Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about this keno?

Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about this keno?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's shit

Because it's underrated, underground, on it's way to become a future cult classic and only patrician anons with high IQ can understand it. It's literally one of the greatest pleb filters in existence
Other than that, there is the occasional thread, and they're usually very comfy.

>Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about this keno?

Yet another thread about a character was posted at the literal exact same second?


looks like a shit thread and not a specific PoI thread worth much discussion, no matter how much one likes Harold.
Also, synchronicity

Deviant behaviour detected

>When Samaritan gets confirming trips

Threadly reminder that Root a Cute

Because Sup Forums has terrible taste, that they can't recognize it as one of the best shows in years.

Also that Samaritan is best arc, that Reese is best operator, that The Machine is best daughterfu and Harold is pure, like her. That Fusco is best boy, Shaw is a persian princess, Elias is best gangster and Carter was a good cop ;_; It's late as fuck to enjoy a proper PoI thread, but I hope this summarizes it.

That about sums it up. The cast is best cast of any show, of all time

She smells of fish

is fusco /ourguy/?

I stopped watching this show somewhere around season 4. Not that I disliked it, but I guess all the _____ of the week stuff annoyed me

Of course he is, user. Root confirms it

Fusco is definitely /ourguy/
And Shaw is definitely /ourgirl/


Should've said Root and my dubs

>something airs/premiers
>its shit
>4-7 years pass
>people who watched it as children, thus too stupid to know its shit, thus love it, come to Sup Forums and ask why people don't love what they loved as children


its like a fucking curse

That's a weird time to quit, because the consensus seems to be that the show gets great in S3 and then just keeps getting better right up to the end.

>i didnt watch the show: the post

>seasons are 22 episodes long
no time for a long ass show like that, especially a procedural

Sarah Shahi is perfect though

I prefer long seasons, more time for character development and interactions.
>Sarah Shahi is perfect though
cant argue with that though

>being lazy
Just watch the thing, it's more complex than a procedural on the long term.
And even the procedural eps are comfy

Also, pic

>tfw no strong persian princess gf

>ywn be with these 2
Ok... last I can post for tonight

Ok one more

Ive seen the webm of 2 chicks in this show walking slowley sideways across a room and just shooting wildly. Looked very bad. Like total shit honestly. Its what makes me skip over it everytime I see it on netflix.

And this

Don't let one admittedly bad 30 second sequence out of a 103 episode show ruin it for you. That's just the only really negative thing people can find about it, so naturally that's what always gets posted. We are on Sup Forums after all.

We had threads during the final season which was only like a year and a half ago.
Was a great show from S1E1 to the finale and I marked out so hard when Samaritan and Machine found their voices and shit started getting really real.

I challenge fans of this show to post one good scene that really sells the show. It can't be done, and that's why it will be forgotten. Not saying it's not good, just saying it's unremarkable.

Those were really comfy threads

There's a lot to post, but given that I don't know what you're looking for specifically when you ask for a "good scene that really sells the show" it's more likely that you'll just dismiss everything posted because it sounds to me like you've already made up your mind about it, despite having not seen it.

I bet you want Breaking Bad threads to come around again too, stupid
>and The Wire threads
>and The West Wing threads

not like theres anything worth talking about on tv today. might aswell talk about old shit instead

I ding dong diddly hope youre trolling.

Fusco arresting Simmons and his flashback with the therapist where he talked about gunning down the drug dealer while smiling.

That's a good one, or just that whole episode in general, opening scene included.

Youtube "Person of Interest, Johnny Cash Hurt"

Or "Person of Interest - Radiohead Exit Music For a Film"
Show really knew how to use music to make a kino scene.

Anyone posting her webms? You know which ones

Or "Person of Interest - The Violent Bear It All Away"

Isnt it amazing the one show with realistic "strong womyn" never got any hype from the left. Nobody hates women, we just hate "ummm sweetie?" female-supremacist types. I wish Rian had watched PoI before he destroyed SW

Why are all the guys looking to the left?

I always thought that was weird too. But it's probably because they were actual fallible characters, instead of just being pure pandering "yaaas queen" kind of shit. The left only wants their strong womyn characters to be perfect in every way.

Or "Person of Interest Welcome to the Machine"

Because it's fucking garbage, Jesus. My roommate watched like every episode of every season of this and I can't believe there are humans that waste their time on it.


It's a slow burn and normies are brainlets

>Show started airing in 2011

it was cancelled because the geriatric normies who watch cbs didnt like that the hard sci fi elements of it became more important as the series went on. they just wanted a cop show and got an exploration of government surveillance and the ethics of artificial intelligence instead, so they all tuned out