Season 6 predictions?

Season 6 predictions?

didnt spacey get btfo after he came out as a gay man ?

No one fucking watches because Frank’s not in it

Frank isn’t killed off but replaced by another actor.

Frank died on the way back to his hometown

Gonna suck, this season shouldn't have been made in the first place-like even before the controversy. This last season could've been the very end with her just looking into the camera. They've already jumped the shark so hard what other insane shit will they pull out of their asses to keep it interesting?

But it's "HER" time

Who cares? Season 5 was trash and even if they still had spacey they wouldn't be able to save it at this point

Hillary executes order 66


And then, using deepfake and enough GPU power, they could go back through all the old episodes and replace Spacey's face with that of the new actor

whos HER ?

>We learn by a news montage that he given life in prison.
>They wrap it up in the first episode and fix Robin Wright's credibility by making her look like a brave victim that stood up against him.
>They never mention him again, ever.
>The reporter subplot moves to the guy she killed, that one fag she was banging.
>They turn her into Frank 2.0 and apply his planned development to her.

vomit inducing sex abuse awareness faggotry
also feminism

They have to kill Claire off in the end instead of Frank though.

So what?

i kinda hoped claire wont pardon frank and he'd kill that bitch like he said he will

How can you kill a female character off in this climate?

Ask the Game of Thrones showrunners.

There’s literally no point to watching past S2.

Nobody was watching season 4 or 5. People will watch the first episode realize it sucks and stop watching

The blonde woman, I have no idea of her name, I only know Castle

I wo7ld watch it if he was replaced by Paul Blart