>Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were... still alive. I could use his help right now.
Why do people hate Dooku? Christopher Lee makes him feel three-dimensional.
>Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were... still alive. I could use his help right now.
Why do people hate Dooku? Christopher Lee makes him feel three-dimensional.
Sadly underdeveloped. He really doesn't do much in the Prequels beyond "benchmark bad guy".
He didn't feel three-dimensional. He didn't feel anything, he was just some random bad guy. The Clone Wars cartoon helps with a lot of the prequels flaws, but even there he's just a bad guy.
He's just a generic bogeyman with a red sabre. I don't even understand his motivations.
As cool as Maul was, I think it would have been cool to have Dooku as the Sith the Jedi pursue in 1&2. See a little more about his character and motivations
I don’t know how people can watch this and still say the prequels are bad, Episode II especially. Yes, Jar Jar is obnoxious and the dialogue between Anakin and Padme is awkward, but that makes up only a small fraction of the films.
We are told he's a political idealist and he's allied with the seperatists but none of that is expanded upon what that even means.
That being said dooku is probably the prequel villain who gets the least hate (except palpatine but he's technically an anti-hero)
He might have been sincere, but the strongest likelihood is that he was trying to be manipulative.
I don't think many people hate the character, it's more that people like the character and wish he had gotten more development.
Personally I reckon it would’ve been cooler to see his fall from grace. Imagine if he was a top ranking Jedi in the Phantom Menace who joins Sheev in Attack of the Clones because if Wui Gons death, that would’ve been really cool to see
>Christopher Lee makes him feel three-dimensional.
Not really. Maul was cool, Grievous was cartoonish and campy. Palpatine was legitimately interesting, funny and intimidating at the same time. Dooku was a nonentity and thats a big achievement seeing as how its fucking christopher lee in a cape being called Count
I think Grievous was probably the best prequel villain for what he was. They needed some muscle for a cool fight and I just love Grievous' cackling, jangling skeletal design and bravado.
They had a still mobile Christopher Lee dressed like a space Dracula and they did nothing with him.
>dooku tells obi-wan that the sith control the senate and he needs his help to fight them
>lol i dunt beliv u
>jedi blunder into a massive battle, start a civil war
>dooku can't turn back anymore, has to throw his lot in with sheev even though he still hates the sith
This. Lucas should have CGed him into the Jedi Council in TPM
There is a cool scene in TCW TV show where the force tries to seduce Yoda and it takes him to a time where Qui-Gon is still alive and Dooku hasn't been turned its only a minute long but its a cool scene showing a a better time
right, because there's no history of sith apprentices taking on their own apprentice with the goal of killing their master and assuming the mantle
Why the fuck did he tell obi all that shit and then join sheev anyway?
There should have been 4 prequels.
Then we could have gotten to know Dooku, the CIS, the people of the systems in the CIS, the people of Coruscant, etc better.
Was Count Dooku the Saruman of the Star Wars prequels?
Because he's a loc'd out gangster that really don't give a fuck.
Was I the only person that didn't know what the duck Dooku was doing? He seemed to just be doing shit cause he wanted, they joined Palpatine and died
i don't get what dooku, grievous, the trade federation post TPM or the separatists are even doing
sith was a mistake. throw that label on a character and he is irrefutably a bad guy. just a shit plot device to keep the movies stupid. dark jedi was always a much cooler title too.
Oh, okay. So I wasn't the only person
GOAT light Saber
Who cares. All that matters is that they all got SHEEV'D in the end.
didn't Vader tell that to Luke as well
Dooku, Grievous and Maul seemed like they should have been combined into one character.
trade federation is profiting off of supplying battle droids to the separatist war effort. dooku was sidious' apprentice and general grievous was relatively fucking obvious because of the name. are you 12?
Did grievous have a working dick?
So you're saying that plot would be confusing to a 12 year old? Even though George Lucas has been quoted as saying that Star Wars is for 12 year old kids.
nice GET
What gets me is that Dooku had to be at least 20/30 years OLDER than Sheev was during the prequels.
Grievous was only cool because most people watching the film had just come off watching Genddy's Clone Wars which finished airing not even a few weeks before the film released so they knew what a complete badass he was. And don't forget that while it has since been replaced in canon by TCW it very much was canon at the time it aired as the battle at the start of RotS occurred mere minutes after the events of the final episode of CW. I really wish the new movies had that level of connection.
Sure it may keep the movies stupid but Bioware certainly made a point of giving some depth to the Sith and let's not forget how Palpatine turned out to be building an army for the good of the galaxy in order to combat the Vong.
Just watching this completely brings back how i feel about the prequels. It's so cheesy and stupid, but godamn it had potential. With the nu-trilogy i just feel jaded and cynical.
The Clone Wars IS the fourth prequel.
Excellent post.
Star Wars has always been cheesy. People just have rose tinted glasses for the OT.
This. It let a door open for the lore. And yes, i hate that "wasted potential" as well. I don't get why it took almost 2hours to introduce Dooku, such a great vilain and great actor.
Instead we got annakin doing stuff in the grass with padme, or a retarded car chase in coruscent.
The prequels, opinions aside, tried to be grand fantasy films that only cared about the narrative. Nu Wars is made according to how much money each scene can net Disney.
>Why do people hate Dooku?
Because he was an underused and unexplored character trapped in a dogshit movie much like Kylo Ren.
That was only true for TFA, TLJ has ruined all chances of anything good happening. Kylo had potential but that's gone now.
Not necessarily. JJ can walk back anything he didn't like that Johnson did.
Unless he completely removes TLJ from canon and starts again with a new EP 8 it's completely fucked.
You never know what he might do. It's not like ep 8 respected anything that happened in ep 7.
>(except palpatine but he's technically an anti-hero)
>anti hero
nigger you what
He's talking about how Palpatine did it all for the greater good.
He’s a parallel to Saruman. He is pretending to go along with the bad guy because he wants to destroy him and rule himself. Saruman needed ring to defeat Sauron. Dooku needed Obi Wan to defeat Sidious
which episode? I panned most of the series only focusing on the good arcs (Orange Buttcheeks and Clones)
Exactly. It seems like he wanted to be a benevolent dictator, imposing order with his wisdom so there could be peace. Truly /ourguy/
the dark side would've caught up with him eventually
Not that user but I know it’s from the final arc of the show
Wrong. Scenes like this and the opera scene in episode 3 make up only a small fraction. The rest is pure garbage
Only a viable villain for one movie and a cartoon series. Shitty name. Overall, a waste of Christopher Lee.
Misused. He shouldn't have been a Sith, just a renegade Jedi.
season 6? I actually stopped watching after Ahsoka left the show
Was Dooku really out having adventures with Yoda 20-30 years ago?
I don't hate him I just feel like there were WAY too many antagonists in the prequels, it made it hard to feel anything about anyone. As soon as you start to feel anything about the dynamic of Darth Maul and The Jedi suddenly he's dead and never mentioned again. The same with Dooku. The same with Grievous. They just pop up out of nowhere, are killed, and then never mentioned again. I also think the fight scene between him an Yoda was distasteful and comical.
I like dooku but the clone wars show made him look like a generic villain
I loved him in the movies tho, he was with the bad dudes he seemed like a gentleman that wasn't even bad
this scene alone will never be surpassed by the bullshit fanfiction that is disney star wars
lucas' dialogue has been criticized for years, yet he is actually able to write distinct characters. you could interchange the dialogue with any character in the new fake star wars and you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. rian johnfuck even admitted to it
Grievous had plenty of screentime in Clone Wars. He was in ep 3 specifically to throw a bone to fans of the cartoon and wrap up his story. Granted, he was presumably created in the first place to be a cool new toy the kids could buy, but hey. At least he did more in one movie than Phasma has done in two.
It is such a waste if there is not an EU book about that. It would be kino.
Agreed, this scene really captures the appeal of Star Wars. The dialogue is rather basic, no big words or self-indulgent loquaciousness. It appeals to kids. At the same time though the idea being communicated is so cool (a Sith secretly running the galaxy) and the delivery is straight-faced. It's not pretentious but at the same time it isn't treated like a toy commercial.
Meanwhile every single line in nu-Wars is like an appeal for the audience's respect, with over-the-top humor, nonsense "words of wisdom", or Daisy Ridley emoting through all her scenes.
He is literally lungs and a heart encased in a metal shell, alongside part of his head
he was but this all happens off screen and its a waste. Sad really. Should have been going on during phantom menace instead of some of the fluff in that movie.
He created the empire to defeat the Vong.
the eu did a decent job of expanding his character. yoda almost turned him back at one point.
Count Dooku and Qui-Gon were really cool, they should have been a big focus
They were user.: Vader.
They are all aspects of Vader.
misuse of a great actor. He shouldve been the villain from the getgo, not grievous or maul. Would've been way more impactful when sheev turned on him.
Childhood is idolizing Luke and Han and the Rebellion.
Adolescence is idolizing Sheev and the Empire.
Adulthood is realizing the Confederacy was the only objectively good faction in Star Wars.
Dooku is good in context of all the canon material outside of the movies, but unfortunately when it comes to the films he's lame and easily has the worse saber duels of the saga not that they are terrible, just laughably over the top kiddie fun. Which is not why you cast Lee.
rian johnfuck liked the prequels so of course he made a shit movie.
If George was having trouble filming Dooku's lightsaber duels why didn't he just make a CG model for when he duels?
>Star Wars is an enormous universe with an almost infinite number of potential movies to be drawn from multiple eras
>Because "fans" sperged out over the prequels we'll never get anything other than Empire vs Rebels rehashes until the franchise is driven into the ground
or why not make dooku the type of character that is so ingenius that he hardly find'ds himself in the situation of a duel but still loves dueling. The problem is the pt's choreagraphy is suppose to be dramatized and unrealistic, good for young actors but terrible for old actors, and this is a setting that has established that the older you are the more dangerous you likley are in the force. Honestly as cool as i think some fights are in the PT id give the edge to the ot or st.
All of them have bad choreography at times but i think they found a good balance of being grounded and flashy.
Fuck Dooku. He's a cool guy, but not worth it. Darth Maul should have stuck around. Have Obi-Wan and his fight be Inconclusive, with Obi-Wan barely surviving. In Episode II many years have passed and they meet again in Dooku's place. The scenes are shorter, less dialogue, more stylistic, battle heavy.
Dooku is just a guy who is sympathetic to Sheev's motives on the Council vs a Sith. He's a bit character with a few speeches or two. He, Mace and Yoda are the major speakers. Drop the Trade Federation focal scenes and have it be a simple thing: They're at war with the Galactic Republic due taxation without representation.
If you're going to do politics, it needs to be either high level or with characters we care about with core motivations.
Dooku - Sympathetic to the Chancellor's position, pro-war stance and peace through strength. Comes from a noble family and so that informs his perspective that one man in charge isn't too bad of an idea.
Windu - Jedi hardliner. Studies the teachings strongly. Is aware the dark side isn't exactly like the Jedi say and can tap into emotion. Believes the Jedi should move to take preemptive action against a man who is amassing power and could be connected to a Sith.
Yoda - 100% Jedi way. Maintain the status quo. The Force will guide us. Hesistant to act due to Dooku being his padawan. He can tell Dooku is leaning away from the Jedi, but he and Mace haven't regularly seen eye to eye.
Obi-Wan is the highest ranking Master who still goes into the field. Anakin is refused as both a Master and not given the seat on the Council. Dooku and Palpatine are both sympathetic to him.
First movie is still Qui-Gon adventures, but the second is about tension in the capital as the senate prepares to vote on making Palpatine Chancellor while the start of the film is Obi-Wan being sent to disrupt Darth Maul leading Federation Forces against Padme's planet.
well that also sounds interesting. the light and dark side of being a star wars fan is that there are so many different narratives that could have happened or we would have preferred to have seen. nothing more frustrating than liking star wars. except for maybe reading comics, but that is a whole other rant.
maul is literally just a fucking costume and a cool lightsaber in the most pointless movie in the franchise and user
tlj was kino peasant.
Thanks for validating that user. Was gonna be a short comment but ended up fleshing my idea out a bit.
I believe Obi-Wan should be the central character of the trilology almost. It's really his story even in Lucas' current canon. This provides real narrative heft to the OT.
I agree, and Maul should remain a costume and a cool lightsaber with little motivation. The intensity, mystery and raw power of the Sith is not to be underestimated. Seeing Maul wordlessly tear through Masters in a huge battle before Obi-Wan facing him, the man who killed HIS Master would be an amazing sequence that carries depth without a Maul story. It also gives Obi-Wan a true feat and goes on to underscore how powerful he is and how powerful Anakin is.
>maul is literally just a fucking costume and a cool lightsaber in the most pointless movie in the franchise
>not enjoying the best of sw
Get a load of this guy!
Christopher Lee could make a rock three-dimensional
Because RLM told them they're supposed to hate everything in Attack of the Clones.
That said, he could've used a bit more fleshing out. Still more interesting than Grievous, but less so than all of the other Siths.
That's because they did just pop out of nowhere after George was forced to abandon his Darth Jar Jar plan
>Ep2 ends with the start of the clone wars
>Ep3 begins with the clones wars pretty much already over
I will never understand Luca's thinking in making this decision. I love both clone wars cartoons, but to the average theater goer I don't see how skipping the coolest part of the prequel lore, the thing teased since ep4, is fulfilling to them. It's so jarring if you see Ep2&3 back to back with Dooku being super strong and then a few minutes later getting his ass handed to him.
As Christopher Lee himself said: "Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time, but the trick is never to be terrible in them."
Because george lucas is a hack and prequel defenders need to go be 12 somewhere else
He was under used. I liked him, though.
>Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you
What, they never met? When would Qui-Gon have had a conversation with a departed Jedi Master but not have his Padawan with him?
Plus he's wearing the same outfit.
Why would a jedi master send his known trouble maker apprentice away alone with a known trouble maker woman he has a thing for as the only protection against intergalactic assassins?
Only brainlets like maul
Children's films should be About complex political power plays and infighting. Throw in some fart jokes and bad tv close-ups of talking plus much lightsabers And that's all the prequels were. Wank.