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Kingdom Hearts sucks

Mickey needs to be party member

you suck.

Disney doesn't like using Mickey, they're scared as fuck of ruining his image

It's been over a decade and I STILL can't see how so many people take Kingdom Hearts seriously. Look at that! It's fucking MICKEY MOUSE trying to look badass, it just doesn't work!

Are you fellas talkin' about the Door to Darkness?

Does he have a cool battle theme

The secret is that nobody takes it seriously. Hearing Donald talk about trying to maintain the sanctity of the world border or whatever is just campy fun.

Do I really have to buy the last 6 games to understand what's happening in 3?

Not my fault Sora ruins the game for me


Just get the compilation nigga

Maybe they don't have to take it seriously to like it?

Plus that's not such a weird idea. Like the italians had a whole comic series where Mickey was a noir detective in not-Gotham City and it worked super well.

I think they've realized that they don't need to worry about ruining Mickey's image anymore because people (mostly offended parents) don't care about Mickey Mouse anymore.

I think that's why they're fine with the new Mickey Mouse shorts/cartoon.


Only two.
1.5 and 2.5
Maybe 2.8 as well.

1.5 and 2.5 (or 1.5+2.5) and 2.8 are what you need. So basically the compilations.

Sora is the purest shitlord

I sure as hell ain't doing that. I'm never cared for the Final Fantasy fanfaction, I only give a shit about fighting alongside Disney characters. Stories in games have never been much of a thing for me.

Okay so basically there's darkness and light and kingdom hearts is the magic crystal that is all light and Disney is worlds of light but where there's light there's shadows you know what I mean so the shadows are going crazy because there's these people who are not light OR shadows they're Nobodies because they don't have a heart because of some reason or another but it just so happens that they're also clones of people like Sora and the main characters because their island is like a catalyst of the light and shadows I never really got that part so they must find Mickey and the kingdom hearts before the Nobodies because they just want a heart also keyblades are keys to hearts yeah that's right so they open any doors including the doors to your soul which is why it's also a weapon because bad guys don't have souls or something

anyways what you really need to know is that Riku and Cloud and Sephiroth have the best boss battles and you're buying the games just so you can fight them and to annoy Donald Duck but mostly have wicked action RPG fights with two legends of Final Fantasy and Riku in the beginning

also pick shield and sword you wimp

Pretty much all of that is wrong, congrats.


It's literally KH 1 and 2

KH hardly has anything to do with FF anymore. It's the OCs show ft. Disney now. You just have to play KH1, 2, and BBS.

Kingdom Hearts isn't a magic crystal, shadows aren't going crazy, they aren't going crazy because of nobodies, they're not clones, Destiny Island is not a catalyst, nobodies weren't trying to find Mickey, nor was Sora for that matter when the nobodies showed up, there's nothing about the bad guys not having souls, and Cloud's boss battle and the tutorial fight with Riku are mediocre at best.

Just to name stuff off a cursory glance that it completely wrong there. The story isn't that difficult to understand.


It barely had anything to do with FF in the first place. The only significant FF character was Leon, whose importance dropped off as soon as you left Traverse Town.

should've thought of that before they hired the gingerbread man from Shrek to be the new voice

I want Shrek to be in kingdom hearts. Ralph is the closest thing we've got though.

Yes it is, yes they are darkness is literally 99% of enemies, yes they are, yes they are, yes it is, yes they were, yes there is, and that's your opinion

Anything else, sweetie?

Not gonna lie but this is probably one of my favorite incarnations of Mickey.

>Should we check Goofy for a pulse?
>Nah leave that nigga, we got more important shit to do
That said, I can't wait for 3. I gotta get 2.8 soon

>Thinking people take Mickey Mouse seriously, even in KH

Is it tradition for Sup Forums to not know what the fuck it's talking about? It's like you've never even played the games

Who fucking numbers their games that way?
Fucking hell Square, get your shit together.