Previous Thread:

Previous Thread:
It's all come down to an end,
The Mob is settling old offensives.
And he days of heroes are numbered.
Unless Kick-Ass does something about it.

This is-
Kick-Ass Book Four: The End of Kick-Ass

And here we go....

This is the most sensitive of the Kick-Asses.





















Best villain...or only good villain, depending on your takeaway.


















I liked Kickass 3

I thought it was honestly the only good one.


It's the best written one, yeah haha.
But the Hit-Girl mini is...pretty entertaining in its way.

X-men TAS had the GOAT OP


It really did.

But Spider-Man's electro-grumbled "Spidddermaaan" sticks too




Didn't feel like storytiming the whole thing I guess?

Part 1 and 2 would be more suitable for this IMO.

But its your show


I storytime Kick-Ass once a year - because I love storytiming Kick-Ass.

I did 1 on Wednesday, Hit-Girl on Thursday, 2 yesterday, and 3 today.

What do you think "Previous thread" in the OP is about?




Fuck this guy is hilarious


Oh huh, your storytimes got lost in the big SOP round up thats being posted in other threads.

Nevermind then


Yeah, I had no idea that was going to happen.

This is my fourth year doing complete Kick-Ass and it's usually in July/August.

Except its not storytime of pain is it, its just a storytime.

I'm gonna shut up now.

It's a storytime of having fun I guess.

2 is complete shit, but it's just really dumb fun otherwise.









Lucky dude.




























