My dad wants to see black panther in imax opening weekend. How do I deal with this situation?

My dad wants to see black panther in imax opening weekend. How do I deal with this situation?

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just go with ur dad stop being a fag

do you want to watch it with your dad? than tell him yes. do you not want to watch it with your dad? than tell him no. whats the issue here?

dude your dad is awesome
i wish my dad texted me like this



tell him to go prep the bull for your mom

seriously, say "go prep the bull" to him and post his response

My dad doesn't talk to me.


Go see the movie with your father you dumb faggot

Tell your dad you arent watching some nigger capeshit. You should tell him you are shocked he is even considering it.

if you don't watch this movie and it flops, Sup Forums will win. so think carefully about your answer, do you want to be on the right side of history or not?

Go watch a movie with your dad, you, fucking, asshole.

Your dad sounds cool. Go watch it faggot

I've never met my dad.

You should cherish the time with anyone you have that cares for you.

it's a trap, he's trying to find out if you're racist or not

How can you talk to your dad like he is your best friend. My text conversations with my parents are always like this:
>dad: do you want pizza
>me: yes
>dad: ok

go see the movie with your dad. if he says he liked it you tell him you liked it. if he said it wasn't that good you tell him it wasn't that good. Jesus christ Sup Forums

Tell him capeshit is for plebs, clearly

Why does this look like the OkCupid messenger?

Most impressive digits. If it was not for them, I'd tell you to stop being a faggot and just go watch it.

He accepted that you're never gonna get a date for Valentine's.

Go with your father. You'll miss it in the future.

This. Don't prioritize being a triggered crybaby over your relationship with your pop.

When you outgrow your edgelord phase and your dad is dead you'll look make on this with regret.

how is he an asshole for not wanting to watch a movie ? he obviously already has a good relationship with his father, stop projecting your own daddy issues on him.

I see movies with my dad all the time already it's not like this is some sort of special event. I'm just saying black panther looks so god awful

his father and he are obviously already on good terms, watching black panther one weekend isn't going to do shit. what insufferable overdramatic tools you people are

Let me guess, your mom is cheating on your father with a black guy, right?

>father says damn, son
>to his actual son

>implying you're his actual son

>dad just wants to hang out with his son
my dad left at age 12, MUST BE NICE

You go watch the movie with your father and pause to reflect and appreciate that he's making any effort to be a part of your life.

What I wouldn't give for either my father or my stepfather to have put any effort to share my interests or care enough to bond over popcorn movies.

You spoiled and ungrateful shitbag.

Because your dad didnt raise you to be a queer with feelings.

>I'm not sure I want to see that Negro film, sir Father. As you may have noticed, I'm a member of the new counterculture, the alt-right, the last bastion of the white race in this country. I could not, in good conscious, mein Father, see this film knowing full well it would merely strengthen the Negroid cultural stranglehold we feel tightening 'pon us each and every day. Further, I am disgusted that you would want to see this film at all, and that you are excited by the soundtrack by "Kendrick Lamar" (a name for a monkey if I ever heard one, good heavens).

>Go and prep the bull for Mama. I'll be over here with my 'pedes in Kekistan waging war on kikes and Making America Great Again.

>P.s. if you could swing by the 7/11 on the way home, we are out of tendies.

>kendrick lamar soundtrack?
>damn, son
the absolute fucking STATE of modern anglo culture

yup, seeing a movie with your dad is comfy as fuck

>go to see the new western movie, Hostiles
>stand by the entrance and roll a tumbleweed in front of the screen
>audience cheers as I gallop out with coconut shells clapping whilst yelling "YEE HAA"
>mime lasso a cute girl and she pulls herself to me as if she's caught in the rope
>grab her waist and bend her down and kiss her as the audience throws roses at our feet
>her father tips me $100
>as I walk out, I see my wanted poster on the wall (that I put up before), add a 0 to the reward number
>wink to the audience
>they're in tears
>turns out I was in the wrong auditorium, went to see Jumanji
>as I leave, I look over my shoulder
>The Rock comes is on screen looking at me, he smiles and winks back

Go because one day your dad will die and you will regret not going to the movies with him because you don’t like black peopl. man

>what did you do with my hoodie mom?

Just go with him mate, kek I have seen all sorts of capeshit and star wars with my Dad in the movies.

He fell asleep in Blade Runnet 2049 but that's cause we got a pub lunch and a beer before hand, had to keep waking him up.


>Cuckdrick Lamar
No thanks, only the most fire beats and bars for me.

they are obviously at least mutts

can you faggots make it even more obvious that you're projecting your own daddy issues and broken families on OP? he CLEARLY already has a good relationship with his father, one weekend missed at some shitty movie isn't going to change shit. how about YOU retards go out and call your fathers, you obviously are longing to.

this. Even if you think the movie looks bad, it's still a nice day out with your dad

>go to see Black Panther with dad
>trigger every single black person there because they haven't see their father since they were 4
>starts a riot

Fuck off

GUYS I OBVIOUSLY HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAD it's not about seeing the movie with him. I love seeing movies with him and go all the time. It's about the fact that black panther looks terrible and I don't wanna see it

you go fucking see it and spend some quality time with your fucking dad. jesus christ.

My dad only talks to me to call me names
Wish he wanted to go out with me to do something :/

daddy issues detected. call your dad and sort your relationship out.

see even OP says it himself, stop projecting your own misery on him. fucking acting like hte old man is estranged and is crying in his death bed longing to see his son one more time or some shit, you overdramatic pussies.

answer to this

>dad is a cuck
my condolences jk kys fagget

just watch the movie unless you have an alternative
you're obviously a chronic shitposter so just take it as an opportunity to shitpost in WE WUZ threads

i wish my dad were still alive


>"m-my dad left when i was 10 :("
>"m-my dad and i never talk i wished my dad talked to me like i was his friend :("

this board is full of sentimental pussies from broken families it seems.

why don't you losers pick up the phone right now, call up mom or pop, and invite them to see black panther, you pussies won't. i guarantee it.

Kinda hate ur dad desu

Americans are pathetic.

show him with that terrible cgi action sequence it's definitely not IMAX-worthy

>Kendrick Lamar sound track
>damn son
Willing to bet he slurps up the leftover cum from your mom after she's done with her bull


So how can I explain my sudden lack of interest in seeing this movie when I've seen all the others? People will immediately realize I am racist

Yeah, go with your cuck dad while Tyrone gives his big black panther your mom.

Fuck off

>and invite them to see black panther
Nice try schlomo

>Brings up Kendrick Lamar as a positive

Into the trash

call your dad

b-buh my poor father! you have to go see black panther with him or else you're a piece of shit son who wants your father to die alone

your dad is wayne knight?

>when you try to connect with your son but he has autism

Fuck off

>Damn, son
ayy lmao

Is your dad a nigger?

I miss my dad.

thread theme song :

damn dude how deeply am i getting to you? what age did pops abandon you?


It's probably not the WE WUZ movie you think it is. Spending time with your father is important. When you get older you'll appreciate it more.

Fucking watch the movie with him

>black people don't have dads
>also go see the movie with your dad, I don't have d-dad ;_;

It's almost like this board full of broken brained idiots, is full of broken brained idiots.

Who said anything about the dad being estranged or depressed about not being connected with his son, the evidence is clear they're tight.

That said, OP is spoiled for bonding with his dad and is choosing to be dismissive of his father's invitation, which Is what I couldn't stand.

Appreciate him!

just go, it's pretty cool that your dad wants to go to the movies with you

Then do him a favor ok. Just go with him.

we're italian, basically the same thing in some areas


if ur dad wants to go u may aswell go, you think he doesnt go to shit movies you wanna go see

you sound like a retard, just watch the movie you imbecile

its your father, he will die in your lifetime

I didn’t know Wayne Knight had kids

Just be a good son and go with your dad

What's it like being the son of a kino actor?

>this is what the disney marketing is reduced to

OP, tell him it doesn’t look that interesting to you and suggest an alternative movie you might both enjoy. Make sure the movie you suggest stars a black protagonist though so your dad doesn’t call you a racist and disown you.

stop :( enough

nice shill thread, at least you faggots are trying to put some effort int your shilling

Nice reverse shilling faggot. Your filthy like tricks won’t work on me. Be gone.

its absolutely hilarious how you faggots make jokes about how black people don't have fathers, when all you tards ITT are crying and getting all sentimental about how none of you know your fathers

say to him:
"sorry pop, I can't, fat autists with pleb taste on a Mongolian Yak Herding forum said that it's a ploy by the jewish negroid Hollywood boogeyman"

>ameridads literally prefer nog capeshit movies over their children's wellbeing


Then do it for us

Wait, is your dad being ironic and joking or does he honestly text like this?

>but son, you cried tears of joy when President Obama was elected