Forget about this show after season 2

>forget about this show after season 2
>thought it ended pretty well
>didn't realize season 3 was airing
>decide to put a hold on it after I read the show had gone fully political and #nevertrump
>just watched all of it
>barely any political bullshit and actually pretty consistent with the quality of the other seasons

Why has Sup Forums infiltrated this board?

>>decide to put a hold on it after I read the show had gone fully political and #nevertrump
there is your mistake
take everything people say on the internet with a grain of salt, just fucking watch what you want

Fuck off Rami is cuteeee

because there is a constant influx of literal children on Sup Forums

children tend to be edgy, cringy, dumb as fuck, and arrogant - an exact fit for Sup Forums

Those are qualities of teenagers not children

>muh pol boogeyman

teenagers are children in this way, at least intellectually enough for me to count them as such. Oh wait, you are a frog man, never mind
see image

>fight the power
>systems are corrupt
>everyone is having their strings pulled
>the real people in control are invisible

t. esmail

feels good, man

You could forget it after season one if you wanted

t. neogaf pedo speaking from experience.

Yeah you have serious autism

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is reddit

#NotAllPol #BoardOfPeace

>lmao brah I just turned 18, i'm a big boy now.

>That one continuous shot episode

S3 was some of the best television in a long time.
I knda hated how melodramatic and dumb the dialogue turned at times but the way the show manages to build tension all throughout the season is pretty fucking stellar.


Mr. Robot is pretty boring anyway. Haven't finished season 2 (2-4 episodes uwatched).

>lmao bro is boring haha wanna play some more pokemon go?

Hilarious how Sup Forums see themselves as muscle-bound warriors when in reality they’re all pasty skinny virgins

That's an image made by Sup Forums to make fun of the_donald and /ptg/

Children like mr robot tho.

You have to unironically believe in 4D chess to not have a laugh at Trump every time he opens his mouth.

>Pokemon go
Would be more productive and worthwhile than watching robot...

robots are cute and fun

you outed yourself faggot

Just start lifting, bruh.

if Sup Forums were an actual community there would be murder raids every day, the only reason it works is because it's not real

kek you're too old for that shit. you're an embarrassing faggot.

okay, who will be king and who will be queen

mr robot turned to shit once season 2 started
the ending few episodes of season 1 when it turned to LITERALLY fight club should have been a indicator to stop watching

Fuck Trump and fuck Sup Forums

Uh huh.

I’m 6ft 200lbs and dl 7pl8, I’ll come down on you like a tonne of bricks faggot

mr robot is a critique of young liberal fantasies and how the world would be ruined if they got what they wanted

Then why do you give such a fuck about it? If it's no big deal then the shills should stop caring so much about it.

kill yourself youngfag. season 2 was much better than season 1.

It's embarrassing that Sup Forums has no ability for self reflection. Finding shit like this funny is what Sup Forums used to be about.

>mothers flippantly referring to child porn on a website they frequent
the internet really did poison the world

S3 was Kino but you’re definitely a brainlet if you didn’t catch the Trump bashing in literally every single episode

You’re dumb and it went over your head is what I’m taking away from this post

Because Sup Forums can't enjoy anything at face value and needs to turn everything into an argument about hating liberals and why their fantasy world is the best

This is fucking hilarious and it's even funnier Sup Forums can't see how much of a joke they are. Memes literally hit the mainstream media and have made people into social pariahs

what did he mean by this

So you didn’t watch it. Why post?

It's a good season, but come on, you rolled your eyes every time they forced Trump into the story.

why don't newfags lurk any more?

I legitimately think it just went over his head. Like, $50 says he had no idea what Mar-a-Lago is or why they spent two episodes cracking jokes about its owner. Let alone stuff like “no puppet, no puppet - you’re the puppet!” or the Alex Jones stand-in
He’s probably like 15, to be fair

>“no puppet, no puppet - you’re the puppet!”
I still can't believe that. It was so out of place.

And if they're going to do an Alex Jones stand-in, you can't have him on your Fox News stand-in channel. I've said this before, but I think limousine liberals genuinely can't tell the difference between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

He meant that most critics have taste that is shitty.

just look at TLJ