Why does he hate white people so much?

Why does he hate white people so much?

Everyone hates White people duh... its the trend now

i really dont like this smug faggot

he has a gigantic nose

>married to a white woman

Who he hates

The real question you should be asking is why whites are such faggots that they allow other people to hate them.

smug pajeets always have a big chip on their shoulder, just look at Poo Coon

yeah its PC to be racist against white men now.

Look at him

You can't be racist against whites because racism = power + privilege and streetshitters have neither. They don't even have the power to poo in the loo.

>allow other people to hate them
m8 most white people i know who are even extremely liberal dont appreciate being called slavers and murders. Its more of a "dont bring race into this" kind of thing.

Ultra rich posh pajeet men have a chip on their shoulder because they are basically the pajeet version of stuck up private school WASPs like lena dunham, they are brought up to think they are better than everyone else, but regular society treats them just like the normal curryboys they look down on. The men are not desirable on average but are brought up in a much more male dominant culture at home also, this escalates the torsion of chauvinism and relative low status that tears at them.

/leftypol/ here and the left wing sjw ones are the fucking worst, the ones that try to act like drake are solid bros though mostly.

pol fuck off

Latest Stand-up Special Puts White People On Blast (and that's a good thing)

This dude, Aziz, and the daily show poo all really don't like white folks.

Because he is a rich indian and realized despite his wealth and fame he cannot compete with white Chads because he is an Indian beta from an inferior race. That's why despite everything he still could only pull an average chubby white female.

poo in loos are the most ungrateful 2nd gen. "immigrants", followed closely by Hispanics

muh racism, muh feminism


I thought this was a face mesh.

>WASPs like lena dunham,

Lena Dunham is Jewish

I actually met a poo comedian who was pretty good at a comedy club last weekend. No racial humour at all which is was pretty surprising. had a twink look to him

>WASPs like lena dunham
>Lena Dunham
>anglo saxon

She's jewish

indian people literally look like poo, not even black people have that gross skin tone, and they always smell bad

>t. reddit

If I looked and smelt like his I'd resent white people too.

Don't hate poos. Don't even pity them. Just be grateful that you're not one and continue on your merry way.

>be a daddy's money boarding school elite in a shitty brown country
>parents move you to rich, safe America
>your heredity caste status doesn't carry over to American culture
>you go from 9/10 to 2/10
>develop a huge chip on your shoulder and devote your life to projecting your inferiority complex onto white people

He's jealous that whites don't constantly smell like the local designated shitting street, like he and other Pajeets do.

They are constantly shitting up the place, why don't they stay on Sup Forums?

Her dad is a WASP, and she obviously acts like a WASP who went to a west coast private school. There really isn't that much difference nowadays and the two are extremely integrated with each other inb4 Sup Forums shit

Well yeah. What man likes their wife?

why don't you stay on reddit?

>jews are the same as WASP
>be me
>grew up in WASP area but catholic
Yeah no, they are nothing alike other than being rich. Jews really dont like WASP's at all and the feeling is usually mutual . This is like saying Italian catholics who go to private school are the same as english protestants who go to private school by virtue of their wealth. Lena Dunham acts like a ultra liberal reform jew t b h

Totally different people.
also jews are way more corrupt than WASP's inb4 Sup Forums shit

WASP culture is conservative and patriarchal whereas Lena is a liberal feminist; she is a typical Jew.

They do like each other. There is an extremely high level of inter marriage and cultural overlap between rich artsy/literary jews and the WASP counterparts that dunham tipifies. There is a reason that she was touted as the voice of her generation (for east coast private school kids) because they are all like that.

this. the really rich Northeast WASPs and Jews are basically identical politically and culturally.

Not really, there are different strata, this isn't the 50s and new york artsy WASPs are a bit different from the ones that live in Connecticut or wherever, that Central park arts/literary elite has just as many WASPs as jews easily.
WASPs are the backbone of upper crust DNC democratic politics on the west coast also.

This kind of does give me a clue why you Sup Forumstards think jews are the source of all your problems though. If something is 'foreign' that needs to be removed etc is the source that is more palatable than a cultural change among people who are like you but just have a different view of the world.

Nice talking with you friend.

If this is what considered handsome in India then I can't imagine what kind of pussy I can get there

Where are the sexual assault accusations against him? He seemed like he'd be banging bitches while his wife was in a coma.

Yeah maybe I should go back there pal, See you on the_donald ;^)

so how are they protestant then?

I think the answer is obvious.

It sucks because I think he’s a pretty funny actor but his Twitter is the most soy thing ever

your WASP phobia is basically the ideological precursor of "I hate cis white men", it's quite amusing and at the same time pathetic that you don't even realize it. The fact that you think a jew can be a wasp although being a wasp means that you can never be a jew is the cherry on top.


Did he invent the claw move or just popularize it?

Ay lmao he hates white people so much he married one

WASPs are notoriously not artsy and they typically work in business, Lena is a quintessential media Jew and she was touted as a “voice of a generation” because media Jews promote other media Jews.

>Where do I place the EMPHASIS though? What even IS A SalarIAN?

No those DNC shills are not WASPs because as this user points out they are not Protestant and are either actively hostile towards religion or subscribe to some trendy faith like Buddhism. You cannot spell WASP without the P.

Some of the most progressive churches in america are protestant around the east coast, gay marriage, etc, etc. This is a broad cultural shift imo among the elite.

Also both the WASPs and the jews aren't really religious to the same extent, but are 'cultural christians/jews/etc' they don't really believe in god but celebrate Christmas/Jewish holidays/etc. If you look hard enough you can see the old protestant values of self flagellation, moralism, guilt, anti fun and looseness, hard work and so on in today's SJW. As well as other things they are basically the nowadays version of the temperance movement, that was a predominantly female movement also.

I knew that game was fucked the second I heard his voice and then confirmed when they didn't blink upwards.

so in other words they aren't protestant by the real definition

>/leftypol/ here
How about you leave? How about that?

He's doing the most self-aware version of the 'racist jokes but performed by a minority' act.

It's very common, but few have the balls to actually go all in on including racism against white people. Making fun of white people is common in comedy, racism against white people really isn't.

he jew,................

Jewish is a state of mind.

Nah, mate. This is actually quite fun

He paki moslem.
He grew up consuming western media, mostly X-Files and saw how fucking awesome white people and their societies are. Then he would look out the window upon a literal shithole hellscape and remind himself that he will never be one. Even if he goes to America and becomes successful, he will never be white.


is he a dreamworks character?

Italians have a disdain for white people

What the fuck is the real definition, who gave you this power to define denominations, are you literally the archbishop of canterbury? I actually wouldn't be surprised desu

Because he will never not be a fuckin pajeet. No idea how you would cope with that

In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of

well if they support gay marriage and other blasphemous shit then they aren't even christians are they?

>Why does he hate white people so much?
Because he had to work with T.J. Miller.

wasps are almost all right wingers

T.J. miller is Jewish


Some are right wing Democrats.

>T.J. miller is Jewish
That's not what he told me.

Quite a lot of reform churches in literal Germany and England (i.e. the originators of protestantism) do gay blessings. The worldwide Anglican church seems roughly split on the issue overall, and have something like an 'agree to disagree' position so I'm not sure they agree with you.

Things change mate, the past is another country and all that. You used to get stoned for adultery but nothing happens nowadays.

>when you're from reddit

and yet you consider them the same as the founding WASPs, that is one sided convenience no?

>when you get triggered by an image on a Cantonese origami image board

They aren't really the same culturally, similar with some obvious central elements carried over, but others very different. There are also conservative WASP democrats etc, etc and the type of upper crust republicans like in Gilmore girls that have become less powerful in the last few decades. But the ones in new york that live around central park and a few other places and go to private schools are accurately described above imo.

But I say that because they are literally the descendants of those people you're talking about.

>Why does he hate white people so much?

curry fury