Is this the only bit of Marvel Comic news from SDCC?

Is this the only bit of Marvel Comic news from SDCC?

I'm actually kind of excited for this.

Why would anyone get excited for a normal captain america, when this is what he should have been all along?

Well... It's mark waid. That's mostly why I'm excited.

>being excited for modern Waid
Not even with a rented dick.

Depends on what Waid do we get

Do we get the Mark Waid that wrote Daredevil or do we get the Waid that writes Champions ("Not All Internment Camps").

After all, a story about heroes going around the US, to try to connect with the common man really never works. (JMS Grounded everyone?)

I guess we should just waid and see?

>characters should remain static

His Daredevil was really good and his Avengers is decent.

I actually really liked ANAD Avengers for what it was. Not ever touching Champions, though.

They announced Thompson & Bachalo on Spider-Man vs. Deadpool but didn't bother to show a high resoultion image for one of their top artists.

The cover got me excited, but I realized a second later it'll be Waid turning his tweets into prose.

Bait fatigue has really set in. I see it all over the site. I'm sorry, user, at least you tried.

Waid writes a good Captain America, but I'm not sure if current Waid is still good at writing him.

Man Out of Time was 6 years ago so eh. Maybe he still has it.

Also six Legacy one-shots increasing the respective canceled series issue numbers by one are announced at the retailer lunch with no creative teams (yet).

I think going the Hard Travelled Heroes route could work for Cap coming back from Secret Empire. It didn't work for Superman because the justification for it was dumb, and having him walk across the country making weird solipsistic platitudes seemingly about how things like racism and domestic abuse are bad to random ass people was dull and pointless. It worked for Green Lantern and Green Arrow in the past too. Hopefully Waid can do a better job with tackling social issues here than in Champions given that he's writing an adult character he's written good stories about in the past.

I bet you don't even read comics.

>Do we get the Mark Waid that wrote Daredevil or do we get the Waid that writes Champions ("Not All Internment Camps").
Both pretty much the same, but one is more tame.


You guys are seeing the bottom right, right?

>It's Mark Waid on an easily politicized character.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong? Based Marvel.

The same team wrote Black Widow like 4 month ago and it was good. His Avengers is pretty decent and cap's kooky quartet was fun mini. Sup Forums is ignoring this and count only shit like Champions.

Yeah. Has Spider-Man's public menace thing going on but for Cap.

I'm glad Las Vegas still blew up. Scumbag land.

>He's going all out.jpg

>It's Mark Waid on an easily politicized character.
You know Mark Waid wrote Captain America before and it was good, right?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums or wherever the fuck you came from.

They announced Bachalo and Cates as the new team over Thanos.

You mean Geof Shaw

honestly what the fuck happened to Waid
he went from the best Flash Runs in history and Kingdom Come to fucking champions

Trying hard not to

Wah wah write a comic with politics you dont like.


>series that always was ridiculously tongue-in-cheek campy makes reference that might date it

>Cap joins Antifa

no u

Nice, Samnee practically guarantees the issues will be cherry. He's to Waid what Lieber is to Spencer. Apart from them they're crap but together they shit out something gud.

Sup Forums ignores them because they're like ok at best. (With BW being the best of them) These books haven't been storytimed at all because of how apathetic Sup Forums is to them.

You mean his runs 20+ years ago? Yeah I'm sure modern Waid is going to be JUST like he was back then.

no he didn't you idiot. There's a passage of time there where his autism slowly starts getting worse and worse. He's already confirmed a major sperg back in the 90s when a newcomer fellow co-worker just saw him losing it like fucking screaming and crying at the phone and shit in the morning and his other co-workers telling him that's just business as usual for Waid

I hated his FF and KC, too. I have never had more than a tepid response to anything writes.
His name on a book is deal breaker for me and has been since I finished his FF.

>Steve blatantly calls himself a SJW and joins college protests based on Antifa

not very caught up with modern marvel, so does las vegas just not exist anymore?

do you really think steve wouldnt, though likely not publicly, support/share the ideals of antifa?

So is Spencer OUT?

I find it incredibly transparent and insincere that they put Steve back in his classic costume as an attempt to say he's back to normal.

Can't wait for his new sidekick, The Bike Lock

Steve is pretty vocally against domestic political violence no matter who the instigator is, user.


I agree, but it is the best design, so imma let it slide.
If you have Kirby or Cockrum designs you should probably use them.

Fuck off and dont turn this into a pol/tumblr shitfest thanks

youre right, im sorry

Cap's new arch nemesis will be the villain 2Scoops.

Wonder if this means Spencer will no longer write for Marvel.

He's taking over Spider-Man.

Rumor is that Spencer's getting ASM after #800 and Slott's getting his own vanity Spider-Man book and that, to appease the fat fuck's ego, Slott's book is going not be bound by scheduling so he can be as late as he wants to be plus the fact that Spencer's going to be under tight editorial supervision (mainly the notion that Spencer has to write low tech villains and NYC fetish porn, while Slott gets to do all of the "important" shit in terms of being the only one allowed to do big stories/changes to the status quo).

Basically the same shit we have going on with King and Snyder: King may write the main book, but Snyder basically can veto anything King comes up with and Snyder, not King, gets DC's marketing machine behind his stuff.

can someone post the original story about this I want to read it again

If it's Superior Foes' Spencer then I'm kinda ok with that, but if it is CAP Spencer, then it's gonna be terrible.

Also, that would mean 3 Spidey/Peter books counting Zdarsky's own book, right?

That said if it is Superior Foes' Spencer doing ASM... what's the point of Zdarsky's PPSPM?

Does that mean Slott has let his grubby hand go of the hero?


Agreed. Marvel has been so fucking boring this year.

>Snyder, not King, gets DC's marketing machine behind his stuff.
This is bullshit. DC is out there shilling King on social media all the time.

This is a really stupid rumor. Slott himself has said he's not stopping ASM.

Zdarsky is being kicked off his book to make room for Slott, with Zdarsky getting Marvel Two-In-One (the Fantastic Four replacement book) to keep him from rioting.

Jeez... can Zdarsky last more than 10 issues as a writer of something? Not that I care too much about his sense of humor.

In all honesty, I'd rather talk to Steve Murray, and not his Chip Zdarsky persona.

So far the only bit of news I care about is the creative team to take over Spider-Man and Deadpool now that Joe and Ed are gone.

I thought the numbering was meant to include a character's minis.

Shouldn't the War of Kings stuff have counted for Darkhawk?

>with Zdarsky getting Marvel Two-In-One (the Fantastic Four replacement book)
What is that?

A book where Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm team up with Moon Girl

>bitch non stop about Grounded
>literally does Captain America: Grounded 7 years later
Fuck you Waid

>Marvel Legacy
>ignores the family with the biggest legacy in marvel comics
fuck this

No, that's just happening for a story in Moon Girl's book. Otherwise, it'd be Three-in-One.

>Waid on Cap again
What a museum of great news.