Dunkirk to be disqualified from the Oscars
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I want to strap myself full of explosives and run into a starbucks in LA and take out as much of possible of this motherfucking assholes
Boss Baby and Ferdinand should also be disqualified for being mediocre.
>Prisoner labor
>slave labor
wew lad.
that's actually pretty cool, i had no idea
>Being this mad
Criminals forego their rights the moment they commit a crime.
>Dunkirk to be disqualified
you're too pussy to do that
Based Nolan again and again
My thoughts exactly
>oy vey Dunkirk cant win an oscar! Have you seen the cast? Too white, its like anuddah shoah
So...historically accurate movies shouldnt be awarded? Im confused
Let me guess, movies like Black Panther are diverse although 90%+ of the cast is black
dont care about the oscars and i liked dunkirk but using prison labour is pretty reprehensible although the details here are pretty scant.
These """human rights campaigners""" deserve nukes shoved up their asses.
Literally the opposite of enlightenment values western civilization was founded on.
Do it pussy
I told you guys it needed some focus on the holocaust. This is what you get.
>ignoring the fact that being in Dunkirk will probably be life highlight to most of the jailbird involved
God damn liberals.
No it's not.
>boss baby
They weren't in the film, they just made rubber balls for it.
He said, lifting another trowelful of ice cream to his mouth, his eyes welling up in tears
>(((human rights)))
pls end this meme
why are all the soldiers white men? you gotta admit its a coincidence that nolans films only hire 99% straight white dudes. the oscars need to reward films that choose to embrace a diverse cast and diverse ideas which exemplify the excellence film can achieve. This lack of race/gender consciousness of dunkurk just shows how bigotted the oscars still are for even considering it.
So making prisoners work is a human rights violation?
I feel like I don't understand this world any longer.
>be first time offender
>get to work on a big time Hollywood movie set instead of being stuck in a cell all day
Sounds comfy as fuck tbqh
I hope the Academy is aware America uses tonnes of prison labour, including stuff for the US military. Maybe they should ban every American movie.
Maybe they fucking should
Making prisoners work is not ok
>prison labor is only an issue when talking about meaningless movie awards
Fuck these people. What about the prison labor going on right now in prisons all over the country?
Yeah, I've always said that prison should be a resort, all that "giving back to society" talk is just bullshit.
This desu, when they get out they'll have a neat story about working on a movie set rather than killing some rat snitch in the showers or being raped. It honestly seems like a win for everyone involved.
You should complain more about prison labor in other circumstances then if you have a problem with it.
Is there a country that doesn't use prison labor?
They're not just gonna sit on their hands in there. That wouldn't be healthy.
How is prison labor working on a movie set a bad thing? It's like these people have no idea how boring prison is, also this is a great way to actually start doing something meaningful for after they get out.
There are many cases of abuse in the prison labour system, this isn't one of them. You're not exploiting people if you equally benefit them.
>smoke weed
>get your dick sucked
>make music videos
>work out
>play basketball
>play cards
>play DnD with friends
It's like you have no idea how fun prison is.
>It's like these people have no idea how boring prison is
Exactly. When I had to spend a few weeks in jail I would have gladly shoveled horse shit if it got me outdoors doing something.
Working on a movie set though? Awesome.
>Working on a movie set though? Awesome.
free good story desu
>threatening a literal terrorist attack because a movie you enjoy broke labor rules universally agreed upon by the film industry
Enjoy your visit from the unmarked fed vans.
Remember to livestream it
If I was on community service I'd much rather make shit for a film than paint walls in community centres
The entire wording of the 13th amendment was a concession so prison labor could work as a loophole in the elimination of slavery. As long as the prison system remains profitable and encourages lengthy sentences in harsh environments, it won’t be motivated to eliminate itself through rehabilitation.
You dumbasses didn't even read the article. They contracted some guy to make boat bumpers and he contracted prisoners. The boys didn't leave the prison walls.
Yeah or pick up trash on the side of the freeway
arent prison jobs optional, just something you can do to get cash to buy stuff in prison?
Who cares? Anyone who thinks Dunkirk will win best picture is delusional.
remember to scream MAGA before you blow up
Optional in the sense that you choose between them and starving to death. Prisons don’t give inmates enough food to survive, so they need food items from commissary. Commissary items are laughably overpriced and prison jobs don’t abide by minimum wage so a weeks worth of work will earn some ramen and twinkies. Still, you need the calories.
America really is third world
Imagine a Muslim terrorist and a Sup Forums autist getting caught up in a screaming match before blowing themselves up in the same place.
>prison jobs should pay minimum wage
We established that when we normalized extreme violence within prison walls to the point where judges literally crack jokes and make snide comments about prison rape and violence to offenders being sentenced.
American education
I found his post cringey too but why icecream, m8? It's winter in the area of the globe that matters
They are given enough food to survive on you dope they aren't given huge portions or otherwise they will all bulk up to be body builders and that is not a very good idea to have them in prison.
Did you forget the memo? Diverse means "add a black person in it". Andy Serkis would probably win it anyway.
>American education system
>American right wing values
>American Fox News watchers
Citizens should be protected by their legal rights, yes. That is what civilized societies do. Citizens should also not lose their right to vote under any circumstances.
Do these people get butt hurt about community service too?
>judges literally crack jokes and make snide comments about prison rape and violence to offenders being sentenced.
Do you have a link? Genuinely curious.
You lose certain rights when you break the law dumb ass, or is incarceration in general wrong because it breaks muh rights.
>Americans starve their prisoners because their fat guards can’t handle healthy inmates
>The boys didn't leave the prison walls.
All countries do it its a common tactic and they don't starve them they just don't let them get too strong.
history is a whitewash user, all the "white" countries have been multicultural since the dawn of time
I thought prison workers do get paid, even though it's a very low amount. It makes sense though, since some of it pay should be used to pay for the prison that they're in
You know the prisoners make their own jumpsuits in prison, right?
>prisoners having a good time doing shit instead of being bored all day
This is the most recent example. It’s common on a casual level when judges are trying to “scare straight” offenders.
Imagine being a prisoner and forced to work on a movie. You're looking forward to getting out so that you can see the film. You finally get out, see it, and it sucks because it's Dunkirk. It's so bad that you fly into a rage and stab your gf to death and have to go back to prison. Bravo Nolan. Bravo.
Back to your containment general, soyboy.
Incarceration is acceptable under the most extreme circumstances, if the offender is a danger to society. The purpose is confinement and rehabilitation.
Honestly I’d just hang the irredeemable ones to separate the rehabilitation crowd from the swift execution crowd.
Reminder that the extras in Braveheart were literal prisoners but no one batted an eye.
But then again it was 1995.
>“As far as whether it should disqualify the film from getting an Oscar, I think it should,” Wright told Payday Report. “No one would reward the costume designers who used child slave labour in making the costumes for a movie.”
rip apu you were one of the good ones
shit film anyway so?
>meanwhile there is actual slave labor occurring in Syria
no there isn't, China, yes, Syria no.
So it's obviously not some special experience to be touted as a "feel good story". It's as mundane as seeing prisoners picking up trash on the side of the road or using the prison workshop. Not even newsworthy.
when will hollywood be stopped
these people are beyond ridiculous
Oh sorry I forgot
>not eating ice cream in winter
No China is just exploiting sweatshop labor. And crackdowns are forcing them to move sweatshops to Vietnam and other neighboring countries. Slavery is in Libya and sub-Saharan Africa at diamond mines.
>Let me guess, movies like Black Panther are diverse although 90%+ of the cast is black
>falling for meme propaganda
>not even getting the countries right and confusing Libya and Syria
America, America, god shed his gravy on meeeee
Be sure to yell "Allah snackbar" before you press the button.
Oh and look in the camera directly.
Oh you pieces of shit, just dare.
>"Dunkirk‘s use of prison labour has been criticised by a prominent humans rights campaigner, who has said that the film should be disqualified from the Oscars."
one guy. also the prisoners are compensated so whats this guys point?
Keeping prisoners occupied with simple manual labor is a blessing for their mind and a good way to re-educate them for the return in society.
I watched the camrip on my phone throughout the week duri g bathroom breaks at work. It wasn't that good.
Don't you know? Hollywood is the moral vanguard of the universe. They're expected to live by much higher standards than the unwashed unsalvageable evil masses of the world.
I'm sure if you asked these guys: have your rights been violated? They'd say 'not any more than usual'
Western Civilization existed before some dipshit Jacobins murdered the King of France and some ass-mad Anglo-Saxons decided to stop paying taxes.
Western Civilization is and has always meant Christendom.
god he's ugly