Movie set in the future

>movie set in the future
>currency is "credits'"

Other urls found in this thread:

In The Future, A One World Currency Will Replace All Currencies, And Remove The Need For Borders (and that's a good thing)

What's wrong with that? Lazy writing?

>WW2 movie
>nazis are the bad guys

You know what? OP is right.

>movie set in the future
>currency is bitcoin

>internet imageboard
>nazis are the good guys

>movie set in the future
>currency is Funko Pop!s

>movie set in the future
>there are still white people

the debt revolution is the man behind the curtain.
a pure debit framework halves the money supply and precludes lending.
any sufficiently advanced civ would be credit based and hopefully decoupled from the whims of nation-state fiscal & monetary policy.
your progeny will be spending credits and won't have that silly pistol, either.


Yes goy currency for us the chosen you will get nothing but beatings and torture however MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA

>movie set in the future
>currency isn't "credits'"

>movie set in the past
>money is "gold"

>WW2 movie centered around Germans and are portrayed by English-speaking actors
>They talk with British accents.

>war movie
>fire spreading on map to represent the expanding battle

it's cliche and overdone


nobody move

we're gonna sort this out... peacefully



Every now and then I'm just reminded that this is a thing that grown adults spend their hard earned money on. Small, cheaply made plastic representations of pop culture figures. I can imagine hundreds or thousands of years in the future, whereas we found fertility statues and figurines depicting religious mythos, the future human race would be unearthing thousands of small vinyl figurines of fucking DC/Marvel characters and Dr. Who.

God just fucking kill me already.

>Sup Forums movie
>poster misquotes


>getting assblasted over toys

okay actually made me kek

I'm a fundamentally flawed person. Fight me irl behind the nearest KFC, fuccboi.

>movie set in the future
>currency is goyim slaves

>currency isn't called "debt"

>movie set in the future
>global currency isn't the yuan

>movie set in the future
>space exploration is quick and easy
>there's still a conflict over resources for some reason

>movie set in past
>currency is women

they stole jewels i guess, for the fun of it

>Movie set in the future
>Scene about relics from the past
>the past is post-2000

>movie set in past
>currency is gold coins

In Time did it right.
You're welcome

>narrator makes metaphor about how war is like an uncontrollable wildfire

I love that tho


Nuyen, wulong, basically any neoAsia currency ala Gibson
"Credstick" as slang for the physical medium, basically predicting Bitcoin ATMs
"That'll be 10 million. Cash upfront"
Bison Dollars

>Mid Tier

Failing to name currency at all, "They stole 4 billion"

>Shit Tier

Double dollars
Imperial credits
Gold ala Battlefield Earth
Gold pressed latinum but also nothing
Social Capital or Good Boy Points unironically

In the future, instead of printed money backed by the value of gold or the word of the state, there will be an allocation of a portion of the aggregate product of individual or collective productive activity to the persons involved in said activity.

>Gold pressed latinum but also nothing
There isn't a contradiction here, the Federation can't replicate everything so what it can't acquire with its own labor pool and capital, it trades with other races to acquire. Federation citizens can own latinum, it's just not very useful within the context of a typical Federation lifestyle unless you're involved in trade with other races or institutions that have unreplilcatable resources that you want to trade for.

that's basically what it is now. no one uses cash anymore

You don't seem to be acquainted with leftypol and its offshoot boards yet newfriend

>movie set in the future
>minorities haven't used genetic editing to turn themselves into white people



They're too poor for genetic editing

>historical fiction
>currency is "coin"

>Republic credits will do fine.

How could we forget

You meme, but this was essentially the plot of Elysium