So what is it that Sup Forums DOES like?

So what is it that Sup Forums DOES like?

Comics and cartoons


I like pringles steak flavour

I like death and suffering

Traps and beer

The Simpsons season 4


Animals and Nature

>tfw we americans can't get this

Masturbation and self-pity.


I like Inferno Cop.


I'm a big fan of Pepperoni mushroom pizza and hard cider.

>putting mushrooms in pizza

Almost as bad as putting pineapple in pizza.

All of these

I'm a certified Italian (not one of those bullshit italian-american which we despise) and I can guarantee nothing is worse than pineapple on pizza, this is a fact we all agree on

>"/thread"-ing your own post

fuck you. I hate comics and cartoons now just so your statement won't be true.

This isnt Sup Forums

I like crazy fun shit without brakes.

any other answer than this is a lie.

>not liking mushrooms on pizza
>thinking they're anywhere near as bad as pineapples


I don't trust Italians about pizza, I once spend my vacation on Italy and they didn't let me put ketchup in my pizza, they got mad.

uh, of fucking course? because it sucks, thank god they didn't let you
you know who does that here? children, that's who
don't disrespect our foods like that

you are disgusting


>ketchup on pizza

no wonder they got mad