*ruins your franchise*

*ruins your franchise*

Other urls found in this thread:


>expect decent movie
>get rancid shit
Really subverted all my theories and expectations

j.j ruined the franchise before rian got to it

For me TFA ruined it and then this guy made it a bit better again but still nowhere near as good as it was back when it was simply dying.

I think you lost your image of George Lucas somewhere.

literally who?

Will Star Wars fans ever agree to disagree?
Ok so you like that one movie and I like this one other movie and we dislike different movies. So what? The arguing is so fucking pointless and autistic, no one will ever agree on this, it's just manchildren desperately insulting each others' tastes.

*ruins your franchise*

This x 100

In retrospect looper was a convoluted mess full of plot holes, how did nobody see this coming?


Rian at least had some cool cinematography. With a decent script, he could've turned it into a good movie.

I don't blame Rian for TLJ being an abomination, I blame the Disney writers and the entire process around these new movies. It's all been so ill-conceived.

>*spends the next 2 months on twitter defending himself*

I'm sorry George BABY COME BACK!

Where do you think we are?

He can't ruin what is his. What he says goes. It's not his fault fanboy crybabies can't handle the truth.

Rian wrote the script numbnuts

>implying TFA didn't ruin the entire franchise first

>believing that a blockbuster was written by a person instead of a comitee

That's not a picture of Disney.

Can't write a good script when you have a shitty flick to follow up on.

If the sequels to the original Planet of the Apes kept on coming so can this... I think.

>disney shills have reached the point where they will drag Abrams down to save Johnson

He did it three times with his other work. I believe that he worked his way into making this SW his thing. He doesn't like to write with others nor do films based off someone else's words.

>Creates your franchise
George is a mega autist but you need to appreciate his dedication. If only he had someone holding his leash during the prequels...

How does that make them a shill for stating the facts?

his other works were before he was indoctrinated by the mouse

*unsheathes lightsaber*
subvert this!!

*creates your franchise*

Cause he's badass muthafucka!

>ruins an almost perfect one off by retreading old ground and introducing shallow melodrama

*Whines about it for a month and a half*

He talks too much

SJW's can't ruin the Trilogy.
Lucas created a masterpiece then gambled and lost.
How many of you created a culture or anything of note?
Fuck back off into your whore of mother's womb.

Dude, I know that. I never implied he didn't. All I'm sayin is that the guy has a good eye for visuals. The script sucked.

How in ANY way could my post be interpreted as a Disney shill?

The entire venture of this sequel trilogy was ILL-CONCEIVED by ALL parties involved.

There wasn't a plan, there was no direction, no proper characterization or worldbuilding. Only a stupid identity/feminist agenda. That's the only consistent part.

technically jj and friends did that with 7

They spent billions....

you werent that guys just being a faggot and trying to look cool

>good Star Wars media under Lucas
Genndy Clone Wars
Dark Forces
Classic Battlefront
Thrawn Trilogy
Han Solo Trilogy
Dark Empire

>good Star Wars media under Disney
That one book that decided Palpy's first name was Sheev

*bitches on twitter for a month and a half*

read the comments of io9s latest article if ya think youre tough enough. anons, weve reached peak soy. (you might have an aneurysm tho bc these people have zero self awareness and seem to live in a different reality than we do)

Nobody is forcing him to be a sad twat

>not "It's subversion then. WUUUAAARRRGH!!"

>Make a movie with over a dozen contrived scenarios to further your movie
>Being called out by fans for this means you're "forced to explain" the problems
At least the guy seems to know his career is kaput given his autistic twitter rambling. Least I hope so, otherwise he's in for a hell of a surprise.

Rian was literally boasting that story group allowed him to do his own thing instead of the stuff they had planned for the trilogy.

He was boasting about shitting out this diarrhea of a script and destroying all the work and preparation of people who spent their time making sure that everything makes sense.

Rian is the bad guy here. Don't let anyone fool you.

Fuck off roastie

Blame the story group for telling the guy he could. I mean, who does that? Create a plan for a movie trilogy and then say none of it matters? Fucking Christ!

abrams=lawful evil
johnson=chaotic neutral

also post more pics fags its called an image board for a reason

>story group
>of people who spent their time making sure that everything makes sense


good. Star wars fans need to grow up. Grown man shouldn't be watching crap made for children. The soyboy director has done a good deed.

Yeah man! Fuck Disney! Star Wars was such art befo- OH NONONONO

OH NONONONO starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Millennial

OH NONONONONO starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Abeloth

Star Wars was always shit, retards


>Yeah man! Fuck Disney! Star Wars was such art befo- OH NONONONO

>OH NONONONO >starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Millennial

>OH NONONONONO >starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Abeloth

>Star Wars was always shit, retards
But putting that shit on the big screen is a whole other level

wew lad

>star wars kiddie calling me a retard when he likes shit like this

I agree. Star Wars is shit. Always has been.

To be frank most of the new canon media concerning the post-ROTJ era are really good, build up on the movies and on each other neatly and feel like they belong in the same universe. TLJ doesn't really fit anywhere. Story group isn't doing a bad job.

Star Trek>star wars

it's a tough one

> made the events of the OT insignificant
> made the first sw movie that was a remake of a previous one instead of writing a story

> ruined Luke
> introduced a ridiculous concept about the force ("Darkness rises… and light to meet it")
> fucked up the powerscaling and made everyone in the first 6 movies look talentless with Rey moving those rocks a few days after learning about the Force
> completely changed the tone and the atmosphere with the bathos and the self-reflective jokes

He did but then Rian ruined it for the normies, too.


Is this the quintessential example of the "life catches up with you fast" meme?


I thought he could have gone somewhere interesting with all of JJ's mysteries.

But, he made a worst movie than JJ.

Also, I think it's pretty unbelievable that what Rian prefers would matter more than the Mouse's claws pulling on the purse strings.

I think they gave Rian the writing credit in order to give this movie a more arthouse feel; writer/directors are super arthouse because they're the ultimate film auteurs. With some of art direction in the movie; particularly the red theme with all the advertising and then the red throne room and red/white salt planet speeders; it seems plausible that they would want to have that kind of brand/feel/signature to this movie and would attempt to do that with the writer/director credit for Rian.

Might've worked out even better in hindsight because now they can just throw him under the bus for TLJ.


>Prequel fags still believe the PT was "deep".
>Prequel fags still don't realize that the PT was hot garbage.
>Prequel fags are still immensely butthurt by the Plinkett reviews to this day.
>Prequel fags still think the OT is weak by comparison.
At least fans of the PT & OT can agree on one thing:
The Sequel Trilogy is far worse and sucks ass.

This. JJ ruined it for people who wanted a good or original story. Rian ruined it for anyone who hasn't been completely indoctrinated into feminism and pseudo-Marxism.

you seem to know alot of faggy star wars comics

I know for a fact that there are people here who don't realise this image is a joke.

And that's a good thing, unironically.

main cast is fucking garbage too
>atleast watchable if rey was 8/10 and hot a shit actor

So far there have been five major waves of ruining Star Wars. The first was the special editions in the late 90's. The second was the prequels taken as a whole, which I truly think decimated Star Wars utterly. The third was when Lucas went back and made even more completely insane edits Like adding in Hayden to the final scene. The Fourth was when JJ just completely rehashed ANH and created a generic pet semetary Star Wars feminist Mary Sue butthole eyes piece of shit. The fifth was TLJ and the ruination of Luke Skywalker. Literally Star Wars corpse has been raped FIVE TIMES. I wonder who what will happen when they put the final nail in the coffin in the next episode and keep hammering in with more ruinations.

Are you proud of yourself for that. I can just imagine you sitting at your computer, obese and sweating, chuckling as you typed that out. "Gonna get me some yous and maybe even a screenshot" you mutter to yourself with your Doritos stained mouth. As you think of anonymous people on the internet acknowledging your existence, your greasy, rubbed raw micropenis gives a slight wiggle. Maybe, just maybe, this will be enough to make up for the attention your father and the girls at school never gave you. Maybe, these yous are going to be the thing that turn your whole life around. But no. No one acknowledges your joke, it wasn't funny, you are not funny, and your existence is going to continue much as it has so far. Sad, lonely, and smelly. Here's your (you), you sad little man.

JJ just gets away with being called a Jew, whereas Johnson gets to be known as "a literal retard" for the rest of his life. Good thing too.

Don't tell me the idiot doesn't know how time travel works in his time travel movie. "Mothafucka" doesn't even know how spaces works in his space movie!

What fucking happened? Why would any group dedicated to maintaining continuity and plotting out the future of the franchise DO something like that? It's absolutely unbelievable.

Obviously they are if they allowed TLJ to come out and ruin all their world/character building and fracture their fan base.

TFA has it's problems, but let's not pretend that it's nearly as bad as the TLJ.


No they'll blame TFA too because they will cite EVERY reason in the book for why TLJ is so bad except for the fact that it was just a shit movie.

Johnson kinda looks like an un-JUSTed kid Anakin

JJ also butchered Han Solo, but I guess that falls under your first point. The worst crime of TFA for me is how retarded the premise is for the new trilogy. Han and Leia having a son who turns to the dark side cause of teenage angst and winds up becoming the new Darth Vader sounds like something out of a terrible non-cannon EU book.

spotted the brainlet

needs update for 48%

They chose to take a gamble and technically won, but metaphorically struck out. Star Wars was originally a huge gamble for FOX. They gave Lucas all the merchandise rights cause they thought it was gonna flop. Luckily for them and for Lucas it was the jackpot both technically and metaphorically.

I was fine until you said that TLJ was worse than AotC

They won in the ultra-short term and have already lost in the medium-long term.

cannot fucking wait to see his twitter meltdown when they do

Honestly this would be great, might not redeem him since he would have been putting on an act this whole time, but if he exploded at Disney I would laugh forever