Why are films all garbage these days?

Why are films all garbage these days?

Will we ever have quality films again?


Nope. 2018 is official, death of cinema and funeral is underway.

I think it died in late 00s desu.

Black Panther will be unironically kino

there are good movies, stop watching capeshit

Name 5 actually good movies made in the last 5 years.

Being nominated for an oscar =/= good. I'm talking about movies that compare to the great pre-2000 films.

>i only watch foreign black and white silent films from 1901

Baahubali the beginning and baahubali the conclusion.
Road to Busan.


>Road to Busan.
*tips soy fedora*

Avatar 2 in 1052 days

>Why are films all garbage these days?
Using a redbox to illustrate the state of film is like using radio to talk about music. It's not a good metric.
>Will we ever have quality films again?
You just have to know where to look.

After you lead the way soyboy


A lot of it is related to contemporary culture and who media is marketed to these days (retarded Millennials and Gen Z fetuses).

But also the human race kind of reached maximum saturation of ideas for all art forms about 20 years ago. Sure, some good stuff comes up now and again. But we have been making movies for like 130 years. Literature has existed for thousands of years.

There really is nothing new under the sun. So they are just rehashing old shit, and doing a shitty job of it.

>You just have to know where to look

Where do I look?


You're not doing your argument any favors.

What's in the box?

>Why are films all garbage these days?
>Will we ever have quality films again?
But, user, all around us are familiar faces, worn out places and worn out faces. We go bright and early for our daily races and we're going nowhere. Our tears are filling up our glasses and there's no expression. No expression. I hide my head and I want to drown my sorrow because there's no tomorrow. No tomorrow. ;_;

>asks question
>recieves reply
>somehow this is an argument

You are retarded. That is not even close to the issue, creativity is infinite. However, so is corporate greed, which is the real issue in Hollywood.

I find it kinda funny and I find it kinda sad because the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. I find it hard to tell you and I find it hard to take when people run in circles. It's a very, very mad world.

Let me guess, you are a millennial or a gen z'er. KEK

Give me a premise for a filmable movie and it is likely very similar to 10 movies that already exist.

You're on one of those places. I've found a few good movies here although most of what posted here is shit.

A movie thread on Reddit can some times give you a new movie, but if course most people there only know of the most famous kino's and every movie thread will be the same shit.

Imdb is one best places to discover kino. Just look a good kino and scroll to the users also liked these movies suggestions and keep going down that rabbit hole and you'll find something.

I have the most luck looking at a directors filmography checking out every movie until I find a good one.

>t. doesn't know where to look

just search around, i dunno. find where film nerds congregate. find stuff.

>charismatic and likeable lead is a terrorist that indiscriminately kills thousands, then millions i his quest for world destruction or at the least, destruction of society
>character succeed
>stereotypical heroic group fail and perish

Can you put that in English, please?

It is english. By my quick glance there's two grammatical errors. Maybe if i wrote like an americunt youd understand?

I am sure everyone will be rushing to the theater to see that one. It has to be different AND good. I.E. people have to be willing to pay to see it, otherwise why would someone pay money to make it. You do understand how capitalism works, right? You have to produce something that will yield profit or you are literally throwing money away.

>indiscriminately kills thousands

so basically a school shooter but instead of a school, it's the world. sounds fuckin edgyand shitty

Sounds like part of the plot of Watchmen.

Fuck the audience. Movies should be about the art/experience/journey, not the ticket stubs. Its this sort of idealism brought on by capitalist kikes that has destroyed hollywood and damaged the global cinematic scene.

>No caps or punctuation at the end of sentences = 6 errors.
>Likeable is mispelled. Should be "likable." = 1 error
>"i his quest" = 1 error
>"character succeed is gibberish = 1 error
>Last sentence should read "The stereotypical heroic group fails and perishes" in order to make any sense. = 3 errors.

I count 12 errors, cunt.

The best art movies of all time are movies that people want to watch.

Some douche killing millions and getting away with it and then the movie is over is fucking retarded.

films were never good. you just had lower standards because your tolerance was still small in your early days of entertainment addiction

nah he's charismatic though. so psychopaths will like him. i mean people. people will like him.

You put caps at the end of sentences?
So 3 errors if you count likable. It should be fail and its a singular goal not multiple. Stop the villain. Simple.
If i need to write out a lengthy post with paragraphs, maybe a storyboard, all for a quick idea, you should go back to neogaf or reddit. Some of us arent triggered by user discussions without the ability to fellate with upvotes.

Write the script and then tell me how people don't give a shit about it.

People like jamie lannister and hes an attempted child killer, dishonest fighter and incestuous. Clearly storytelling and character development mean nothing to modern audiences

Poor writing, shit story, rehash of something made only 10 years ago, decent budgets only go to capeshit now cause almost guaranteed to make bank...a few reasons I can think of off the top of my head...

Every single flick nowadays is encouraging White genocide.

What is white though? Im latino/slav mix and pale as snow despite living in a sun blessed country. Am i white or am i brown?

White is Northern European. To the extent that you have Northern European genes, you're white.