Genre movies are dying and plebian audiences are to blame

"According to The Hollywood Reporter, Paramount sold the international rights to Annihilation after poor test-screening results last summer indicated the film might be “too intellectual” for general audiences. Based on a bestselling book by Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation follows a biologist (Portman) as she journeys into a hostile, unknown territory called Area X; trailers for the film have emphasized its suspenseful action and surreal visuals. Garland’s last movie, Ex Machina, was a pint-sized hit, grossing $25 million and garnering an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. For the indie studio A24, that was a solid result, and it was enough to get the director a deal at a major studio. But it seems Paramount wanted something more mainstream from Garland."

At a distance the top of the alligator's mouth with the hand on it looks like a big white dick with a black head haha

If it wasnt an all female cast, I would probably have tried.

I thought it was a giant caterpillar from the thumbnail

>poor test-screening results last summer indicated the film might be “too intellectual” for general audiences.

>tfw too smart for normies

It's doubly depressing because this movie is actually a dumbed down action-ish version of the book.

that ex machina figure is surprising, guess it made more streaming

Read the books, the expedition team is supposed to be all women because plot

Yay! More capeshit for everyone!

What's the reason other than to cater to females?

its not the first expedition, they send all different kinds because it has different effects or something

The people in charge of expeditions into the area keep changing the parameters to see what happens. The expedition before that was all male etc. They basically have no idea wtf is happening there and are just sending people to die, hoping to get some kind of relevant data.

Ok, but does having an all female team brings anything different on the table other than it's different because they aren't males? I mean from the writer's point of view.

The area they go into reacts differently depending on the composition of the team. They've sent in various configurations and this is the all female trial run.

muh vagina muh pheromones muh mother nature muh femininity

I mean the trailer made this look really terrible. I'm slightly more interested now that I know ex machina guy was involved but it looked like schlock.

They don't know because no team has ever made it out alive. They're basically throwing shit at the wall to see of something sticks.

That casting choices are pure garbage and ruin any potential it had. The alien CGI wall looks retarded. The other aspects look kinda neat but the previously mentioned shit ruins it.

None of that plays into the plot of the book.

Portman's character in the book is a sad obsessive autist, not muh stronk machine gun woman. So it's probably gonna suck

you need to stop spending so much time on the internet.

since when has a sci fi movie not flopped?

When it's fantasy trash wrapped in sci-fi tropes for more pew pew power.

No it doesn't and you should probably seek professional help haha

>Genre movies are dying

what the fuck does "genre movie" mean?
arent all films within a genre

also in the book do they use an all female team? Is there a reason for this? seems kinda dangerous

>Genre movies are dying
Wrong. Movies are dying and the weaker are just dying first, you're watching a mass extinction. Eventually, even the generic plot CGI shitfest capeshit movies will die too.

>no Whitby

what a waste

they weigh less and eat less, assuming they're as competent and manual labor isn't needed, idk if the author went into that

> Last year, the former Warner Bros. president Toby Emmerich was reported as seeking to avoid working with “auteur directors” in the future who would be given final-cut rights (aside from established box-office players like Christopher Nolan and Clint Eastwood).
>the upcoming Transformers spinoff Bumblebee
>Almost all of Paramount’s big films last year—Transformers 5, Baywatch, Ghost in the Shell, and Monster Trucks among them—were financial failures

"genre movie" means "not capeshit or Pixar."

>genre movies are dying
Medium production movies are dying because they don't turn a profit anymore
It's either the big budget capeshit filled with already popular garbage concepts or low budget stuff that's actually nice to watch and triples its money
It's time for companies to downsize and stop paying 50 million dollars for a 5 million dollar movie, it's time to make Hollywood humble again, because if they don't do it now they'll have to do it later

Droped there

Talented director makes really well received but niche movie and gets a big contract, only for the company too be dissapointed they make another niche movie.

What exactly were they expecting? The only guy I can think of in recent memory who succeeded was the kiwi Taiki and that was a guarantee with marvel anyway.

I've dropped her as someone I want to see on screen because she is not a #MeToo harpy. Getting hard to watch shit these days because the fucking entertainment people can't stop with the hamfisted politics. I'm not even a Trump guy. I'm just exhausted at all their shit. Shut up and perform. We pay you to stand in front of a camera and read this from a script. We don't care what you think. Sorry. /rant

>because she is not a #MeToo harpy.
because she is NOW a #MeToo harpy. Fucking typos.

Just keep pirating, they won't win unless they get your money in their pocket

this movie nor the book are even intelligent. it's just like dude woah aliens infect our brains and then are we human or are we dancer? type shit. the plot is convoluted and nothing is really said but a lot is presented so normies think it's deep.

Hello, studio

You are part of the problem.

Jack and Jill cost 79M $

Maybe cuz they were shit films.

Remember when people used to shitalk Twilight, Hunger Games and other YA book adaptations? Even those types of movies had something new (execution, atmosphere, etc), but now, instead, we have an endless wave of capeshit.
It was a honor, bros. Cinema is dead now.

First post worst post

Stop browsing shit websites that live upon that shit then

>a honor
You are the problem.

>poor test-screening results last summer indicated the film might be “too intellectual” for general audiences.

That's embarrassing. This country is getting dumber and dumber. Imagine not releasing a movie because it's smart. What the fuck is happening?

Studio heads are businessmen first and always. Screenwriter William Goldman once said, "Nobody in Hollywood ants to be first, but everyone wants to be second." Studios are generally risk-averse.

This doesn’t look half bad

I'll die an hero then.

You lowered the general IQ with immigrants and welfare. That's what.

damage control like Hillary being "too smart to win" the election

The book (whole trilogy) is complete dog shit and there's no reason to expect the movie to be any better.

That's because Sandler robs his financers blind.

you have to go back

Is this intentional or are we that far down the rabbit hole?

Gen Z fucking sucks

It is too intellectual, in the derogatory context where intellectual is shorthand for overwrought self-important bullshit

>dude, what if, like, nothing happened, but it happened in a really, like, mysterious and weird way, lmao

Maybe the film is just shit

>from the writer's point of view

To answer that, I think it would make a lot of difference, if the writer knew how to write women and was honest about it.

It would also make a difference if anything in the story actually meant anything

>“too intellectual”
Looking at the generic spew like A Ghost Story and Blade Runner 2049 that gets praised as the pinnacle of film by people who haven't seen any film, this isn't a surprise.

>Garland’s last movie, Ex Machina
My god.
As an engineer this movie was the worst garbage I have ever seen in my entire life.

That's not hyperbole. Literally every fucking scene had a glaring issue in it. Every. Single. Goddamn. Scene. Destroyed all suspension of disbelief with how fucking stupid it was.

Ex Machina was actually so bad it revolutionized my understanding of film-making. It's the movie that tipped me over the edge and made me realize that "arts" people truly are a different (and inferior) breed compared to STEM people.

I agonized throughout the entirety of Ex Machina over how it could keep getting worse. I asked myself, "Why?! How?! Who did this?!"

And then I realized the problem with the entire movie was all of the characters were written not as scientists or programmers or statisticians or anything of the sort. None of them were written like people in STEM. They weren't even written like Social "Sciences" people or Philosophers or anything like that.

No. They written as the lowest scum in the universe: Artists. The whole fucking problem with Ex Machina was it was a movie about "What if artistic retards had the power to make artificial life and autonomous compounds? How BADLY would they fuck it up?"

Ex Machina is a movie about how stupid artists are. How tremendously detached from reality most of them are. How little a role logic or critical thought or foresight plays in their day-to-day lives.

Ex Machina is what made me realize most writers/directors/painters/whatever aren't necessarily human by modern standards. That if you cast them out into a prehistoric wilderness they'd just die immediately. They wouldn't know how to ration resources or build tools or set traps or structure a community. They'd eat, sleep, and fuck, like lesser apes, and then die. Because they just don't have the innovative spark that defines humanity.

They say that like it's a bad thing. Genre shittery is for the plebbest of plebs. Fuck off.


>A Ghost Story
this was objectively bad.
>Blade Runner 2049
this was objectively good.

>because plot

Because plot *contrivance* you mean.

You do know books are written by people, and those people write what they want to write, yeah?
It's not like the author had some unbreakable thread of logic that forced them to write about an all-female crew going into Totally-not-theZone-fromStalker.
They decided to write about an all-female crew going into Totally-not-theZone-fromStalker, then patched up the plot afterwards.

>in 5 year's time we'll be mourning the death of capeshit as Hollywood churns out something so turgid it makes Iron Man 3 look like Doctor Strangelove

jeez it’s almost as if women have different anatomy and body chemistry from men

t. literally thinks the author has no agency when writing a novel.

Maybe they should stop spending 9 trillion dollars on niche market movies ?

Is this pasta?

Ummmm sorry sweetie but some women have penises

>won't be shown in cinemas in Britain
>I already used up my free month of Netflix to watch season 4 of Black Mirror, which turned out to be shit anyway

What the fuck does Hollywood have to ruin everything?

>a giant caterpillar

so what do the studios think will happen when audiences finally get tired of capeshit?

No. 100% OG.
Dead serious. Now that you know the signs, if you're remotely STEM-inclined, you'll notice how many movies are completely ruined by people who failed highschool algebra and can't reason out even the simplest things, so they just resort to writing bad fanfiction.


I just don't want to watch it because that ugly mole-faced rat is the lead female.


they meant boring

wow... these posts...


Don't even start with that BS. Everyone knows STEM people are autists. Just move past that and recognize that Artsy people are on the other end of the spectrum: Retarded.

You're usually either Smart but Autistic or Dumb but Artistic.
Filmmakers, aside from guys like Cameron who actually research their projects and bring in expert consultants, are almost universally idiot artistic types that can't write a logically consistent script to save their lives.

I'm here for the memes desu

I can see it

But I, too, am in STEM, and I'm not this autistic, nobody's this autistic, not even real life autists

Bullshit. Reeeing over some idiot who couldn't be fucked to read a single book on AI or interview a single AI researcher before making a mass-market AI "blockbuster" that millions of people would use as a basis to judge the entire field of AI is peak autism.

I'm not disagreeing with you. It's groundbreaking autism, a new paradigm in autism.

>people who dont spend any money on movies are mad that studios make movies for people who actually spend money on them

color me surprised

Just wait. I'm tame compared to some of my coworkers. There's a backlash brewing over how anti-science the world is becoming.

Skynet won't be an accident when it happens.

It’s a shit movie based off a shit book.
>But muh bestseller!!!
That doesn’t mean jack. Every shitty book can become a bestseller. Just look at The Snowman it The Da Vinci Code or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Shit books become shit films.

Might be pasta, but he's still right.

I don't think they have a plan. That's why they're buying up shit like Star Wars, hoping there's something left to make when capeshit falls apart. But they're fucking it up.

It seems more like the type of movie plebs will gobble up.

Hollywood Golden Age 3 will happen. The 2020s will be like the 1970s.

Honestly, this movie seems cool.

You guys might also consider that a higher percentage of people are virgins these days, but the people who are having sex are having more sex than ever before.

So who are the hedonistic animals fucking their lives away?
Arts people.

Read about any arts school. Check out Alison Brie's interviews about how she fucked around through college because she never encountered slutshaming before then and she thought it was just a great way to be close to people.

Ever notice how all these sex scandals are focused on Hollywood? Ever notice how half of the rich people caught with underage sex slaves are directors or writers or something?

And the other half are business people who get off on power in the first place. Hardly ever do you hear about STEM people getting caught up in all of this. All you hear about them doing is making self-driving cars and the internet and putting people on the fucking moon.

That's reality. Reality is STEM people dragging the rest of our species along behind us while everyone else just eats, sleeps, and fucks their brief lives away.

You can teach a fucking Jr High student how to calculate time dilation under special relativity. You just do a normal velocity calculation but let Time vary while holding c, light speed, constant. Technically you need trig for this but the trig terms cancel the fuck out anyhow so really you just need basic algebra to do a groundbreaking calculation at the heart of modern science!

And Arts retards aren't even capable of that. No. They're too busy snorting cocaine off of a hooker's ass during an orgy in some producer's mansion in LA.

And yet they have the audacity to take scientific concepts and mangle them beyond recognition in their shitty stories and misinform the general public in the process.

No one is going to see it because all the main actors are female

The women want to see strong, sexy men
The men want to see testosterone fueled action.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, not even supposed "feminist" want to watch a movie about "muh independent under appreciated geniuses" fighting their way out with the power of love and motherhood.

It's not an action movie, dumdum.
And even if it were, that ScarJo movie made half a billion dollars based on a full retard premise.

They don't think ahead and I'm not joking. Look at Disney's problem with ESPN, they're fucked.
They're burning the whole forest to sell coal and, eventually, they'll have nothing.