This is the funniest fucking episode I've ever seen

This is the funniest fucking episode I've ever seen.

The fact that they actually succeeded is twice as hilarious.

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It was a pretty good episode

It was really funny!

I don't know why but gags like these always get me cartoon characters drawn with such detail.

This was so fucking good I remember seeing it for the first time on tv.

I can't wait for them to get back to just telling batshit stories again.

Si, fly...

Wait, so when Family Guy kills a whale for a joke, it's crass and disgusting, but when South Park does it, it's okay?

Willzyx wasn't ripped apart by a forklift.

Have you actually seen the episodes that you are comparing? The family guy gag was a 3 mins of peter being and retard and there was blood everywhere. In south park there wasn't blood and the entire episode is about the boys being kids and trying to save a whale by sending it to the moon, They did it and during the credits it cuts and show how the whale died because he didn´t had oxygen. It was fast, Hilarous and not 3min seeing a whale getting brutaly killed.

Because this was funny, It was fast, obvious but wasn't really expecting it at all.
And then in Family guy you have this shit

And then they did it again to that guy who didn't want people making fun of him anymore.

Tom cruise, I almost died when i saw him in the moon with the stupid whale next to him.

that was blood and gore
this is a Free Willy parody

This is the only reason I remember Space Cowboys.

Would the body decay?

>Five hundred...dollars

if theres no bacteria it wouldn't decompose, remember space is like the perfect freezer

No, it should exploit for the difference of pressure between the earth and the moon.

>tfw the real Willy died after going free too

Biological material WILL weaken and eventually break down over time, but with neither living bacteria nor erosion we're talking centuries at least.

Fantastic taste OP.
But I have to say the Korn scooby doo parody is still by far my favorite episode. I used to overlook the really early seasons but my fucking god is this the definition of 10/10

Technically whales on land poison themselves to death.

In space without pressure their blood will boil and then rupture parts of the body essentially destroying it.

If something manages to stay frozen this wouldn't happen, remember the less pressure applied on a substance the lower the threshold to evaporate a substance becomes.

It's my favorite episode too, user.
Nice to share some good taste.

>Mr. Scientist

don´t member this episode

>In space without pressure their blood will boil and then rupture parts of the body essentially destroying it.
People always misinterpret the little tidbit about water boiling in a vacuum. As you mention evaporation point is a product of both temperature and pressure, but evaporation is just the conversion of liquid to gas. And while evaporating water might LOOK the same as atmospheric boiling, if you're picturing the kind of violent catastrophic structural failure of, say, a pressure cooker failing then you're going to be disappointed because there just isn't the energy to support that (if there is we'd be exploding on long flights). The blood inside the body is still pressurized by the tension flesh and bone and so will remain liquid until the water slowly seeps out over time through the various processes which water moves around the body and to the surface of the skin.

The vacuum of space is not a particularly violent pressure differential (simply 1 atmosphere differential, the same as being approximately 33m underwater, which can cause Nitrogen bubble issues if transitioned too quickly, but isn't going to cause catastrophic failures of bodily integrity). The worst things that happen to astronauts who are accidentally exposed to space (other than, of course, asphyxiation) is a cold-burn to the skin which is very similar to a sunburn.

Also a regular burn from all the radiation. Also you might want some eyedrops after your tears all cold-boil off your eyes, since that's exposed.

But yeah, you don't fucking explode or freeze into an ice cube or whatever. People thinking that really chafes my autism.

Never said that you will explode violently, I just said the whale body wouldn't be in pristine condition if exposed to an environment without atmosphere.

If you could maintain a body frozen through the whole ordeal there are big chances it stays in a better condition.

I remember the first time I saw it on TV, I was just laughing for 3 straight minutes at the end. That ending was absolutely perfect.

Sometimes I envy the short term memory folk, it's from the golden age South Park episodes. This one goes right up with 'you got fucked in the ass' and 'meet the Jeffersons'.

I can't not see the Mexican Space Program being run by the Kerbal devs every time I watch it now.

>Korn powers: Activate!
>Form of: Corn!
>Alright guys, great job!
>That didn't do anything
>We know, it's just cool to do

The fact you could tell they were legit into doing the silly Scooby Doo voices really made that episode

Will they though?

They said they were tired of politics and I really can't blame them.

I sincerely hope they go back to actually being funny.

Yeah, they bet half their season on the wrong candidate and fucked it all up.

That's great OP, but it cant beat this. This is South Park at its purest form of comedy.

>Oh, look, it's Antonio Banderas, he'll help us! Mr. Banderas!

American Dad had Stan play with the guts of a rotting whale shown in detail and Sup Forums didn't bat an eye.

Has South Park always been as topical as it is now? I was a little kid when it started so I don't know about what was popular back then,but those episodes seem more like "timeless with some pop culture references" rather than today's "this is what happened exactly last week."

that episode ruined everything Russell Crowe for me every time I see him in anything I can hear "makein' movies, makin' songs and fightin' 'round the world!"

It varied but they're more pop culture oriented than people remember. For instance Prehistoric Ice Man came out in the weeks following the discovery of a frozen mammoth in Siberia, Jakovosaurs was Trey mocking Jar Jar Binks for an entire episode, Volcano came the year that had 2 volcano-themed summer blockbusters, euthanasia was a new trending topic, Dolly had just been cloned, etc.
It distanced itself from it better but it was always a news of the week/month show.

One step for women... One giant leap for feminism.

>And here we see Kelly riding Willzyx' nose!
>I wish Kelly would ride my nose