Why do you lie to me Sup Forums

>tell me to watch BR:2049
>decide to watch the original first
>It's fucking shit
Is it just outdated or what,
I heard it flopped when it came out and I fucking see why desu

What is so "good" about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is OP always a faggot?

I didn't even watch the original desu, I just went straight to 2049/
I'm not watching that old grandpa trash

God damn you're Reddit incarnate.

Blade Runner does suck, the basic premise is interesting I suppose but it isn't interesting to watch happen because all the characters are boring, boring people or just insane for no reason. It didn't know whether it wanted to be a sci-fi film, a detective film or a slasher, and in its indecision it does all of them really badly. And the soundtrack is shit too.

I also won't be watching BR2049 or any other sequels based on this propery.

Go back to capeshit if you're serious.

Okay, I was going to tell you that I could see where you were coming from but then:
>the soundtrack is shit too
Fuck you faggot.

Nice false flagging to give soyjak posters an excuse to peddle their shit meme

>this is your brain on burgers

bait thread, and you all fell for it

It is fucking diabolical, like straight out of a 1970s soap opera. You're joking, surely?


the script was fucking terrible you know it's bad when the most memorable line is just something the actor made up on the spot

>he didn’t get the ending
Wow, you gotta be some kinda hyper soyboy brainlet to like 2049 but not the first. I thought 2049 had a neat message, but it’s pennies next to the original


Blade Runner fans (soyboys) love capeshit though.

ITT: newfags can't recognize bait

The first film has a fucking paper thing MUH FAUX DEEP message

>Heh, maybe if I sort by 'mean' instead of 'votes', people wont notice that reddit fucking loves BR2049

I recognise your post as bait

It's boring as hell and there is almost no plot.

2049 sucked so did the original, but it had a cool aesthetic for the 80s. People here like 2049 because they identify with a post some robot wrote once about imitating the lead character from drive and getting a gf as a result. Add the robo waifu and a plot that isnt too difficult to follow for our autistic friends and you got a /tv hit. Also I think most of these guys have some gay leanings towards jared leto.

B-but film is a visual medium


Thought Blade Runner was kinda bland as well, but give 2049 a chance. Not only is it better than the original, it's groundbreaking that will change scifi forever. Made me wish Villenueve directed the Star Wars sequels.

>the two lists aren’t even similar
Wait, how did get out, SW, and baby driver get so high on our list? What the fuck? Shills, trolls, or both, cause tv hated on these a lot??

Also the ending was kino, it’s his realization that nothing on the earth is permanent and it being “lost” is sad in a sense but doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. Roy accepts there are things greater than him and seeks to do some final good in saving Deckard, with the hope his death will allow others to see the truth and follow the righteous path- escaping the city and living what life you have. He’s one of the fucking weirdest Jesus characters out there, but a good one. I don’t know if atheistfags can take away the same meaning so to each his own

What is it like to hold hands with someone you love? Interlinked.

At one point you guys have to admit you don't like it because normies like it. It has an outstanding plot, top tier waifu, and great soundtrack. It's the reason you guys like The Master, because nobody outside of Sup Forums likes it.

The Sup Forums numbers are far too high

You like it because you're gay for Gosling, we don't like it because we're able to judge is objectively.

>this is the average person praising the "kino" that is 2049

I liked both the original and 2049

had nice visuals for the time

shit overall movie and harrison ford didn't fit the role.

>Sup Forums numbers are too high
You do realize you can vote more than once if you use different devices right?

photography and pacing. you just don't like it. good for you homo

>Dude everybody dies lmao
There is nothing deep about this it's something an angsty teen would say in a nickelodeon TV movie. And their is nothing beautiful about the way it was built up and shown visually either it's cheesy.

People always praise Blade Runner giving reasons associated with its time of release and how revolutionary it was for its time. That is subjective.
Imagine if it came out today and you saw it for the first time seeing all the other movies you have done so in your life prior.

>he fell for the Sup Forums recommendation meme
everything this board recommends is utter shit

what do you recommend?

>false flagging
I'm not watching something in 2018, that came out in 1982. It's as simple as that

Blade runner is reddit, plane and semple

Wow kys pls