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this guy was so over his head.
he thought he was a stand up comedian when he really wasnt
What did he mean by this ?
He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!
did americans really do this to blacks?
Americans are sick people.
Americans really enjoyed assplay
>reddit spacing
what did he mean by this?
Yep, and that's the America that Trump was envisioning when he said "Make America Great Again"
I saw his act. He just gets up on stage and starts playing Kramer.
Even behind the scenes filming seinfeld he was a humorless asshole.
Doesn't surprise me he got heckled.
you have to be funny to do the physical comedy shit he does, I think he was just very intense and focused with Seinfeld
definitely not stand up material though
If you cant handle hecklers, stay at home
you now remember the michael richards show
He seemed like a cunt in what behind the scenes stuff I saw of Seinfeld. He threatened to beat Elaine with a two-by-four because she flubbed a scene and laughed.
He just wanted the uneducated white vote.
Happy Black History Month!
I know the bit you're talking about, and in his defense that wasn't said seriously and was apparently in the early hours of the morning and they'd had one of the worst days of filming in the show's history. There's a behind the scenes bit where they talk about how frustrated everyone was then.
He is a bit of a cunt though, I'd agree
That's where people with a brain and culture make a paragraph of one line, you stupid piece of shit.
if theres a cast member who seems like a cung it's jerry, but maybe it's all just part of his comedy
>Have overly physical and silly role that needs good comedic timing and genuine effort to pull off
>You are forced to repeat this take after take after take because some ultrarich heiress who's only on the show for something to do in her spare time repeatedly flubs her lines and laughs about it
Have you guys seen getting in cars with comedians with Jerry? His episode with Michael Richards is the only worth while episode in the whole series.
Nah Jerry is a genuine cunt too. He's demonstrated that time and time again. Apparently he's very loyal to people if they're his friends, but is incredibly rude to everyone else.
See his ranting over Lady Gaga at a baseball game or refusing to hug Kesha for some recent examples of that
I avoid anything Jerry does himself, he's really not a very funny guy
Jerry was in the right on both occasions.
Shut up, stupid
Give that one episode a watch its actually good, but not because Jerry had anything to do with it.
Anyone else just really hate negroes? They act like beasts, not men. I wish every day that Lincoln would've lived to send those monkeys back to Africa. This country would be so much better today.
>Kramer apologizes to afro-Americans
>audience laughs
>"Stop laughing it's not funny"
>it's actually hilarious
How did Jerry get it so wrong? It was gold Jerry! Gold!
he is not a racist, that's what so insane about this
Yes, regardless of what reddit tells you, calling someone a nigger is not being racist.
>not getting the reference
the only thing from Chappelle that makes me laugh
My kind of america
>people i don't like are uneducated
Read: unindoctrinated
Make America Great Again
Wasn't it him on set when Andy Kauffman was purposely fucking up the show? Or was it just him in the movie?
Yeah, you take the monkeys side!
it's time user, you need... you have to go back
I don't hate niggers, that's what's so insane about this!
>it's a "an evil genie punishes kramer by making him into a nigger" episode