. I am surrounded by beautiful white middle class roasties and it's torture.

Depends where in Sac you are at actually. Going into Roseville or Folsom or Placerville it becomes predominately white.
t. sacfag

So you'd rather fuck black trannies instead?

Why don't you fuck them? I thought everyone on Sup Forums but me is a 6'8" Chad with $3.8m in the bank account, a 9" dick, and a stable of lambos?

>S-she's not a virgin?
what do you think white boi?

I was a virgin till 21, so it's okay user. As long as you aren't 22 and a virgin you should be fine.

t. Jordan Peterson

He's still living in your head rent-free, stealing your serotonin

>it's also 65% non-white but for some reason they don't show that in Lady Bird

Just like the rest of California.

>Going into Roseville or Folsom or Placerville it becomes predominately white.

i know those places are all technically in the metro area but i don't think of them as sacramento. placerville is like 40 miles away from the city. past folsom you start getting into this whole other rural white culture. it's so odd to hear hillbilly accents in california.

kuakeekeekeehee white boiiiiiiiiiiii he said it again hyeeeaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhaa XXDDDD

I'm the reincarnation of ER.

Another painted up whore...when will you learn ? Unless you live in a cave, you cross better women 10 times a day..

can you imagine still being one 10 years later too? haha crazy

Jesus Christ man, just hire a sex worker and get on with your life.

Are there seriously people over 18 on this site that still have their virginity?

Hi Lenny

Is she the one that looks like Bryce Howard?

le joek xD

>sex worker
>not whore
found the ex-prostitute roastie.

lady of the night, escort, why does it matter what word you use?


>playing music while having sex for the first time

Who actually does this?

>Born 1977
>Crash 1996