So this is what happens when you make your base of operations briefcase-sized.

So is that going to be Walton Goggins? Or is he playing some dumb suit.

Movie is already an 8/10 for shrinking a fucking building

That's the Ghost, played by Hannah John-Kamen.

Goggins is indeed playing a corrupt businessman, Sonny Burch.


If you shrunk a building wouldn't it be EXTREMELY fragile? Just think of all the stuff inside that would smash around with the slightest movement, too.


Maybe the building increases in density when it shrinks so it wouldn't collapse immediately for having ultra thin parts. What about the furniture inside?

That's the building's natural state. They increase it's size to disguise it as a regular building.

Why do we have to do this in every fucking antman thread?

The building was built small. Small is its original state. It was grown to be big. The mass stays the same so if it was built as a normal-sized building, it would be too heavy to carry or roll. There's features built in to keep furniture and equipment from rolling around. Because it was built to be mobile and small.

Now please can we stop having a 50 post debate about the building.

>The mass stays the same
Just drop this now. They've already broken this rule too many times to count.

>regular any grows big, somehow crashes through house wall even though it has the mass of an ant
>Ant-Man shrinks down, can be carried on flying ants even though he has the mass of a human
>tank shrunk down to fit on keychain can be carried in a pocket even though it has several tons worth of mass
>toy train embiggened crushes a squad car even though it's mass is only a few ounces

Why does the costume look so cheap?

It'll be touched up in post.



I’d watch an hour long documentary where they show how they “touch up” superhero costumes in “post”

True. Guess the hood must be CGI'ed on.

>goddamn everyone is funny in Zoolander except for Ben Stiller

Watch the behind the scenes of literally any movie that has Iron Man in it.

La creatura...

yea but how do you get water and electricity?

You can't just expand it back to normal size and be connected to the grid

Generators and water coolers. It's basically a bug out bag laboratory.

Pym particles, faggot.

The villain doesn't look very threatening. A thief again like the Vulture in the last Spider-Man, right? Meh.

So if it has the mass of a suitcase, any amount of roadwork (jackhammers) or just a heavy truck driving by will shake and topple the building? They better enforce those "No Loitering" signs like Fort Knox or the nearest bum leaning against the building will slide it several feet.


Water tank. Generator. These buildings exist in remote areas.

Do I need to post this in every goddamn thread?

she doesnt need to look threatening dipshit. This isnt your anime. She just needs to be capable

You dont need to post this at all seeing as how unless they state and explain it properly in the movie, its a plot hole. I shouldnt have to dig to find your shitty funny book from 20 yrs ago to understand it.

>one of the best Iron Man villains
>played by a mixed race girl
This is relevant to my interests.

How do they fill up the water tank?

You realize NONE of that touches on mass, right? Strength and durability aren't measures of mass. Density is, but it's a measure of mass per volume, which we already know pym particles change. This is worthless even for comic book science.

And ignoring all that, it was already explained (and subsequently broken repeatedly) how Pym Particles work.They just ignore it whenever they want to.

That's not how plotholes work you stupid asshole. A movie doesn't need to spoonfeed you every little piece of information. Just because you don't understand how some plot device works doesn't mean that the plot device doesn't work.

would you Sup Forums?