Bumblebee: The Movie (2018)

>On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.

Butt why?

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THE 80s! YES!!!!

is this going to be like Porky's meets Transformers by way of Short Circuit?

i'd bumble her bee if you know what i mean haha

Could you elaborate?

put bees up her vagina like gwyneth paltrow

he means her p-p-pusy


shes mixed and its beautiful

>Hailee Steinfeld

So, this is just the Herbie origin story?

>not liking jew girls
better go shlomo than homo

>but no Michael Bay

Will this finally kill the franchise? The only thing that always kept it going was Bay's normie appeal. Without him, it's not critic-proof schlock, it's just schlock.

I just looked her up and she looks kind of nig without the big glasses

you don't wanna know buddy


my dick is diamonds over these

i'd put my dick in her vagina

Shes a low rent Selena gomez without the coke and heroin.

She makes my dick solid

Herbie goes Transformers.

>directed by the guy who did Kubo and the Two Strings
Maybe it’ll have some artistic merit then.

you lack taste, lots of it

Batgirl? More like BUTTgirl

What is the obsession with the 80's? It's not just forced nostalgia, if that were true we'd have more movies set in the 70's

>Hailee Steinfeld
It's trash

lewdest hailee pic?

how is she so perfect bros

>no battles
>iron giant without the bromance because female protag

i don't understand who this is supposed to be appealing to

>she poops from there

do you think it smells much? haha


That pose seems really forced, like she's intentionally trying to angle her ass at the camera lens.



You are only a pure Jew if your mother is Jewish.

thats because she is


I only watched the first movie, and didn't they all arrive in that one?
Didn't the Allpark bring them there?

How can Bumblebee around in the 80's?

Who would’ve thunk it with a name like steinfeld

Whatever happened to Breckin Meyer

Bright colours, iconic music, good economic period for many.

you really think a girl would do that? just show off her ass for the camera?



*makes your cock hard*

Batgirl more like BRAPgirl

*licks pusy*

fuck off, they're great

If I looked like that I would too.

what did you mean by this


same desu

kind of hard to believe its the same girl in True Grit

I am unironically excited for this movie, and not just for Steinfeld. I'm super curious to see what Transformers looks like without Michael Bay. Maybe it will actually be good.

whats wrong user??

How am I supposed to focus on a movie if I'm just gonna want to be jerking to hailee the whole time?


need more legs/ass


Too bad she probably shaves, judging from her eyebrows she probably gets nice and hairy down there.

This. Blows my mind every time.


There we go

>yea ive always wanted a bumblebee movie

Said no one.



>VW licensing out to Transformers
doubt it

Every transformer movies has made a killing worldwide, even this last one that was a shit show. Why wouldn't they?
Bay was burned out but maybe it will be decent without him.

uhhhhhhhhhh do girls really do this.......

She looks like she loves anal

The 80's gave us the best movies:

>Breakfast Club
>Empire Strikes Back
>Back to the Future trilogy
>Jurassic Park
>Die Hard

Probably a few more on there but you get my point



Looks like she doesn't know what she's doing and her expression when she does that looks like instant regret

Why doesn't she have an ass?


in the context of the movie she has that expression cause she knows shaving her bush means she's gonna put out on the first date (and lose her virginity)

which is pretty unrealistic cause we all know millenials are neurotic enough to shave their pubes even when single


m-m-maybe that's her cousin right?

>Shaved pubes

Most of these are just shitty soyboy blockbusters.
Terminator and Predator are great, though.
Alien and Jurassic Park aren't 80's, dumbass.


bra slut!

its nice that true grit girl got hot but she needs to do more stuff built around how hot she got

too bad about being over 18 already tho

>Steinfeld's father is Jewish.[6] Her maternal grandfather was of half Filipino and half African-American descent.[7]

Last Knight actually had a fairly interesting plot development toward the end, but they're doing a filler prequel?

> people ignored her and favored Chloe Morez

Boy did they back the wrong loli

Actual soyboys hate the 80's, red flagger

I hate everything about her presentation.

Her crown placed hair bun.
Her jeans jacket.
Her crimson red bathing suit UNDERNEATH the jeans jacket.
Her pose. Her attempt to make her ass big in that shot.
Her use of the scenery to make her look like she's hip and with it.

Even the time of day and the shadows on her are awful.

>Conan the Barbarian
>First Blood

Jurassic Park came out in the 90s

Sure thing faggot, meanwhile Stranger Things and the like are utterly soycore

they are pandering to me a guy which live in the 80´s

she's a very pretty actress

Dat ass doe!

>Stranger Things
>pick one

how much do you think she would charge to sit on a 30 year old virgin's face?

>khazar brappppers

Reagan and Trump are very similar. It's a political statement. Also the chicks have started going back to the weird fashions, like bigger hair and strategically ripped jeans.
Watch out for people starting to draw on their shoes and pants again.

>80s nostalgia and Stephen King wankery
>not soycore
more like
>pick two


Reddit be that way, faggot