A female scientists' organization is harshly criticizing Bill Nye...

>A female scientists' organization is harshly criticizing Bill Nye, saying "the Science Guy" does not "speak for science" by attending President Trump's first State of the Union address on Tuesday.

>500 Women Scientists, a group that describes itself as a grass-roots organization dedicated to "making science open, inclusive, and accessible" to a diverse population, condemns Nye's decision to attend the speech and accuses him of putting his "personal brand over the interests of the scientific community at large."

>"As scientists, we cannot stand by while Nye lends our community's credibility to a man who would undermine the United States' most prominent science agency," the piece reads. "And we cannot stand by while Nye uses his public persona as a science entertainer to support an administration that is expressly xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science."
TLDR- women kicked Bill Nye out of science because he was invited to the State of the Union by the head of NASA.

What does this mean for the future of his show?

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Oh btw- Trump “undermining NASA” = giving NASA it’s largest budget since the Cold War ended.

>"making science open, inclusive, and accessible"
>But no men allowed

>women scientists
sounds like the myth of the polish """"""""""intellectuals""""""""""

>female scientists
Are these like the now infamous "mexican intellectuals?

>Nye uses his public persona as a science entertainer to support an administration that is expressly xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science
WTF I love Bill Nye now!

>when your feminist organization dismisses the biggest leftist shill scientist in all of media because he went to the State of the Union address as a NASA representative

Uh... it literally says nothing about not allowing men in science. Is that really what you gleaned from that sentence? Your worldview is totally fucked.

How about appointing a "yes-man" politician (not a scientist) that doesn't believe in climate change to the head of NASA?

> “Mexican intellectuals”

>Poland scoring higher than UK in two categories

NASA head doesn't have to believe in climate change as long as he can put on a program that makes interplanetary travel a thing. That is what Trump wants after all.

Women Scientists making "science open, inclusive, and accessible"
That's scientism not scientody

Fucking hacks

based women

because the UK is full of browns

Not so fast, that chart is from 2009. Also the UK claims to still be >95% white, hence the 56% meme. Can't have it both ways.

I'm from NZ and there is no way we are that smart. How fucking dumb is the rest of the world then?

NASA does a lot more than build rockets and put things into space.

NZ hasn't invented anything worth a fuck, don't worry

Let's be real, all us 90s kids loved Bill Nye back in the day.

Bill Nye actually had *some* credibility for a bit when he BTFO that creationist faggot with reason and facts. That was the most one-sided debate I've ever seen in my life.

Then he squandered all his credibility in that stupid leftist propaganda show. Now he's just a joke pretend science guy and no one really respects him.

Every right winger likes to get a few easy coolness points from taking cheap shots at Bill Nye like really represents the "science" behind leftist thought.

And Bill Nye endorsing things that are obviously real like global warming makes an easy paper tiger for right wingers to yank down to make it look like the science behind global warming is dodgey (it's not).

He just needs to retire. He shat the bed with that tv show and there's no recovering from it. It's like Pee-Wee Herman cranking down during a gay adult movie, it casts all that we *believed to be true* about him false... and thus he can never be the beloved celeb he once was again.

I'm not sure I understand why this had to be a female scientist issue. I mean don't male scientists hate drumpf too ?

>expressly xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science.

literally how do you even respond to this?

Female scientist have existed but they were actual fem spergs now we have stacy SJW idiots posing as scientist to advance their political agendas.

i never liked him
Beakman was more entertaining

>500 Women Scientists, a group that describes itself as a grass-roots organization

>500 women who are part of some retarded SJW group

Not a fan of Bill Nye, but these women are retarded and should be ignored.

Yes, during the Obama administration priorities shifted from space travel to Islamic outreach

>Let's be real, all us 90s kids loved Bill Nye back in the day.
My friends and I all hated him until around age 13
after that we started to appreciate the opportunity to veg out and watch movies in school

>science is now political too


Well, I wrote that post and you do have a point. I loved them both, but my family generally watched Beakman more. And it really was the better show, more entertaining with more interesting science. Beakman isn't given his just due by history.... but sometimes that's how history is, guys equally famous to an established celebrity are forgotten.

Do any of you know Johnny Winter, he was a guitarist on par with Hendrix and one of the best paid musicians of the late 60s and early 70s. He opened at Woodstock (when the crowds were huge, by the last day of Woodstock, it was rainy and most guys went home). But despite being huge in the late 60s and 70s, most people who didn't live through his fame don't remember him.

Expects a agricultural nation of 4.5million to invent a lot of things. The absolute state of burger education.

I liked Bill but his new show isn't a learnign science show. It's a political show like the Daliy Show or Full Frontal. Yes he uses facts during his segments(some of the time) but sadly the show isn't about the wonder of learning. It's a liberal circle jerk.

This, goddamn. That fucking propaganda of a show and they disown him for simply going to the State of the Union. I mean, fuck Bill Nye, but Jesus

Haha, got me! For a moment I thought I had accidentally switched the style for Sup Forums to Yotsuba B

The most common name in the UK is mohamed.

Like did they dismiss every other democrat at the state of the union too?

If youre all supposedly so intelligent why can't you do shit with it? It's a valid question

The most common name in the USA is Juan

You reap what you sow.


i had to look up with ableist was. Its a new 'ist' for me.

China would have the highest scores because tests aren't about intelligence, they're about knowing whats on them and the Chinese are the best cheaters in the world.

Leftists, already lacking integrity and utterly ruthless, only see these traits magnified in leftist females. Anyone, especially white people, that stop being 100% useful puppets, are the be discarded, degraded, and destroyed. It's horrifying to see this social totalitarianism in action and with such mass support from the left at large. Mark my words, they'll fucking see all of us dead before they share a world with us.

It's James. Sorry facts don't work for you

>>saying "the Science Guy" does not "speak for science"

Gee, really ? Maybe because he is not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. He is a tv show host.

Now post the Israel weed video

The Congressional Black Caucus boycotted the SOTU, just like they boycotted the inauguration and even Trump's ribbon cutting at the Civil Rights Museum.

They've brought up articles of impeachment against Trump every week since he took office and they're now up to 58 votes

>far left eating their own as the far right eat away at what little moderates they have left going into 2018

Wow, made my almonds activate! It's almost like extremist bullshit breeds stupidity and irrational behavior.

Don't you mean Jàimè, mutt?

Thanks for pointing out how black people are a parasite plague that cannot function in a civilized society

Ah yes, the nigger caucus, yet another roadblock in the way of a the multicultural rainbow society. These people don't want equality, they want domination. All coated in the cushy language of equality and compassion, fucking sickening.

You are not legally allowed to grow an avocado

These people are such a fucking joke even other black people hate them

>both sides are in disarray
The only unhappy right wingers are Mormons like Romney, David French and whiny Jeff Whatshisface.

The right isn't the group that claims to represent all feminists, gays and Muslims, or all labor unions, environmentalists and open borders advocates, or all moderate socialists, Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

Hopefully fucking nothing and this group of 500 nitwits can shove their stupid opinions up their hairless assholes.

How partisan do you have to be to think that merely showing up to listen to Trump talk is an indictment of someone's character? Do they really want to cover their ears and close their eyes the entire way through the administration?

based Bill Nye 'The Weimar' Guy

But they'll actually need to go to space and stuff.
Before, they just had to hire grills and perform muslim outreach.

Keep in mind Nancy Pelosi was attacked by Mexicans at a town hall and Chuck Schumer at his own fucking house for the crime of speaking to Trump and even considering his offer of amnesty for 1.8 million underage illegals in exchange for $30 billion in wall funding.

>xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, ableist, and anti-science

Are they just throwing out buzzwords completely at random now?

I didn't claim Republicans are in disarray. I'm saying they're simply clearing house of any moderates who might be able to afford to make deals in the future. While at the same time Democrats will stand to probably gain a lot of seats with crazy Progressives coming out of 2018.

So by that point you have two rabid dogs staring each other in the face and nobody is willing to talk and there's way more of a chance that it will be an even playing field so jack shit will get done for two solid fucking years. It's a recipe of insanity to get anything done.

>So by that point you have two rabid dogs staring each other in the face and nobody is willing to talk
you should listen to trump's SOTU. he offered amnesty for 3.6 million illegals for border security funding, and 75% of americans liked it, but the dems were glued to their seats. the theme was unity, because he knew the dems would cut off their nose to spite their own faces. dems won't win anything, republicans will keep winning

Nice 9s and 3s there but there's still congress to consider and lot of fights during 2018 and really?


That's not an indicator of anything at this point as Trump's election victory has shown. Way too much shit and really, really dirty group of campaigns coming up in 2018. These last few elections in Virginia and such show some Dem support going forward in places that I wouldn't really have expected. I'd say Alabama was a one-off since it was a really really specific example and Moore barely lost.

Democrats like to think they'll win big but if anything like said I'd just expect it to be more even in the House without a Republican majority and basically the same in the Senate. Again, a recipe for gridlock.

Mods please

>discussing a television personality isn't allowed
did you forget who bill nye was?

They shouldn’t, though, and now they won’t

I think it's a function of diversity. America is too 56% to govern.

There are already regions where whites aren't even part of the equation - Oakland politics are defined by black vs Latino squabbling, the black Philadelphia City Council is at war with the overwhelmingly Korean local businesses

If there ever ends up being a civil war it's gonna have like 16 sides, everybody hates everybody

>and accuses him of putting his "personal brand over the interests of the scientific community at large."
and what are these attention seeking sacks of shit trying to do exactly? oh the same thing ?
the only people in academia who are focused on that shit are the garbage bags who cant hack it to be real researcher and experimenters.

>Science has opinions about what political functions you can and can't attend
>Attending the wrong political functions means you're out of the science club
>t. Woman Scientists
The future really is a nightmare isn't it?

Can you imagine what when through his head when this all came about ?
> Bill its time for your come back man, we all miss you, just here talk about something hip and positive like gender, who cares you know man, we have bigger things to worry about these days, lets do it man!
> Haha finally back in front of the cameras, time to do what Bill does best, Science man
> Good show guys, lots of positive energy
> tfw shitstorm inbound

Oh my god who the hell cares

It'll burn out in a generation, incompetence isn't permanently sustainable

The way media works today scares me the most. We have examples of literal fake news being spread all over Facebook/Twitter with no citations on anything being fed to grandma. So now you can do the same with #metoo and have fucking accusations with no credible citations or evidence.

Two sides of the same dirty fucking coin. The madness has to end. There was a day in politics where if you had dirt on you the opposition would find out but at least it was legit dirt you had to own. Now you can have your story up in the National Enquirer and the president can cite it and the base will believe and on the other hand you have some woman come up and say some shit about you and that's cool and you're a sick fuck.

>american scientists


>Lambaste Bill Nye for attending the SOTU, as if being there automatically makes him a Trump supporter
>Do not criticize him for using his name and image to promote SJW teachings on a show that is completely antithetical to science itself
500 Women "Scientists," everyone

you're telling me 500 women scientists dont have the intelligence between them to figure out that bill nye quite literally isn't even a scientist, let alone one who represents the scientific community?

he's not even a fucking scientist