Highest grossing film of all time. Literally had no cultural impact. What went wrong? How did the madman do it?
Highest grossing film of all time. Literally had no cultural impact. What went wrong? How did the madman do it?
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Pure marketing
No one saw it
no one liked it
everyone forgot about it
no one spent money on it
I'm not a conspiracy fag, but there's something afoot here.
3D hype
IMO it was mostly the 3D people wanted to see, at least in Australia it felt like that type of 3D technology was new and everyone was super excited about it. At least, it helped a lot. Movie wouldn't have made as much as it did if not for it.
>no cultural impact
Come to Asia and you'll see some impact and memes about it.
It wasnt about cultural impact. It was about tech impact. Avatar was a massive tech demo.
And it worked. Every movie to come out after Avatar was released in both 2D and 3D. And now thats the norm.
the native society was portrayed as perfect, therefore it's extremely boring
Eh I saw it and I saw Sherlock Holmes in the same day on 2009. Was a good double feature
>How did the madman do it?
Ever sold your soul to the Devil, OP?
This. This flick sold 3D better than any other in history.
Tbh, it was actually fucking beautiful. I dont remember anything about the story besides a vague 'natives a good we are bad' tone, but I still have mental screenshots. That scene in the glowing forest in the cinemas in 3D was gorgeous.
selling your soul for trash like blue pocahontas ?
bad deal user
>boyfriend: "You haven't seen AVATAR?!"
>puts it on
>bored as fuck
>go to make a bowl of cereal
>"PAUSE IT PAUSE IT You're missing it!"
>fall asleep
Overall a 4/10 pretty good
>says the guy who likes avatar
Perfect timing and came out when normies were still curious about the CGI meme and 3D.
3D is now dead and not really a good selling point for movies anymore. CGI has gotten shittier somehow. Less and less people are going to the movies as well. I feel bad for Cameron because when the sequel does come out, it won't even hit a quarter of the sales the first one got.
>Noble savage, the movie
That's why. The concept of the noble savage has no foothold in modern times.
Tbh if the marketing is anything like this movie had, it'll still pull in money over the summer.
user pls, everyone saw it everywhere
it just hit peak hype
>claims zero cultural impact
because it was a soft remake of pochahontas and dances with wovles and last samurai. it lost all memorability
he wanted to go on another submarine ride
But you don’t see people cosplay as avatar characters at comic con unlike starwars or lord of the rings avatar had no lasting impact in nerd culture. I’m telling you they waited too long for the sequel.
And James Cameron will have waisted half of his life on this trash.
>"Put it on"
Watching this on anything except IMAX is a waste of time
wot, I saw it opening weekend and the theatre was packed. I knew people who rewatched because the 3D was so "good".
So yeah it was just the right amount of hype at the right time...
>Literally had no cultural impact. What went wrong? How did the madman do it?
Something completely derivative can't change a culture by definition.
Technology demonstrator for 3d that came out at the right time. First well made movie using that meme. Technically competent on all levels and decent visuals. If you ignore tech memes, it is his worst movie he has directed, written or produced since Piranha II.
Isn't 3d dying now?
Yes NOW it is.
Well as I said it was 2009. Should I try it in IMAX if it ever gets re-released? The story was terrible
shit nigger, isn't there still like 1000 days until it comes out though? Who the fuck knows if theaters won't be shutting down en masse by then.
Every big movie release still seems to favor 3D first at my cinema. Almost no films are shot in it anymore but that could just be because conversion is no longer hot garbage.
2010, not 2009 - I watched a axxo torrent or whatever that one guy's name was
The chinks ate it up. Maybe it had some cultural impact there
To this day I haven't seen it.
But it reminds me a little of Final Fantasy Spirits Within, which, while not great, is very underrated.
IMAX 3D is inferior to other brands. The image is often misaligned, projectors are 2k, and the glasses you get are scratched pieces of shit they polish with a cloth after each showing.
>2009 was 18 years ago
Spirits Within was a much better movie.
I still haven't watched it.
I've already seen Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Fern Gully etc. and I hate 3D gimmick shit.
Just like almost all of Camerons' movies, Avatar is just cobbled together from other movies.
It's a carefully crafted product.
Lord of the Rings is based on a famous book and was a trilogy, Star Wars was also a trilogy.
fucking hell people on Sup Forums still think he directed P2... what is this reddit?
robbing him his Oscar
>No one saw it
A hell of a lot of people saw it, though
>no one liked it
Yeah, a lot of people didn't. Actually I'm kind of shocked by how much Sup Forums sucks its dick because elsewhere it's seen as meh or shit.
>everyone forgot about it
Because it has nothing to stand on but LOOK AT THIS CGI OMG.
Ouch that's gotta hurt!
> perfect
> literally animal tier
> no architecture
> no culture
> no knowledge of the cosmos around them
This was all portrayed as good.
>fucking hell people on Sup Forums still think he directed P2
He was put on director chair while he was working for effects for that film after original director fucked off. Cameron not considering it as his debut as director is literally his opinion, also he was too poor to Alan Smithee it. He has acknowledged it's existence at least in one interview and even joked sarcastically that it is the all time greatest film about flying piranhas.
Back in the day it was very common for filmmakers to start their careers with low budget B-movies.
wasn't it highest grossing cos 3d tickets cost twice as much
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe
Cry more.
He did. Same as Scorsese's debut being an exploitation movie with a train gimmick. There's really no shame in that user
fuck off james
i never saw it... just bits of a bad cam in the background at a friends
i too cant believe the gross
Everyone saw it, a lot of people liked it, many people liked it too much, it had Star Wars level hype.
Problem is that it didn't last.
Why it didn't last like Star Wars did is something to debate. Maybe the movie was just shit and people were tricked into liking it because of marketing of the time. Maybe Star Wars having toys and regular sequels helped give it legs.
fuck off reddit
Ha! I remember reading that thinking that can’t be real.
avatar is quintessential redditcore
>Why it didn't last like Star Wars did is something to debate
>this is what reddit actually believes
Avatar sucked
>CGI has gotten shittier somehow
Outsourcing to India or shipping in poos to work for pennies because shots typically go to the lowest VFX studio bid.
I did mention that dumdum
How old is that screen cap? Also Titanic is when Cameron started to decline as director. I suspect he is becoming Ridley Scott. Technically extremely competent director that has lost his creativity. The thing with Cameron as filmmaker is that he used to be the guy that could actually deliver popcorn flicks that are actually deep if you really start to think about 'em.
Avatar came out in 2009, user.
>Literally had no cultural impact. What went wrong
Dare I say you are wrong. Nothing went wrong with Avatar. And yet no anons can adequately explain Avatar's legacy until me.
>no cultural impact
False. The metrics used for every movie released over the last decade do. not. apply. Avatar is the *only* movie that absolutely necessitated a theatrical experience. In this way, a better metric is a theme park ride. Or Jiro's sushi. You had to be there. Watching it on a TV or on FX network, anyone will tell you, doesn't even begin to compare, like 5% effective.
Some say Avatar capitalized on 3D novelty. But audiences were already meh on 3D by then. Remember Angelina Jolie's Beowulf? The word of mouth on Avatar was un-fucking-precedent. Not since Gone with the Wind has a movie had that level of WOM. Again, cultural impact is measured with metrics that don't apply here's. Avatar penetrated untapped swaths of the public that rarely see a movie, who don't even watch movies. These people exist. Tens of millions. For some of these people, it was a religious experience. The "Avatar blues" was hyperbolic, but some older people, 50s-70s, it was like a religious experience. Titanic made a huge gateway with elderly people among Cameron's fan base. They trusted him.
So, when you say Avatar had no cultural impact, actually, it's movies in general that haven't had a cultural impact since. Avatar was Elvis leaving the building. Force Awakens came no.where.close.to.its.record, desu. Think about that. Decades of IP, and Star Wars can't touch it. And anons like you have the audacity, unless you're a naive teen, to mock this kino.
Avatar was the Globalist Experience done right. The story was simplified, yes, because Cameron was entertaining the entire world, Spielberg can't even dream of this. He simplified the story but supercharged the visuals, like a literal 20/10 super model who doesn't speak. She doesn't need to use words, new words will be created just for her. Lol.
Watching Avatar at home? That's like a handjob from a retard. In a theater? An Eyes Wide Shut orgy with Carebears and Sailor Moon, with crab leg feast afterward. You dumb bitch.
>Avatar was the Globalist Experience done right. The story was simplified, yes, because Cameron was entertaining the entire world, Spielberg can't even dream of this. He simplified the story but supercharged the visuals, like a literal 20/10 super model who doesn't speak. She doesn't need to use words, new words will be created just for her. Lol.
The movie's not very good looking though. I mean it's all technically impressive but the art design and cinematography are merely competent.
>Avatar sux. Fuck that movie. - user
>user sucks. Fuck that faggot. - James Cameron
>Avatar rules, it inspired me. - Jesus Christ
>no cultural impact
uhh, sweetie...
I didn't even want to watch it to be fair
Those came second to the vfx, which in 3D were absolutely stunning at the time.
Even then I thought the creature concepts were dumb (hammer-head rhino? Please.) but jumping from mid air onto Taruk was undeniably exhilarating. The immersion was there.
If you saw it in IMAX, you're either lying or manic depressive. The explosions from the warcraft into the forest literally took the audience's breath away. No film came close then or now for masterful spectacle. Now imagine what Avatar 2 will be like. We can't. People talk shit about G-d until they witness a miracle, or glimpse hell. Avatar is the same. People rag on it until it appears. Repeat for 2, 3, and 4. Cameron say 3 will take place underwater. Cameron has lived underwater nearly as much as on land this decade. $2 billion without coming up for air, easy.
r u a girl
I guess I'm just not that impressed by effects alone.
You know it was this movie that made me realize how inhuman and evil gay niggers are because I was talking about this movie wit a gay nigger Co worker and I was saying how I wanted humanity to conquer the aliens for the good of our species and he was abhorred by that and liked the cute little aliens because they're blue.
He'd sell out his own fucking humanoid species for some fucking aliens.
Since then I've become extremely racist and homophobic, it was a real eye opener into the mentality of these soulless faggots.
>undeniably exhilarating
>immersion was there
This. And not a single movie after Avatar came close to this reaction. No one said TFA was exhilarating, or Avengers. Avatar exists in its own category. Avengers is a Mustang, Avatar is a Stealth Bomber.
I wish I loved anything as much as you guys loved this movie.
Honestly, what movies from the past 20 years have had real "cultural impact"? What movie franchises born since 2000 are going to get remakes/reboots/sequels in the 2030s/2040s, the same way people are obsessed with rebooting 80s properties today? Fucking Looper?
What cultural impact? It was made to get money on 3D hype. Otherwise it’s just shitty Pocahontas or Dances with the wolves rip off with blue aliens.
>Honestly, what movies from the past 20 years have had real "cultural impact"?
Iron Man
Also this
Those were novels or comic books though. Stuff like Ghostbusters, Robocop, Terminator, Star Wars, Die Hard, Indiana Jones, Alien, Karate Kid and The Thing were all original films as far as I know.
The Thing is a remake.
LoTR had no cultural impact. Oh, The Hobbit trilogy. Game of Thrones had more impact. GoT had so much impact it got a $1 billion LoTR series greenlighted by Amazon. And now Disney owns Avatar. The next movie will make so much money one theaters may have to shut down from wear and tear by muds and taconiggers and dead blue babies in the aisles.
What about the others?
None of these were advertised as negatives.
>LoTR had no cultural impact
You need to be 18 or older to post here
High level bait
the 3d in this movie is simply impressive, i wish i had a bigger tv and good 3d glasses instead of my shitty red cyan garbage
Is that Ben Stiller?
Is that a satirical headline?